The College Basketball Post

^ the *#%@ you mean Flynn and Harris... You Mean Boehiem, Jonny did all he could do to avoid this tragedy... yea Dugga made a stupid !%! play at the end, butthe damn coach shouldv'e been stressing to them to get the damn ball to Jonny

He just $*$$@@@ sits there and wonders why the outcome is what it is
NC state just fell apart
and that was an awful call when dude clearly got hooked
'Cuse blew it 2...that t.o. at the end was actually pretty funny 2 me
Sidney Lowe can't coach for !@*$. He didn't use either of his 2 timeouts available at the end, didn't foul at the end knowing his team would onlyhave 3 seconds to go the length of the court, and didn't have Hickson on the floor for that last offensive possession.
I'm not even going to mention the officiating.
petey yup wrote: We have a group of Freshmen meaning as the season progresses, the team will improve.

You can think that Lville will end up better then Cuse if you feel that way, but Lville is in a lot more trouble as of now then Cuse...

I hate to pull this out cuz it was so long ago, but every time Syracuse loses I think about it and laugh...
Originally Posted by tmay407

petey yup wrote: We have a group of Freshmen meaning as the season progresses, the team will improve.

You can think that Lville will end up better then Cuse if you feel that way, but Lville is in a lot more trouble as of now then Cuse...

I hate to pull this out cuz it was so long ago, but every time Syracuse loses I think about it and laugh...

I give him credit, he's an optimist... wouldn't hurt him to be a bit more realistic about his team though from now on, especially if they'regoing to continue giving important games away.
Nothing can express my anger right now. The refs didn't make us lose, Cuse played not to lose instead of playing to win. Boeheim is a *$%+%%+ idiot! Whystop scoring when we were hot?! It's time to hand the chart to Hopkins. It's obvious who's the REAL coach. Paul Harris with his mistakes when it*$%+%%+ counted! Thanks for nothing but wasting my time this year with your pitiful play and half-assed attempts at showing up.

2007-08 season is officially a BUST.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by tmay407

petey yup wrote: We have a group of Freshmen meaning as the season progresses, the team will improve.

You can think that Lville will end up better then Cuse if you feel that way, but Lville is in a lot more trouble as of now then Cuse...

I hate to pull this out cuz it was so long ago, but every time Syracuse loses I think about it and laugh...

I give him credit, he's an optimist... wouldn't hurt him to be a bit more realistic about his team though from now on, especially if they're going to continue giving important games away.

petey yup wrote:
No bubble talks for us GUARANTEED.
@ Rice thus far.....yet Carolina will find a way to stay in this game once the pace slows down.
Unbelievable performace. Roy needs to put Ginyard on him like the first game. Ty can't guard him with that bad wheel.
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

The Texas A&M Roller Coaster continues...

i been watch Georgetown/Marquette (good game) and i flipped it over only to see a blowout.
get that crap over so i can watch my Golden Gophers.
i hope kentucky somehow does get in. they'll be an easy team to pick to lose 1st round. there really isn't any team on the bubble right now that can doany damage if they get in (minus k-state obv and maybe zona).
Congratulations to Coach K on 800
is there any doubt that he will be the winningest coach when it's all said and done??

Good Luck to Syracuse in the NIT.
How the hell are they gonna let Pittcomeback

Tyrese Rice is cooking right now, lets hope he keeps it up
My Guy Tyrese

I been telling y'all all year but y'all ain't wanna listen....


Like I PG in the ACC.....
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