The Combat Jack Show Thread

Dudes do the analyzation of Joe for everything he does since Tax and Charlamagne and it's weird.

Just listed to the pod for entertainment or don't. It really ain't that deep.
What happen?

I didn't watch those shows.

This is Joe's show. What don't you guys get about that? He can do what he wants with it. At first dudes whined about Mal and Rory, and now dudes are whining about Ice and Ish. They are employees. Unless you're management what employer goes to their employees about who they hire and their business decisions.

It's like you dudes are complaining just to complain. Watch, listen or don't.

That's facts. It's his show, he can do whatever he wants and when he complains about awkward silences and dudes not "podding" he gotta hold that.

after the Kanye stuff this is funny :lol:

Keith seems like the one who isn't well?

Keith Murray is a def a funny and random line for NORE and that show to be concerned bout mental health and substance abuse

we know they really only care bout the views and convo from these episodes
Keith been a substance abuser for over 30 years. At this point his body is USE to being like that.

He’s past the point of no return. His body probably doesn’t even know what it feels like to be sober anymore
Keith been a substance abuser for over 30 years. At this point his body is USE to being like that.

He’s past the point of no return. His body probably doesn’t even know what it feels like to be sober anymore

Keith used to mix dust with weed.

With many that causes a chemical imbalance in their brain.

Saw that happen to my man. Came back from the summer hearing about him hanging with the wrong people. The next time Is saw him, makes your behavior mad erratic :smh:
Keith used to mix dust with weed.

With many that causes a chemical imbalance in their brain.

Saw that happen to my man. Came back from the summer hearing about him hanging with the wrong people. The next time Is saw him, makes your behavior mad erratic :smh:

My uncle was on hard and soft. My moms got a call late night that my uncle was running down the street naked. Her and my grandmother had to get him and the cops had to baker act him.

He used to try and buy crack from a cousin of ours who was dealer. My cousin used to refuse.

Hurt me to see him like that. He was never really the same. Had all kinds of paranoia and erratic behavior.
Yeah. That dust in the weed stuff is real. Happened to a kid I knew in middle school in Mount Vernon. Kid went off to summer break after 7th grade, came back to 8th grade dusted bad. Like, paranoid and brain damaged bad. They had to put him in the special classes and all. His brain was probably too underdeveloped to be doing that. Wild part is that there was a rumor that he was smoking with the older cats and they didn’t tell him what was in the blunt. :smh:
Joe always had some hate for Mike :lol:

What exactly did he "do" to her? She's a victim?One of our sistahs? Ain't she a latina.

What Boosie say "it be the ones from your own city...".

I was glad he said it

because people pick sides on if they like the person. If a black male that isn't attractive to them said that, women would have been in an uproar.

It was corny calling her out, especially since he was wrong. If you're going to stunt you can do it in a cooler way. She handled it mad professional.
Joe always had some hate for Mike :lol:

What exactly did he "do" to her? She's a victim?One of our sistahs? Ain't she a latina.

What Boosie say "it be the ones from your own city...".

Nah, I think she's either black and white or black and Latina.

She claims black.

Because she's light might be why she didn't get more support.
I always cringe when this ***** try to play white knight given his history

That's how he sets himself up, because he's in a no win situation. It's like Chris Brown. It doesn't matter if you're right.

but he goes viral and it's free advertisement for the pod so he wins.

It's just funny how he can say it now, because when he was with Tahiry or Kaityln he was digging the hole even deeper.
Nah, I think she's either black and white or black and Latina.

She claims black.

Because she's light might be why she didn't get more support.

I saw on Twitter somebody say she was claiming latina on love and hip hop, I don't know. Either way she took a L. It was funny but it's ok, it happens.

Then Joe bringing up Mike dating a white girl :lol: He was just with Lori Harvey. What does that got to do with the price of tea in china?
I saw on Twitter somebody say she was claiming latina on love and hip hop, I don't know. Either way she took a L. It was funny but it's ok, it happens.

Then Joe bringing up Mike dating a white girl :lol: He was just with Lori Harvey. What does that got to do with the price of tea in china?

A lot of black women didn't like MBJ and thought he only dated women Dr Umar wouldn't approve of.

You know black women can date whoever and still claim their blackness, but the time a black man dates outside his race that's what he prefers and he's excommunicated.

That's another reason Chris Brown gets it. If over the past 15 years he was linked to black women that Rihanna situation wouldn't be as big. The closest I think he's had is Karrauche.
Keith been a substance abuser for over 30 years. At this point his body is USE to being like that.

He’s past the point of no return. His body probably doesn’t even know what it feels like to be sober anymore
Not on the same scale but my wife’s best friend been drinking a bottle a day since she was 18, 19. She’s seen a lot, so I get it, but to your point when you abuse anything for that long you’ve now trained your brain and body to need that. She’s to the point now where she don’t even eat. No appetite
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