The College Basketball Post

Pritchert is just a big kid using his size the way he should fundamentally sound

I'm impressed with the kid Rowe, looks like he should develope nicely under Izzo

Holiday looks like he's could be monster at UCLA as well

And that was a huge shot by the freshman, No Fear
For those talkin about the zags, ive seen them play once against UConn and they looked pretty good, albeit uconn had alotta chances to win the game but Pargois a definite gamechanger. They will be a problem come march
Originally Posted by SCuse7

Originally Posted by I Wear Sneakers

high school ball om espn2 tonight if anyone is interested.


What recruits are playing in it?
the Marshall County Hoop Fest starts tommorrow. I haven't decided if I'll go or not, it's a pretty good drive for me.

some real good teams and players...

DeAndre Liggins (UK)
Samardo Samuels (UL)
Brandon Jennings (AZ)
Clarence Trent ('09)
Keith Gallon ('09, UK target)

Michael Jordan is also suppossed to be there, his son's (Marcus) team is playing.

ESPN is going to air the #1 Oak Hill and #2 St. Benedict game on the 13th.

Marshall County HoopFest

Tyreke Evens and Lance Stephenson are here in Louisville playing at Freedom Hall tommorrow night. I ain't decided if im going to go to that or not either.
Anthony Randolph and Chris Johnson are the slimmest front court combo in the country...Bar none. 6'11" 220 and 6'11" 190 respectively...Wow.

Randolph is a monster though
wildKYcat wrote:DeAndre Liggins (UK)
Samardo Samuels (UL)
Brandon Jennings (AZ)
Clarence Trent ('09)
Keith Gallon ('09, UK target)

Those two can really play. I have seen them a number of times. I don't know about the other 3 but Jennings is great.
nice job choking the game away LSU

Anthony Randolphn is a beast tho was hoping UCLA would get him

Whatever happened to the ONE nova fan we had here that would get into it with me and galen? Dude was convinced they were going to win the title with that 4guard offense... he talked so much @@%! about how great they were and how nobody could touch them come march... funny i don't hear or see him talk now thathis team's back to being mediocre.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Whatever happened to the ONE nova fan we had here that would get into it with me and galen? Dude was convinced they were going to win the title with that 4 guard offense... he talked so much @@%! about how great they were and how nobody could touch them come march... funny i don't hear or see him talk now that his team's back to being mediocre.
what happened to Galen?

that nova fan you talking about, i remember him, think his SN was "LittleAI" or something???
Yup, Olsen done for the season.

I left when LSU was up 15 with like 8 mins left.....WOW @ nova coming back to win that...

Nothing really on tommorow.....

Saturday though

Mich St @ BYU
Kentucky@ Indiana
Dayton@ LVILLE
St Marys@ SD St.
Purdue@ Mizzu
RIU@ Cuse
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Fest starts tommorrow. I haven't decided if I'll go or not, it's a pretty good drive for me.

some real good teams and players...

DeAndre Liggins (UK)
Samardo Samuels (UL)
Brandon Jennings (AZ)
Clarence Trent ('09)
Keith Gallon ('09, UK target)

Michael Jordan is also suppossed to be there, his son's (Marcus) team is playing.

ESPN is going to air the #1 Oak Hill and #2 St. Benedict game on the 13th.

Marshall County HoopFest

Tyreke Evens and Lance Stephenson are here in Louisville playing at Freedom Hall tommorrow night. I ain't decided if im going to go to that or not either.
I'M STILL TIGHT HE RE-NIGGED ON DUKE we could've used him next yr but instead he goes to a guard heavy AZ squad
cousin is nice tho. Isaw him last yr against Pooh even tho he wasn't physically built enough to guard Pooh, not too many point guards are as your seeing on the college level,he stepped up to the challenge and then some. Gave Oak Hill a chance to win it in the end.
Brandon Jennings is amazing. Like P MAC ONE states he definitely chose the right school. In the uptempo offense he's going to be damn near impossible tostop in the open court especially with weapons like Bayless (please God Budinger too).
Originally Posted by dfresh244

Brandon Jennings is amazing. Like P MAC ONE states he definitely chose the right school. In the uptempo offense he's going to be damn near impossible to stop in the open court especially with weapons like Bayless (please God Budinger too).

Hadn't he first committed to USC?
Hadn't he first committed to USC?
Yeah Jennings committed to SC i think early in his jr. year. Guess he later decided UA would be a better fit and also a chance to play withBayless.
Originally Posted by DMONEY23444

WildKYcat- any updates on meeks and jasper????

Hopefully jasper can play, we need bradley off the ball a little more.
both are still out and no word on when they'll return.
jennings should have stayed with usc. he and derozan are good friends and would have been a crazy combo
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Whatever happened to the ONE nova fan we had here that would get into it with me and galen? Dude was convinced they were going to win the title with that 4 guard offense... he talked so much @@%! about how great they were and how nobody could touch them come march... funny i don't hear or see him talk now that his team's back to being mediocre.
what happened to Galen?

that nova fan you talking about, i remember him, think his SN was "LittleAI" or something???

Yeah - it was defintely little something, or lil something... i dunno, i'm just glad he's gone.

And gaelen ended up getting banned, i think for something in general forum.. he never came back as far as I know. fresh celebrated, i'm sure.
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