The Combat Jack Show Thread

Mal being a fat vegan. Joseph losing Cynthia. Rory getting black eyes. When do you folks think the bubble is going to burst on this Podcast?
Random but Joe's viewpoints on gentrification and us buying back the block was difficult to hear.

I don't remember what he said. I don't think I paid attention. I don't listen to them for anything serious, because Parks is the only one I think has an ounce of intelligence.

I can't take conspiracy theory Joe serious about anything. Dude will say you don't know what I believe. Nah, I don't, because most of it isn't well thought out or logical.
Was going back and forth with my in-law that Joe just be regurgitating stuff he heard. Even on the "data gate" stuff the majority of what he says is "Am I the only one worried about this *Joe Laugh/TSSSTS* "
Everybody on that show was clueless or just lack balls to really call it what it is. He seemed to think black people should gentrify the hood with this enormous capital we have. As if systematic racism and white supermacy haven't been the main factor suppressing black wealth is this country.

He doesn't even know the black dollars worth compared to its counter part. Too much Jay-Z d-riding because he is also clueless.
Was going back and forth with my in-law that Joe just be regurgitating stuff he heard. Even on the "data gate" stuff the majority of what he says is "Am I the only one worried about this *Joe Laugh/TSSSTS* "
You're going back and forth in real life about podcast speak?
Was going back and forth with my in-law that Joe just be regurgitating stuff he heard. Even on the "data gate" stuff the majority of what he says is "Am I the only one worried about this *Joe Laugh/TSSSTS* "

I’m noticing this a lot more with just society in general man. it’s like _’s see a few tweets or hear something and feel like they a expert on a subject and/or know enough to try and deep dive into it

With Joe in particular I really peeped this when they was saying the Nipsey “stem cell research” ****

It stood out to me cause I saw the same viral tweets that he and thousands of others did

but its clear they misread/glossed over this **** and didn’t do any follow up reading. it’s like these few sentences (essentially a pic caption) are good enough for us, that’s all we need to see/hear about the subject to feel like we “know” about it.

What makes it scary is somebody like Joe got a fanbase that runs with the stuff he says. After that show I started peeping _’s on twitter repeating the stem cell research **** but with some extra **** thrown in like a real game of “telephone” :smh:
Sadly, most people went from getting their news on Facebook to getting their news on Instagram. People are so used to being spoonfed everything, no one really fact checks anything for themselves anymore...and if they do, it's using another insufficient source.

But like, when you realize that it was STEM and not stem cell research, how do you not take it upon yourself to fact check that, and then fact check more often in general. Is it that the consequences for being wrong like this aren't what they used to be, and people seem to gloss over EVERYTHING?

It's a dangerous trend that's going to lead us further into ignorance (we're pretty deep as a society).
At this point people believe anything that SOUNDS true, based on their beliefs and morals. If you believed Nip was so aware of things, including things most people don't know about, a person would be comfortable in thinking that stem cell research would be plausible. Or even a lot of people don't know about the STEM program itself but have heard of stem cell research years ago and it's familiar enough to sound right.

I just don't understand how you don't come back and clear things up
And we wonder why so many people were fooled by Russian bots and how they could affect an election.

I remember I had a co-worker who used to tell me what he read on facebook and would repeat it back a few years ago. I used to shake my head.

The future is wild man.

And we have a president who is telling people not to trust the news. Not research on your own, but don't believe it. Not all news, but certain news. So now we have people calling everything they don't agree with or don't want to hear fake news.

Society is going to be dumb as hell in 20 years.

Who's worse with that, Joe or Mal?

Both are problematic.
It's crazy. When I was young we had encyclopedias and books for research. Which made it hard as hell to find out information.

Now you have google, and people still don't want to inform and educate themselves. You don't even need a laptop or pc, you can use your phone. Instead people just pass along what they heard as fact.
Saturday pod was kinda trash too skipped over a few conversations, didn't care for hearing Mal go into his "deep" dive pocket
At this point people believe anything that SOUNDS true, based on their beliefs and morals. If you believed Nip was so aware of things, including things most people don't know about, a person would be comfortable in thinking that stem cell research would be plausible. Or even a lot of people don't know about the STEM program itself but have heard of stem cell research years ago and it's familiar enough to sound right.

I just don't understand how you don't come back and clear things up
Yeah, I think a lot of people just don't understand what STEM is, and just make that connection in their head when they hear the word.

But not knowing what STEM is really illustrates the problem. Critical thinking is gone. We've become so comfortable with how easy it is to get information that we don't even think to take it a step further and do some individual research. People just want to be part of a discussion, but don't want to do the work to educate themselves on the topics.
Times are changing so fast it's hard to make all the necessary adjustments to account for the issues. We'll catch up to this "fake news" speed bump and have something that will help filter out the foolishness. Unfortunately it's not really likely people will correct themselves, they'll def need somebody to lead them in the right direction
If you let entertainers become a primary/credible source of information, you already lost. This is not an interview with Elon Musk, it's the guy who made Pump it up and his Jersey friends talking :lol: This why I never cared much for rappers who attempt to drop knowledge in their raps. It may have made sense before the internet, but at this point If I want to be educated about something, I'll get it from people who actually know what they are talking about.

It's far too easy to access legitimate information and cross reference with reputable experts in any industry.
Yeah, I think a lot of people just don't understand what STEM is, and just make that connection in their head when they hear the word.

But not knowing what STEM is really illustrates the problem. Critical thinking is gone. We've become so comfortable with how easy it is to get information that we don't even think to take it a step further and do some individual research. People just want to be part of a discussion, but don't want to do the work to educate themselves on the topics.
Most people couldn't tell you what STEM stands for. I know that for a fact
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