The Combat Jack Show Thread

WHY WOULD YOU KEEP DOING BUSINESS WITH SOMEONE, who has finagled you time and time again?

That’s kind of idiotic. Dude has played with your money on countless occasions, but you think on the most recent of occasions, that it’ll be different?

Absolutely not. If you keep letting someone bird feed you after decades of friendship, then, you’re silly.

They been should’ve lawyered up or cut ties

It’s hard cutting ties with someone you came up with and you still traveling the world for years and making hundreds of thousands a year.

I think he even talked about why didn’t he handle the “holding money” “late payment” ****.

It was on B High or his IG live.

I liked how Nelly’s nephew (he adopted) jumped on and was like what you doing? You like my uncle, you helped raise me.
28:00 mark

Wax is done....

degenerate423 degenerate423 1stwitit 1stwitit

I have a lot to say on this subject but I’d have to make too many qualifying statements to really get into it.

But. I will say she finally got to the most important part of this whole situation which is, “if I had sat myself down BEFORE this situation then none of it would have happened”. Most of us get into relationships without knowing who we are and what we want and don’t want. That mind set of “waiting on the right one to compete me” is the wrong way to go about it.
It’s hard cutting ties with someone you came up with and you still traveling the world for years and making hundreds of thousands a year.

I think he even talked about why didn’t he handle the “holding money” “late payment” ****.

It was on B High or his IG live.

I liked how Nelly’s nephew (he adopted) jumped on and was like what you doing? You like my uncle, you helped raise me.

Dudes keep coming into a known untrustworthy industry with the "that's my mans" dealings instead of getting the paperwork and structure right.
A lot of them do, but you can’t tell with some of them. I imagine there are more functioning meth addicts out there than we realize. The drug’s been popular for more than 20 years now, so there’s probably a few of them who figured out the tricks of the trade to keep their appearance in tact so as to ward off suspicion.
Don’t most meth heads lose their teeth?

Wealthy drug abusers tend to be able to navigate a little differently. Where I’m from, a multi-millionaire drug user is considered a “powerhouse”. A dope boy literally will stop whatever he’s doing to serve him. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:. Dude might not have to bust a lick for weeks because some rich dude spends $5000-10,000+ every time.

But rich addicts tend to not look like a poor junkie who panhandles or sells plasma to get his fix
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