The Disappearing Nice Guy ...

Nice guys are just no fun to most of these chicks....

they want to feel SOMETHING as long as it's SOMETHING... sadness, happiness, uncertainty..... they want to feel alive. Nice guys are so predictable I guess.
Nice guys are just no fun to most of these chicks....

they want to feel SOMETHING as long as it's SOMETHING... sadness, happiness, uncertainty..... they want to feel alive. Nice guys are so predictable I guess.
Originally Posted by Mister Negative

The best part of this thread is Dajoka giving advice to ANYONE...

They don't really want nice guys smh....

But I think it comes down to women not knowing what they really want. Men too! Cause I've been the "bad boy" whose good girl was in love with him. I treated her like crap and she still wanted to be with me. I've also been the good guy who was unapreciated.
They don't really want nice guys smh....

But I think it comes down to women not knowing what they really want. Men too! Cause I've been the "bad boy" whose good girl was in love with him. I treated her like crap and she still wanted to be with me. I've also been the good guy who was unapreciated.
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I believe this is the realest +@+# in this thread.  The article was a great read, but really who didn't know that women always go for the "bad guys?"  The fact is, everyone is stuck in their own superficial, materialistic ways and neither gender is going to change anytime soon, so why not play the jerk roll and bag 'em while you can?...
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I believe this is the realest +@+# in this thread.  The article was a great read, but really who didn't know that women always go for the "bad guys?"  The fact is, everyone is stuck in their own superficial, materialistic ways and neither gender is going to change anytime soon, so why not play the jerk roll and bag 'em while you can?...

The writer did get one thing right, nice men do not want to send thewrong signals because they do not want to be considered flaky orover-the-top. Ironically, if they did they may have better success.But, that is the price of integrity. Another quality a lot ofnice-men-bashing women overlooked, with no surprise.

I love the irony that many women go for and sleep with thugs, bad-boys,and players that never have to live up to all the requirements andqualifications that nice men are expected to meet just to be a woman'sfriend. Nice men are so disgusted by this they have left, and many willnever come back.  Hypocrisy is, above anything else, a sign of low intelligence.Most real men, nice men, happen to be very intelligent and hypocrisy isanother turn-off. And it does not demonstrate you have a spine! Yes,nice men want women with spines, too! Who knew?! It is calledconviction, not chest-beating machismo!

But since many of the women here have automatically conflated nice andrespectful men with spineless losers let me inform them of the onequality that many nice men, real men, have in spades. It is calledself-respect. Another quality they overlooked, mainly because manywomen do not possess it in the first place. The reason we are"disappearing" is that we have better things to do with our lives thanto try to deal with women who are not prizes in their own right. Notnice to caring men, shame all men as worthless, and are not nice tothemselves by going after men that are completely wrong for them whileat the same claiming the entitlement of being treated like the queenthey are not. Don't complain about the cycle you are feeding into ifyou happen to be one of these women!

Women always brag of their superiority, but much like the thug orbad-boy, they don't have to prove it in ways that rejected nice men doall the time. And, most of time, these women really don't proveanything anyway. Giving your heart and body to men who treat you likedisposable road trash really does not say much about you, and you donot deserve an honorable caring man in your life. That is why nice menare not there. We have better things to do!

And I don't buy for one minute that women have frail egos, not in this"culture". If anything most women have too much of one, just like a lotof men I meet. Did it ever occur to the writer that maybe these womenare attracted to the wrong men because they are not so great in theirown right? Could it be these women are exactly the wrong type for nice,honorable men? If they cannot even identify a truly good and nice man,what makes them worthy of one? Where is the qualifications andrequirements that women should have to deserve a good and nice man?Honey, it takes more than just having a vagina and not beinghypocritical to land a good nice man!

To the women here who have no clue what a nice man truly is and postedderogatory comments about nice men I suggest you look in the mirror.You are really good at shaming men, and dictating what they shouldprove or be in order to gain your acceptance. Is your acceptance reallythat important? Think about it. And, what have you proven to makeyourself worthy of a good man? I almost guarantee that, in reading yourposts, the only thing you have proven is that you are to be avoided.You know who you are.

Women choose their mates, right? That comes with accountability. Hardto claim superiority when a lot of women won't even claimaccountability. Telling nice guys to do this, do that, do more, standout, shine, is irresponsible and pointless if women don't changeeither. I know that it is not popular for a man to criticize women andtell them what they need to work on, but women need to wise up! You areNOT all that, and overpricing your worth while at the same timediminishing yourself with the thugs you choose and bed is a surefireway to lose any interest from self-respecting nice men. See how wellyou demonstrate your superiority in a vacuum!

Yes, you have a vagina. So does my dog. It is not that sacred. Sorry, Iknow this goes against society's grain, but using it as a leveragingself-entitlement tool cheapens it's worth more than any prostitute. Itis a vagina, not the entrance to Nirvana! I don't care how good lookingyou are! Get over it. It certainly can't be the entrance to Nirvana ifyou only let fools, thugs, and players enter it for merely being just"assertive" or "confident"! Ted Bundy was assertive and confident. Doesnot mean the women who chose him chose wisely.

Nice men, real men, actually want to get to know you before asking youout. And that requires time in order to make that determination. Justbecause we don't try to rush things or speed things up to match yourlack of attention span does not make us spineless or weak. We actuallyrespect you in this way by taking the time! You can call it passive ifit makes you feel better. Real men, nice men, are not in a hurry to bedand/or wed you. We kinda want to know what we are getting into (yes, itis a pun)! And if we don't ask you out, it is because we are notinterested. Nice men have the right to reject you, too, but we usuallydo it for better reasons. And all it takes is some of the comments someof these women have posted here to seal that decision! Put us down atyour peril, and we will show you how strong our spine is by walkingaway from you!

Stop writing posts about "I want a REAL man, a REAL man this, a REALman that" until you take the blinders off, use the brain you say youhave, and make BETTER choices and BETTER observations! It takes a REALwoman to have a REAL man. A REAL women knows her love empowers a man, agood man is unstoppable when he knows he is loved and cherished by agood woman. A REAL women cultivates and nurtures a man. A REAL womengives herself mind, body, and soul. She does not do these things inorder to get something out of him, or to hold her charms over him andmake him indebted for it. She does it because she LOVES him. And inreturn, he will be faithful, strong, and his love for her will neverend. Only a nice man can fill these shoes.

Choose wisely, ladies, you are the ones that choose. But don't ask forsomething in others you do not possess in yourself. This goes for men,too.

And, again, God Bless the women who have given nice men like me hope in sharing your wise choice with us here!

Quoted for emphasis, bolded for truthfulness.

We were all nice guys at one time and deep down we still might be, but we have evolved and adapted to stupid women haven't we?  The only serious problem we face now is confusing and generalizing a GOOD woman for a bad one.  Tread carefully...

The writer did get one thing right, nice men do not want to send thewrong signals because they do not want to be considered flaky orover-the-top. Ironically, if they did they may have better success.But, that is the price of integrity. Another quality a lot ofnice-men-bashing women overlooked, with no surprise.

I love the irony that many women go for and sleep with thugs, bad-boys,and players that never have to live up to all the requirements andqualifications that nice men are expected to meet just to be a woman'sfriend. Nice men are so disgusted by this they have left, and many willnever come back.  Hypocrisy is, above anything else, a sign of low intelligence.Most real men, nice men, happen to be very intelligent and hypocrisy isanother turn-off. And it does not demonstrate you have a spine! Yes,nice men want women with spines, too! Who knew?! It is calledconviction, not chest-beating machismo!

But since many of the women here have automatically conflated nice andrespectful men with spineless losers let me inform them of the onequality that many nice men, real men, have in spades. It is calledself-respect. Another quality they overlooked, mainly because manywomen do not possess it in the first place. The reason we are"disappearing" is that we have better things to do with our lives thanto try to deal with women who are not prizes in their own right. Notnice to caring men, shame all men as worthless, and are not nice tothemselves by going after men that are completely wrong for them whileat the same claiming the entitlement of being treated like the queenthey are not. Don't complain about the cycle you are feeding into ifyou happen to be one of these women!

Women always brag of their superiority, but much like the thug orbad-boy, they don't have to prove it in ways that rejected nice men doall the time. And, most of time, these women really don't proveanything anyway. Giving your heart and body to men who treat you likedisposable road trash really does not say much about you, and you donot deserve an honorable caring man in your life. That is why nice menare not there. We have better things to do!

And I don't buy for one minute that women have frail egos, not in this"culture". If anything most women have too much of one, just like a lotof men I meet. Did it ever occur to the writer that maybe these womenare attracted to the wrong men because they are not so great in theirown right? Could it be these women are exactly the wrong type for nice,honorable men? If they cannot even identify a truly good and nice man,what makes them worthy of one? Where is the qualifications andrequirements that women should have to deserve a good and nice man?Honey, it takes more than just having a vagina and not beinghypocritical to land a good nice man!

To the women here who have no clue what a nice man truly is and postedderogatory comments about nice men I suggest you look in the mirror.You are really good at shaming men, and dictating what they shouldprove or be in order to gain your acceptance. Is your acceptance reallythat important? Think about it. And, what have you proven to makeyourself worthy of a good man? I almost guarantee that, in reading yourposts, the only thing you have proven is that you are to be avoided.You know who you are.

Women choose their mates, right? That comes with accountability. Hardto claim superiority when a lot of women won't even claimaccountability. Telling nice guys to do this, do that, do more, standout, shine, is irresponsible and pointless if women don't changeeither. I know that it is not popular for a man to criticize women andtell them what they need to work on, but women need to wise up! You areNOT all that, and overpricing your worth while at the same timediminishing yourself with the thugs you choose and bed is a surefireway to lose any interest from self-respecting nice men. See how wellyou demonstrate your superiority in a vacuum!

Yes, you have a vagina. So does my dog. It is not that sacred. Sorry, Iknow this goes against society's grain, but using it as a leveragingself-entitlement tool cheapens it's worth more than any prostitute. Itis a vagina, not the entrance to Nirvana! I don't care how good lookingyou are! Get over it. It certainly can't be the entrance to Nirvana ifyou only let fools, thugs, and players enter it for merely being just"assertive" or "confident"! Ted Bundy was assertive and confident. Doesnot mean the women who chose him chose wisely.

Nice men, real men, actually want to get to know you before asking youout. And that requires time in order to make that determination. Justbecause we don't try to rush things or speed things up to match yourlack of attention span does not make us spineless or weak. We actuallyrespect you in this way by taking the time! You can call it passive ifit makes you feel better. Real men, nice men, are not in a hurry to bedand/or wed you. We kinda want to know what we are getting into (yes, itis a pun)! And if we don't ask you out, it is because we are notinterested. Nice men have the right to reject you, too, but we usuallydo it for better reasons. And all it takes is some of the comments someof these women have posted here to seal that decision! Put us down atyour peril, and we will show you how strong our spine is by walkingaway from you!

Stop writing posts about "I want a REAL man, a REAL man this, a REALman that" until you take the blinders off, use the brain you say youhave, and make BETTER choices and BETTER observations! It takes a REALwoman to have a REAL man. A REAL women knows her love empowers a man, agood man is unstoppable when he knows he is loved and cherished by agood woman. A REAL women cultivates and nurtures a man. A REAL womengives herself mind, body, and soul. She does not do these things inorder to get something out of him, or to hold her charms over him andmake him indebted for it. She does it because she LOVES him. And inreturn, he will be faithful, strong, and his love for her will neverend. Only a nice man can fill these shoes.

Choose wisely, ladies, you are the ones that choose. But don't ask forsomething in others you do not possess in yourself. This goes for men,too.

And, again, God Bless the women who have given nice men like me hope in sharing your wise choice with us here!

Quoted for emphasis, bolded for truthfulness.

We were all nice guys at one time and deep down we still might be, but we have evolved and adapted to stupid women haven't we?  The only serious problem we face now is confusing and generalizing a GOOD woman for a bad one.  Tread carefully...
that Tensorial guy had me at the edge my seat. Im going to re-post this link in FB. Should be interesting.
that Tensorial guy had me at the edge my seat. Im going to re-post this link in FB. Should be interesting.
Originally Posted by AmazingMRFox

Wait a minute! I thought women were smarter than men, that's all I hearin the media and from themselves. I hear all men are dogs and basicallyuseless. Umm, interesting. I guess that makes understanding why womengo for complete bad-boys, flakes, and thugs over men who provedthemselves in spades they cared about these women a little harder tograsp. Is acting tough, talking slick, and being fake so hard todecipher? My dog understands and perceives deception better than alotof women, and she has no compunction pointing it out with her bark andher bite! I raised her that way. And she is the nicest dog you willever meet, she just won't take any crap! Not even from me!

Given the comments by most of the women here it seems that either theydo not know what a nice caring man truly is, or this is another "sayone thing do another" thing. In either case, it clearly does notdemonstrate the superior intellect I keep hearing these same womenclaim. Stupid is as stupid does, after all. Anybody can say they aresmart. Just because every TV show and press outlet geared for women saywomen are smarter, better, etc. than men does not mean they really are.Just because most every TV show has nothing but stupid, uneducated andinarticulate men does not mean men are.

Things from the heart are rarely flashy, grandoise, or browbeaten. Theyare subtle and yet so obvious they shine brighter than anything achest-beating ape of a man could ever hope to achieve in his bravado.The writer did get one thing right, nice men do not want to send thewrong signals because they do not want to be considered flaky orover-the-top. Ironically, if they did they may have better success.But, that is the price of integrity. Another quality a lot ofnice-men-bashing women overlooked, with no surprise.

I guarantee you that a lot of women have had at least one truly caringman that respected them and looked at them much more than just aconquest. And, more often than not, the men were looked down because ofit. And I bet you looks and position were not the issue. We was nice,how pathetic!

I love the irony that many women go for and sleep with thugs, bad-boys,and players that never have to live up to all the requirements andqualifications that nice men are expected to meet just to be a woman'sfriend. Nice men are so disgusted by this they have left, and many willnever come back. They have every right to be! If women are better, manycertainly are not consistent in what they say they desire and what theyactually go for. Again, another simple test superior beings would notfail at. Hypocrisy is, above anything else, a sign of low intelligence.Most real men, nice men, happen to be very intelligent and hypocrisy isanother turn-off. And it does not demonstrate you have a spine! Yes,nice men want women with spines, too! Who knew?! It is calledconviction, not chest-beating machismo!

But since many of the women here have automatically conflated nice andrespectful men with spineless losers let me inform them of the onequality that many nice men, real men, have in spades. It is calledself-respect. Another quality they overlooked, mainly because manywomen do not possess it in the first place. The reason we are"disappearing" is that we have better things to do with our lives thanto try to deal with women who are not prizes in their own right. Notnice to caring men, shame all men as worthless, and are not nice tothemselves by going after men that are completely wrong for them whileat the same claiming the entitlement of being treated like the queenthey are not. Don't complain about the cycle you are feeding into ifyou happen to be one of these women!

Women always brag of their superiority, but much like the thug orbad-boy, they don't have to prove it in ways that rejected nice men doall the time. And, most of time, these women really don't proveanything anyway. Giving your heart and body to men who treat you likedisposable road trash really does not say much about you, and you donot deserve an honorable caring man in your life. That is why nice menare not there. We have better things to do!

And I don't buy for one minute that women have frail egos, not in this"culture". If anything most women have too much of one, just like a lotof men I meet. Did it ever occur to the writer that maybe these womenare attracted to the wrong men because they are not so great in theirown right? Could it be these women are exactly the wrong type for nice,honorable men? If they cannot even identify a truly good and nice man,what makes them worthy of one? Where is the qualifications andrequirements that women should have to deserve a good and nice man?Honey, it takes more than just having a vagina and not beinghypocritical to land a good nice man!

I do want to thank the women who posted sharing how happy they are withthe nice men they married and have wonderful lives with. You are allgems and you give nice and caring men like me hope. Thank you!

To the women here who have no clue what a nice man truly is and postedderogatory comments about nice men I suggest you look in the mirror.You are really good at shaming men, and dictating what they shouldprove or be in order to gain your acceptance. Is your acceptance reallythat important? Think about it. And, what have you proven to makeyourself worthy of a good man? I almost guarantee that, in reading yourposts, the only thing you have proven is that you are to be avoided.You know who you are.

Women choose their mates, right? That comes with accountability. Hardto claim superiority when a lot of women won't even claimaccountability. Telling nice guys to do this, do that, do more, standout, shine, is irresponsible and pointless if women don't changeeither. I know that it is not popular for a man to criticize women andtell them what they need to work on, but women need to wise up! You areNOT all that, and overpricing your worth while at the same timediminishing yourself with the thugs you choose and bed is a surefireway to lose any interest from self-respecting nice men. See how wellyou demonstrate your superiority in a vacuum!

Yes, you have a vagina. So does my dog. It is not that sacred. Sorry, Iknow this goes against society's grain, but using it as a leveragingself-entitlement tool cheapens it's worth more than any prostitute. Itis a vagina, not the entrance to Nirvana! I don't care how good lookingyou are! Get over it. It certainly can't be the entrance to Nirvana ifyou only let fools, thugs, and players enter it for merely being just"assertive" or "confident"! Ted Bundy was assertive and confident. Doesnot mean the women who chose him chose wisely.

Nice men, real men, actually want to get to know you before asking youout. And that requires time in order to make that determination. Justbecause we don't try to rush things or speed things up to match yourlack of attention span does not make us spineless or weak. We actuallyrespect you in this way by taking the time! You can call it passive ifit makes you feel better. Real men, nice men, are not in a hurry to bedand/or wed you. We kinda want to know what we are getting into (yes, itis a pun)! And if we don't ask you out, it is because we are notinterested. Nice men have the right to reject you, too, but we usuallydo it for better reasons. And all it takes is some of the comments someof these women have posted here to seal that decision! Put us down atyour peril, and we will show you how strong our spine is by walkingaway from you!

Stop writing posts about "I want a REAL man, a REAL man this, a REALman that" until you take the blinders off, use the brain you say youhave, and make BETTER choices and BETTER observations! It takes a REALwoman to have a REAL man. A REAL women knows her love empowers a man, agood man is unstoppable when he knows he is loved and cherished by agood woman. A REAL women cultivates and nurtures a man. A REAL womengives herself mind, body, and soul. She does not do these things inorder to get something out of him, or to hold her charms over him andmake him indebted for it. She does it because she LOVES him. And inreturn, he will be faithful, strong, and his love for her will neverend. Only a nice man can fill these shoes.

Choose wisely, ladies, you are the ones that choose. But don't ask forsomething in others you do not possess in yourself. This goes for men,too.

And, again, God Bless the women who have given nice men like me hope in sharing your wise choice with us here!

Yeahhhh...i think that about covers all that needs to be said...


surprised I read all this but at the end of the day that was some good sh*t
Originally Posted by AmazingMRFox

Wait a minute! I thought women were smarter than men, that's all I hearin the media and from themselves. I hear all men are dogs and basicallyuseless. Umm, interesting. I guess that makes understanding why womengo for complete bad-boys, flakes, and thugs over men who provedthemselves in spades they cared about these women a little harder tograsp. Is acting tough, talking slick, and being fake so hard todecipher? My dog understands and perceives deception better than alotof women, and she has no compunction pointing it out with her bark andher bite! I raised her that way. And she is the nicest dog you willever meet, she just won't take any crap! Not even from me!

Given the comments by most of the women here it seems that either theydo not know what a nice caring man truly is, or this is another "sayone thing do another" thing. In either case, it clearly does notdemonstrate the superior intellect I keep hearing these same womenclaim. Stupid is as stupid does, after all. Anybody can say they aresmart. Just because every TV show and press outlet geared for women saywomen are smarter, better, etc. than men does not mean they really are.Just because most every TV show has nothing but stupid, uneducated andinarticulate men does not mean men are.

Things from the heart are rarely flashy, grandoise, or browbeaten. Theyare subtle and yet so obvious they shine brighter than anything achest-beating ape of a man could ever hope to achieve in his bravado.The writer did get one thing right, nice men do not want to send thewrong signals because they do not want to be considered flaky orover-the-top. Ironically, if they did they may have better success.But, that is the price of integrity. Another quality a lot ofnice-men-bashing women overlooked, with no surprise.

I guarantee you that a lot of women have had at least one truly caringman that respected them and looked at them much more than just aconquest. And, more often than not, the men were looked down because ofit. And I bet you looks and position were not the issue. We was nice,how pathetic!

I love the irony that many women go for and sleep with thugs, bad-boys,and players that never have to live up to all the requirements andqualifications that nice men are expected to meet just to be a woman'sfriend. Nice men are so disgusted by this they have left, and many willnever come back. They have every right to be! If women are better, manycertainly are not consistent in what they say they desire and what theyactually go for. Again, another simple test superior beings would notfail at. Hypocrisy is, above anything else, a sign of low intelligence.Most real men, nice men, happen to be very intelligent and hypocrisy isanother turn-off. And it does not demonstrate you have a spine! Yes,nice men want women with spines, too! Who knew?! It is calledconviction, not chest-beating machismo!

But since many of the women here have automatically conflated nice andrespectful men with spineless losers let me inform them of the onequality that many nice men, real men, have in spades. It is calledself-respect. Another quality they overlooked, mainly because manywomen do not possess it in the first place. The reason we are"disappearing" is that we have better things to do with our lives thanto try to deal with women who are not prizes in their own right. Notnice to caring men, shame all men as worthless, and are not nice tothemselves by going after men that are completely wrong for them whileat the same claiming the entitlement of being treated like the queenthey are not. Don't complain about the cycle you are feeding into ifyou happen to be one of these women!

Women always brag of their superiority, but much like the thug orbad-boy, they don't have to prove it in ways that rejected nice men doall the time. And, most of time, these women really don't proveanything anyway. Giving your heart and body to men who treat you likedisposable road trash really does not say much about you, and you donot deserve an honorable caring man in your life. That is why nice menare not there. We have better things to do!

And I don't buy for one minute that women have frail egos, not in this"culture". If anything most women have too much of one, just like a lotof men I meet. Did it ever occur to the writer that maybe these womenare attracted to the wrong men because they are not so great in theirown right? Could it be these women are exactly the wrong type for nice,honorable men? If they cannot even identify a truly good and nice man,what makes them worthy of one? Where is the qualifications andrequirements that women should have to deserve a good and nice man?Honey, it takes more than just having a vagina and not beinghypocritical to land a good nice man!

I do want to thank the women who posted sharing how happy they are withthe nice men they married and have wonderful lives with. You are allgems and you give nice and caring men like me hope. Thank you!

To the women here who have no clue what a nice man truly is and postedderogatory comments about nice men I suggest you look in the mirror.You are really good at shaming men, and dictating what they shouldprove or be in order to gain your acceptance. Is your acceptance reallythat important? Think about it. And, what have you proven to makeyourself worthy of a good man? I almost guarantee that, in reading yourposts, the only thing you have proven is that you are to be avoided.You know who you are.

Women choose their mates, right? That comes with accountability. Hardto claim superiority when a lot of women won't even claimaccountability. Telling nice guys to do this, do that, do more, standout, shine, is irresponsible and pointless if women don't changeeither. I know that it is not popular for a man to criticize women andtell them what they need to work on, but women need to wise up! You areNOT all that, and overpricing your worth while at the same timediminishing yourself with the thugs you choose and bed is a surefireway to lose any interest from self-respecting nice men. See how wellyou demonstrate your superiority in a vacuum!

Yes, you have a vagina. So does my dog. It is not that sacred. Sorry, Iknow this goes against society's grain, but using it as a leveragingself-entitlement tool cheapens it's worth more than any prostitute. Itis a vagina, not the entrance to Nirvana! I don't care how good lookingyou are! Get over it. It certainly can't be the entrance to Nirvana ifyou only let fools, thugs, and players enter it for merely being just"assertive" or "confident"! Ted Bundy was assertive and confident. Doesnot mean the women who chose him chose wisely.

Nice men, real men, actually want to get to know you before asking youout. And that requires time in order to make that determination. Justbecause we don't try to rush things or speed things up to match yourlack of attention span does not make us spineless or weak. We actuallyrespect you in this way by taking the time! You can call it passive ifit makes you feel better. Real men, nice men, are not in a hurry to bedand/or wed you. We kinda want to know what we are getting into (yes, itis a pun)! And if we don't ask you out, it is because we are notinterested. Nice men have the right to reject you, too, but we usuallydo it for better reasons. And all it takes is some of the comments someof these women have posted here to seal that decision! Put us down atyour peril, and we will show you how strong our spine is by walkingaway from you!

Stop writing posts about "I want a REAL man, a REAL man this, a REALman that" until you take the blinders off, use the brain you say youhave, and make BETTER choices and BETTER observations! It takes a REALwoman to have a REAL man. A REAL women knows her love empowers a man, agood man is unstoppable when he knows he is loved and cherished by agood woman. A REAL women cultivates and nurtures a man. A REAL womengives herself mind, body, and soul. She does not do these things inorder to get something out of him, or to hold her charms over him andmake him indebted for it. She does it because she LOVES him. And inreturn, he will be faithful, strong, and his love for her will neverend. Only a nice man can fill these shoes.

Choose wisely, ladies, you are the ones that choose. But don't ask forsomething in others you do not possess in yourself. This goes for men,too.

And, again, God Bless the women who have given nice men like me hope in sharing your wise choice with us here!

Yeahhhh...i think that about covers all that needs to be said...


surprised I read all this but at the end of the day that was some good sh*t
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

One of the best dates I had with a nice guy involved a simple gesture. When it snows in Atlanta, which can be anything from half an inch to 5 inches, the city shuts down. This nice guy knew I was snowed in at home and offered to take me to lunch.

Yes, this nice guy braved slick roads simply to go to lunch. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. No hidden agenda, no expectations and the phone call the next day wasn't about what he did. It was effortless; he had a nice time and wanted to see me again. This came naturally to him and didn't require some over-the-top gesture.

A bad boy whom I had been enamored of in the past -- you know what he did? He called three days later asking if I had survived the snowy weather! Thanks for caring!

I find this part funny ....

cuz 9/10 ... the nice guy prolly didn't get NO play ...

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I'm a nice guy and nice guys get play when the time is right and it is way better than a casual sex with a random girl you don't really know.
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

One of the best dates I had with a nice guy involved a simple gesture. When it snows in Atlanta, which can be anything from half an inch to 5 inches, the city shuts down. This nice guy knew I was snowed in at home and offered to take me to lunch.

Yes, this nice guy braved slick roads simply to go to lunch. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. No hidden agenda, no expectations and the phone call the next day wasn't about what he did. It was effortless; he had a nice time and wanted to see me again. This came naturally to him and didn't require some over-the-top gesture.

A bad boy whom I had been enamored of in the past -- you know what he did? He called three days later asking if I had survived the snowy weather! Thanks for caring!

I find this part funny ....

cuz 9/10 ... the nice guy prolly didn't get NO play ...

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I'm a nice guy and nice guys get play when the time is right and it is way better than a casual sex with a random girl you don't really know.
Originally Posted by Kojomesa

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

One of the best dates I had with a nice guy involved a simple gesture. When it snows in Atlanta, which can be anything from half an inch to 5 inches, the city shuts down. This nice guy knew I was snowed in at home and offered to take me to lunch.

Yes, this nice guy braved slick roads simply to go to lunch. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. No hidden agenda, no expectations and the phone call the next day wasn't about what he did. It was effortless; he had a nice time and wanted to see me again. This came naturally to him and didn't require some over-the-top gesture.

A bad boy whom I had been enamored of in the past -- you know what he did? He called three days later asking if I had survived the snowy weather! Thanks for caring!

I find this part funny ....

cuz 9/10 ... the nice guy prolly didn't get NO play ...

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I'm a nice guy and nice guys get play when the time is right and it is way better than a casual sex with a random girl you don't really know.

Did you not fully read my statement?

When was I talking about casual sex with a random person?

Take your time ...

I'll wait ..
Originally Posted by Kojomesa

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

One of the best dates I had with a nice guy involved a simple gesture. When it snows in Atlanta, which can be anything from half an inch to 5 inches, the city shuts down. This nice guy knew I was snowed in at home and offered to take me to lunch.

Yes, this nice guy braved slick roads simply to go to lunch. We talked for hours and then he brought me home. No hidden agenda, no expectations and the phone call the next day wasn't about what he did. It was effortless; he had a nice time and wanted to see me again. This came naturally to him and didn't require some over-the-top gesture.

A bad boy whom I had been enamored of in the past -- you know what he did? He called three days later asking if I had survived the snowy weather! Thanks for caring!

I find this part funny ....

cuz 9/10 ... the nice guy prolly didn't get NO play ...

It really does confuses me how women want a nice guy , a good stand up man... but yet when they find a nice guy ..

the have every reason in the world why the Nice guy ISN'T for them

Todays Women only want want a nice guy to stroke their damaged ego's and emotions .. nothing more

I'm a nice guy and nice guys get play when the time is right and it is way better than a casual sex with a random girl you don't really know.

Did you not fully read my statement?

When was I talking about casual sex with a random person?

Take your time ...

I'll wait ..
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