The Combat Jack Show Thread

I didn't go for a career. I went because it was important to my mom that I go because no one in my family had.

There is a level of maturity you gain that bridges high school and "the real world" IMO. Obviously there will be exceptions to the rule and people who are already self sufficient coming out of HS. Who already had jobs, managed their finances, their space etc.

But more often than not, you're going to get help from your parents because they're there. Every day. In college, they're not there every day. So you kind of have to take it up a notch.

I could feel that I came out of college a different person. But I was a little unhinged in NY in HS and probably needed the change of scenery. But I would say even under different circumstances, the end result is the same.

Plus having your own room with no parents and all them females.....priceless.

It's all going to be relative to the person but from what I see around me in relatives/peoples that didn't go or didn't finish, the **** pays off in the end.
A lot of those people are not in debt because of just their loans. They're in debt because they don't know how to spend responsibly. Same reason people go into too much debt when they get married.

People in general spend their money on dumb ****. I cleared out my student loans in a timely manner. But that's how I operate. Outside of a mortgage, I don't have a drop of debt anywhere.

I'd rather pay some **** off quick than pay interest on anything.
you should hold a seminar for people with sports car type debt. Know a girl thats studing advanced medicine and her parents paid a half mill already.
A lot of these things sound good in theory. It's actual praxis where it's not quite that simple.

But to each their own. Just my perspective from my experiences and what I see around me and it worked damn well for me.

you should hold a seminar for people with sports car type debt. Know a girl thats studing advanced medicine and her parents paid a half mill already.

I don't know the specifics here. But I also went to work after my Bachelor's. I'm not really an academic like that.

My wife is a Dr. though and we good.
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Dallas posted a pic of a young girl in short shorts on the train and talked about how she looked rapey and needed a better upbringing. That brought out all the White feminists. That **** was a feeding frenzy. He shouldn't have posted her face, that was the biggest problem. He apologized tho and took all those flicks down. I wonder if he'll address it on Newly Weds or Pete's show. He said Chocolate Snowflake was really upset. I've met them both, great people. Dallas just had a brain fart that turned into an IG fart.
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i would argue that working and not going to college would give someone much more invaluable experiences. The whole college experience is pretty much the outlier years in most people life, meaning that a lot of the things done in college aren't really going to prep you for the real world, but then again i guess it all depends on the upbringing you had prior to going away.

Why wouldn't it?

Many people who go to college also have jobs or work study.

Plus you can get internships in your field or one you have interest in.

People who are meant to be successful will be successful no matter what. College is a tool.

I don't necessarily think this is true

A lot of times you might be inspired by someone or someone might give you a push.

or people you interact with
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Dallas posted a pic of a young girl in short shorts on the train and talked about how she looked rapey and needed a better upbringing. That brought out all the White feminists. That **** was a feeding frenzy. He shouldn't have posted her face, that was the biggest problem. He apologized tho and took all those flicks down. I wonder if he'll address it on Newly Weds or Pete's show. He said Chocolate Snowflake was really upset. I've met them both, great people. Dallas just had a brain fart that turned into an IG fart.

He was out of line but that **** got OD when the feminist brigade came through calling him a "rapist".

He kind of fueled the fire by keeping it going before his wife seemingly put him in check and he apologized and took everything down.
College ain't for everyone, but you can go there and still take away connections for later down the line if you find yourself stuck.

CTG must really feel some type of way about Everyday Struggle. He's passively trying to break the show up it feels like.
seemed like he was warning akademiks of geting his brand tarnished by being known for being yelled at by joe.

hearing what people say about ctg, it seems like a legit lookout, because it isn't a zero sum game; i don't know that this space is necessary that competitive just yet...and had the show continued to just be joe budden screamin' on akademiks ft some chick you don't really know, it isn't be a good look for akademiks

Was just listening to that college debate. Couldn't help but feel like they were being defensive. You definitely don't need college to be successful, but I think they were missing the point of personal growth on your own in a challenging and nurturing environment.

Book smarts only go so far, but the life experience some people get through college is invaluable.

People don't see that part of it. It's bigger than the class room.

That's why I hate people who go to their local college, and then say college is like high school. Yeah it is, because you go to class and come home and still stay with your parents and hang around the same people. Your college experience isn't the same. You remained in your comfort zone.

for some college is like high school, and even in some professional organizations, the way you have to navigate cliques (frats, cool kids, athletes, bookworms, etc.)and their influence, though not the same, is similar...

Was just listening to that college debate. Couldn't help but feel like they were being defensive. You definitely don't need college to be successful, but I think they were missing the point of personal growth on your own in a challenging and nurturing environment.

Book smarts only go so far, but the life experience some people get through college is invaluable.

i would argue that working and not going to college would give someone much more invaluable experiences. The whole college experience is pretty much the outlier years in most people life, meaning that a lot of the things done in college aren't really going to prep you for the real world, but then again i guess it all depends on the upbringing you had prior to going away.

i think this depends on what the end goal is, but i definitely believe that experience is more valuable than education (ideally it would be both), especially these days where there are so many tools available to get self-started. it just is that most either aren't aware, don't take advantage of, or take the time to explore the tools available that would enable them to get where they want to be, it feels like we have even become sort of blinded by the idea that college is necessary to level up...some people do need the somewhat loosely structured environment & freedom or the focused study of higher ed, but i do feel college education has almost become more signaling/symbolic and a way to weed out people, and we need to get away from the narrative that college is the easy pass to being middle class or a high earner, because it does seem that it is nearly the same return on investment it once was...
Joe x Charlemagne would be awesome.

overkill, you need a straight man to balance out da convo.

yet to listen

even though Charl and Joe are "cool" I feel like there is  some passive aggressiveness between the two

da reality is Joe Budden plays da same position CTG does, but since everyday struggle isn't as political connected to da industry vs say a record station, there's more leeway in keeping in [emoji]128175[/emoji], and that could potential cannibalizes what Charlemagne does for a living.

that L.A. Reid rant was something you would only be privy to if you was a insider in da industry, just a few years ago.
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The Joe and Ak stuff was interesting

One, Schulz doesn't need to discuss hip hop

Two, Charlamagne has said this stuff to Joe

Three, it's hard to take those two serious, when he met all lives matter Schulz hijack the show for two years.

Four, it seemed like some hate and he's planting seeds for the future. Like saying Ice, Mal and Rory don't like Ak and they're jealous. And they don't feel he deserves it.

for some college is like high school, and even in some professional organizations, the way you have to navigate cliques (frats, cool kids, athletes, bookworms, etc.)and their influence, though not the same, is similar...

Anything is what you make of it.

You can say the same about corporate america

Everything is about friendships, relationships and fitting in.
If Joe had a good experience with LA business wise, he wouldn't of said any of that but he's trying to make it seem like it's about his moral compass. If you're really disgusted and concerned about a sexual predator being in the industry that you claim you don't care about why are you just now sharing this?

LA offering internships and jobs for on site barely legal vagina

Joe offering immediate shelter/green card, a IG model/love and hip hop gig, and atleast 10K new followers for on site barely legal vagina

**** is dumb most of these dudes are creeps :lol:
da reality is Joe Budden plays da same position CTG does, but since everyday struggle isn't as political connected to da industry vs say a record station, there's more leeway in keeping in [emoji]128175[/emoji], and that could potential cannibalizes what Charlemagne does for a living.

that L.A. Reid rant was something you would only be privy to if you was a insider in da industry, just a few years ago.

this is a big stretch Joe & charlamagne have two completely different styles & charlamagne is WAY more calculated in his approach. Charlamagne is looking to go the Howard Stern route, aka he tells the truth but he doesn't put himself into situations that will completely kill relationships. As they said on the podcast joe is a Kamikaze, it's entertaining as **** but after awhile it will stop him from getting further if he always on attack mode.
If Joe had a good experience with LA business wise, he wouldn't of said any of that but he's trying to make it seem like it's about his moral compass. If you're really disgusted and concerned about a sexual predator being in the industry that you claim you don't care about why are you just now sharing this?

LA offering internships and jobs for on site barely legal vagina

Joe offering immediate shelter/green card, a IG model/love and hip hop gig, and atleast 10K new followers for on site barely legal vagina

**** is dumb most of these dudes are creeps :lol:

Joe did that once

this is a big stretch Joe & charlamagne have two completely different styles & charlamagne is WAY more calculated in his approach. Charlamagne is looking to go the Howard Stern route, aka he tells the truth but he doesn't put himself into situations that will completely kill relationships. As they said on the podcast joe is a Kamikaze, it's entertaining as **** but after awhile it will stop him from getting further if he always on attack mode.

Charlamange doesn't have the face or enunciation for mainstream TV.
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Joe did that once
Charlamange doesn't have the face or enunciation for mainstream TV.

breh he's hosted atleast 3-4 shows on TV, BC is on revolt daily, youtube videos are up everyday of the BC interviews, he's hit damn near every media outlet you could touch to promote that book of his. I think the man's already acclimated himself to mainstream TV :lol:
breh he's hosted atleast 3-4 shows on TV, BC is on revolt daily, youtube videos are up everyday of the BC interviews, he's hit damn near every media outlet you could touch to promote that book of his. I think the man's already acclimated himself to mainstream TV :lol:
some people just say nonsense to hate [emoji]128514[/emoji]
breh he's hosted atleast 3-4 shows on TV, BC is on revolt daily, youtube videos are up everyday of the BC interviews, he's hit damn near every media outlet you could touch to promote that book of his. I think the man's already acclimated himself to mainstream TV :lol:

MTV2 and Revolt :lol:

You know what mainsteam TV is?
MTV2 and Revolt :lol:

You know what mainsteam TV is?

What exactly would you consider mainstream?

he's been featured on shows like Colbert, Larry King, ESPN, etc etc. the BC interviews are seen by hundreds of thousands everyday. Will he be the next Larry King who knows.... but he's one of, if not the leading personality in hiphop music, hiphop music may just be the most mainstreeam music out right now. he will have plenty of looks on TV going forward
What exactly would you consider mainstream?

he's been featured on shows like Colbert, Larry King, ESPN, etc etc. the BC interviews are seen by hundreds of thousands everyday. Will he be the next Larry King who knows.... but he's one of, if not the leading personality in hiphop music, hiphop music may just be the most mainstreeam music out right now. he will have plenty of looks on TV going forward

His dream is to be like Wendy. Having his own show.

Mainstream is Steve Harvey, Wendy....

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CTG is smart and they're lightening up his face for TV but hearing him read is hard sometimes. Like Money said, he doesn't have the skills. His enunciation is terrible and I like CTG. I would still watch and check it out but it's hard sometimes to listen to him
If Joe had a good experience with LA business wise, he wouldn't of said any of that but he's trying to make it seem like it's about his moral compass. If you're really disgusted and concerned about a sexual predator being in the industry that you claim you don't care about why are you just now sharing this?

LA offering internships and jobs for on site barely legal vagina

Joe offering immediate shelter/green card, a IG model/love and hip hop gig, and atleast 10K new followers for on site barely legal vagina

**** is dumb most of these dudes are creeps :lol:

Joe did that once

Once? Stop it, whoever Joe dates never leaves his house after that

They both prey on women and use power as leverage
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