The College Basketball Post

They might not, Kansas nor Self give me a lot of confidence...but I think this year's team is different.

Just lookin at the brackets,
@ UNC or Duke getting the 1 seed inthe East, and not having to leave the state
Originally Posted by allen3xis

Yeah, I think Kansas can do it because of how they can get after on D. And their frontcourt.

Both teams are loaded...and imo, a notch above. I think they would beat Duke, UNC soundly.....and UCLA would be a challenge.

I'd like another shot at Memphis on a neutral court, too. But I'll leave my team out of it.

I think Memphis D has been overlooked, they defend and pressure the ball just about as good as anyone. I worry about their FT shooting in an Elite 8, National Semi final game tho...

I like them better than the past 2 years because of Rose....I think he's the guy in a tie game on the big stage you give the ball to and let him go to the rim.

Yea i agree. Their defense is overlooked. They pressure the ball so well with the guards. Dorsey and Dozier can block inside.

The thing i worry about i Dorsey and/or Dozier getting in trouble.

If one team was to beat Memphis besides Kansas i think UCLA would be best suited to. They are battle tested and have won big games. There defense is great.Collison and Rose would be a good match up. Holland makes his teams so disciplined, they rarely make big mistakes.

That would be a great matchup. One team runs and scores. Other defends tough and uses 20+ on shot clock quite a bit.

I worry about a few things. The foul trouble inside. It seems like Dorsey usually gets in some and he is a huge force inside.
UNC, Kansas and UCLA would all beat memphis. i just look back at the USC VS memphis game for a blue print on how to beat mephis even VS the zags. If youhave a front court like all 3 of them teams do you will beat Memphis. If SC had got anything out of there big man that night they would have won. both the zagsand SC guard play kept them in the game back lack of bigs lost it for them. UNC,Kansas and UCLA have both to beat memphis
i actually see UCLA matchin up with Memphis over Kansas
yes, our defense i overlooked...but not only that, we got great depth on the bench
not too many play with that intensity and can run a 10-11 man rotation
Cal got them boys right this yr, and Rose and Taggert coud be those missing puzzle pieces
Coach Cal may surprise all and be COY
dont doubt it
I strongly disagree on UNC....they play no D. They've given up 80+ in 5 of the last 6...

They can't run a half court set. And I still think they lack a go to guy on the wing

The one thing they have goin for them in a game against Memphis would be Tyler getting Dorsey into foul trouble. But if the refs don't give him the calls,they don't win
UNC, Kansas and UCLA would all beat memphis. i just look back at the USC VS memphis game for a blue print on how to beat mephis even VS the zags. If you have a front court like all 3 of them teams do you will beat Memphis. If SC had got anything out of there big man that night they would have won. both the zags and SC guard play kept them in the game back lack of bigs lost it for them. UNC,Kansas and UCLA have both to beat memphis
What are you basing any of this on? You think memphis has a weak frontcourt?
Georgetown is no final four team, theyve seemed weak to me lately, i would need to see some more big time wins to put them in a final 4
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

Can i ask what you're basing that pick on?
Kansas nor Self give me a lot of confidence

if i were to fill out a bracket today based on that Bracketology, my Final 4 would be Georgetown, MSU, UNC and Memphis.

I could easily envision MANY scenarios where not one of those teams makes it... I mean, if you want to talk about not having confidence in a coach, howabout Roy Williams? When has he ever performed up to par with his OWN players? the whole kansas stigma mostly comes from HIM. but you don't hesitateputting the tarheels in the final four? And Georgetown? Hey, they're a good squad, no doubt - but final four good right now? Ehhh...

Taking away any personal feelings towards programs, the team with the best argument for being favorite to win the title is kansas right now. and vegas evenagrees with that.
What are you basing any of this on? You think memphis has a weak frontcourt?
you have to keep them off the boards is my point. dont they lead the nation in offense rebounds?
I could easily envision MANY scenarios where not one of those teams makes it.
that's a fickle argument, because the same could be said about ANY 4 teams. nothing is a certainty, especially when March rolls around. as faras my uncertainty with Kansas, it's definitely more of a personal grudge
i won't even try to hide that. i've lost SO much money the last 5years because of them. (and it would only be fitting that this year, i refuse to give them the benefit of the doubt and they go and win it all
) i'mnot denying their talent, but when they fail to live up to their expectations time and time again, consistently having top 10 talent and falling well short oftheir potential, i'm gonna have a hard time buying it.

all i'm saying is, based on that bracket scenario, those would be my picks for the Final 4. only time will tell...
Originally Posted by blazinjkid

I could easily envision MANY scenarios where not one of those teams makes it.
that's a fickle argument, because the same could be said about ANY 4 teams. nothing is a certainty, especially when March rolls around. as far as my uncertainty with Kansas, it's definitely more of a personal grudge
i won't even try to hide that. i've lost SO much money the last 5 years because of them. (and it would only be fitting that this year, i refuse to give them the benefit of the doubt and they go and win it all
) i'm not denying their talent, but when they fail to live up to their expectations time and time again, consistently having top 10 talent and falling well short of their potential, i'm gonna have a hard time buying it.

all i'm saying is, based on that bracket scenario, those would be my picks for the Final 4. only time will tell...

Fair enough - i was just curious where you were coming from on that one, at least you're honest man.. i'm the same way with certain other programs.

you have to keep them off the boards is my point. dont they lead the nation in offense rebounds?
They're 10th in terms of offensive rebounds per missed shot... that's the true statistic you're looking for as it's based onpercentage of offensive rebounds gained, not just pure number of them attained.

So yeah - you've gotta keep them off the glass. But the best part of Memphis' game right now is their defense - they're ranked #1 in defensiveefficiency and 3rd in effective field goal percentage given up... they are a problem on defense, i suspect mostly because they have a lot of length (similar tokansas) and pressure the ball all over the court, causing havoc for an offense.

I don't know how you beat that, really, on paper... you just have to force them to take a lot of outside shots on offense, and be sure to not give up anyeasy transition baskets to them. They are imposing, no doubt about it.
Originally Posted by NotoriousLAR

SCuse. rare to hear good wishes from a SU fan, the game next week at your place really scares me, best of luck

Yea i won't lie. Uconn is one of my other teams i like to watch follow.

Of course i always want to beat them, i realize you guys can be good. Yea we need that win badly.

and ill be there
Not impressive...I'm not sure what isn't impressive about 17-2 (7-1) with two losses @ Memphis and @ Pitt

We are final 4 good and my reasoning...

Experience....look at how many close games this group has been in. The last 6 games to be decided on the last possession, we've won. It eventually stopsbeing a product of good fortune. Poised more than any other team in the country

Roy Hibbert - If anything, he makes sure we don't get upset in Round 1. He's stepped up now and hitting his stride.

Jessie Sapp has quietly become one of the best guards, in not only the BE, the country.

JT3 - you can't name me 5 better coaches.

Defense - #1 team in FG %...around 33% now after last night

I'm not saying we'll be there, but the thoughts of us not being impressive or overrated is a little foolish.

We don't blow teams out, we didn't last year. But we beat BC, Vandy and UNC in close games to get there.

Answer me this, if Duke and Gtown are #1 and #2 seeds in the East, who are you picking?

I just needed to defend them right now
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