The Disappearing Nice Guy ...

Originally Posted by trey ohh five


DaJoka004 wrote:
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

best sh*t i read in a while cant be nice to these women

Are you sure you read it? Because that's not what she's saying at all
oh I read, but can u read between the lines, trust the writer is no longer young and dumb she tired of choosing dudes who aren't worth much, young  women dont wise up till there older and some dont wise up at all, and please believe she probably still end up giving the cheeks to the guy who called her days later, why cuz women dont do nice guys point blank. I dont like the rules but i play by em
Of course women do nice guys. You just can't be a +$%+*#@ sap in the process. Be a man and be in control. That's what women want.

DaJoka004 wrote:
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

best sh*t i read in a while cant be nice to these women

Are you sure you read it? Because that's not what she's saying at all
oh I read, but can u read between the lines, trust the writer is no longer young and dumb she tired of choosing dudes who aren't worth much, young  women dont wise up till there older and some dont wise up at all, and please believe she probably still end up giving the cheeks to the guy who called her days later, why cuz women dont do nice guys point blank. I dont like the rules but i play by em
Of course women do nice guys. You just can't be a +$%+*#@ sap in the process. Be a man and be in control. That's what women want.

Instead, you fall for that age-old trick, you settle for being that woman's friend. It's a trap. If you feel something more than friendship for a woman and she's willing to just relegate you to "friend status," you need to cut the cord.

To the disappearing nice guy, 2010 is your time to shine. Stop settling for women who don't appreciate your gifts. Don't be afraid to walk away from women who want to use you as a supplement to help pick up the pieces after being dogged by another egomaniac.

Women, open your eyes and hearts to the guy who isn't falling all over you. He might be a hidden gem just waiting to be loved.

This is why I have pretty much no female friends anymore.  That and they tend to be very undependable and untrustworthy.

Never again, I don't care if she's just a friend or even family.  I have no pity or sympathy left for chicks that #@*$ #!#**+## instead of actual men.  Do not come to me with your tears, I no longer care.  I am not a *!#%+$! emotional trampoline.  If you want comfort you stupid little #@@%# let me do it with my $@%% or don't waste my *!#%+$! time. (family members excluded from last sentence, I don't like in Arkansas)

Will never happen.
Instead, you fall for that age-old trick, you settle for being that woman's friend. It's a trap. If you feel something more than friendship for a woman and she's willing to just relegate you to "friend status," you need to cut the cord.

To the disappearing nice guy, 2010 is your time to shine. Stop settling for women who don't appreciate your gifts. Don't be afraid to walk away from women who want to use you as a supplement to help pick up the pieces after being dogged by another egomaniac.

Women, open your eyes and hearts to the guy who isn't falling all over you. He might be a hidden gem just waiting to be loved.

This is why I have pretty much no female friends anymore.  That and they tend to be very undependable and untrustworthy.

Never again, I don't care if she's just a friend or even family.  I have no pity or sympathy left for chicks that #@*$ #!#**+## instead of actual men.  Do not come to me with your tears, I no longer care.  I am not a *!#%+$! emotional trampoline.  If you want comfort you stupid little #@@%# let me do it with my $@%% or don't waste my *!#%+$! time. (family members excluded from last sentence, I don't like in Arkansas)

Will never happen.
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

One of the best dates I had with a nice guy involved a simple gesture. When it snows in Atlanta, which can be anything from half an inch to 5 inches, the city shuts down. This nice guy knew I was snowed in at home and offered to take me to lunch.

Yes, this nice guy braved slick roads simply to go to lunch. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. No hidden agenda, no expectations and the phone call the next day wasn't about what he did. It was effortless; he had a nice time and wanted to see me again. This came naturally to him and didn't require some over-the-top gesture.

A bad boy whom I had been enamored of in the past -- you know what he did? He called three days later asking if I had survived the snowy weather! Thanks for caring!

I find this part funny ....

cuz 9/10 ... the nice guy prolly didn't get NO play ...

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

One of the best dates I had with a nice guy involved a simple gesture. When it snows in Atlanta, which can be anything from half an inch to 5 inches, the city shuts down. This nice guy knew I was snowed in at home and offered to take me to lunch.

Yes, this nice guy braved slick roads simply to go to lunch. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. No hidden agenda, no expectations and the phone call the next day wasn't about what he did. It was effortless; he had a nice time and wanted to see me again. This came naturally to him and didn't require some over-the-top gesture.

A bad boy whom I had been enamored of in the past -- you know what he did? He called three days later asking if I had survived the snowy weather! Thanks for caring!

I find this part funny ....

cuz 9/10 ... the nice guy prolly didn't get NO play ...

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I think women do want nice guys, but your swagger has to be on point and you have to establish yourself as a superior male. You can't do that if you're acting chocha in the beginning, listening to all her stories or treating her to expensive meals.
I think women do want nice guys, but your swagger has to be on point and you have to establish yourself as a superior male. You can't do that if you're acting chocha in the beginning, listening to all her stories or treating her to expensive meals.
Originally Posted by ballislife32688

i hear you to an extent, i dont know what kind of women u get or talk to but personally all the bad chicks i know mess with $$# holes, and personally all i mess with is bad chicks, so I adapted to the situation around me, tust me the dmv women dc md virginia all think they are the baddest thing walking you can not be nice to these women in my area. I went to the south ATL for a weekend and it was completely different, down there you can do as you said and get a bad chick
That's probably because what's consider "bad" in DMV is run of the mill in ATL. Trust me, the elite broads in ATL are just as arrogant, but if you want a 7-8 with no effort, ATL might be your spot. Plust I wouldn't speak on the ease of  pulling ATL broads until you actually smash. A lot of those ATL chicks give rythym to dudes but then expect them to trick before he can get the bunz.

Originally Posted by ballislife32688

i hear you to an extent, i dont know what kind of women u get or talk to but personally all the bad chicks i know mess with $$# holes, and personally all i mess with is bad chicks, so I adapted to the situation around me, tust me the dmv women dc md virginia all think they are the baddest thing walking you can not be nice to these women in my area. I went to the south ATL for a weekend and it was completely different, down there you can do as you said and get a bad chick
That's probably because what's consider "bad" in DMV is run of the mill in ATL. Trust me, the elite broads in ATL are just as arrogant, but if you want a 7-8 with no effort, ATL might be your spot. Plust I wouldn't speak on the ease of  pulling ATL broads until you actually smash. A lot of those ATL chicks give rythym to dudes but then expect them to trick before he can get the bunz.

I think that women over a certain age begin to be more open to dating "nice guys." But in my college experience, women only want guys that don't treat them that well, because its gonna make them work that much harder to make you want them.
I've learned that if there's a chick that you want to have relations with, you should let them know from the start through your actions, that you are not interested in their emotional issues or any guy problems they might be having.
Once a chick knows that she can have you whenever she wants, she's gonna go look for someone else who isn't as easy or nice.
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