~| the DOM. KENNEDY thread |~

Pretty sure October. That's his new wave. And warm brew posted the same pic saying octobers right around the corner
Yall got too much faith in doggy :lol:

The **** he put out recently, you expect any different?

He thot that was bangin thats why he put it out :lol:

Gona be another 'wtf dom' 'yellow album was the best'
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Yall got too much faith in doggy

The **** he put out recently, you expect any different?

He thot that was bangin thats why he put it out

Gona be another 'wtf dom' 'yellow album was the best'
Who knows what the hell he was thinking with the last project (I honestly don't even remember the name) but everything else he's ever put out was fire.

Over the course of his career he's shooting like 88.999% last joint was probably an anomaly. 

If his new music sounds like he's back focused, why would people not be optimistic?

I'm more worried about clowns who already turned on him not even giving the new project an honest listen. 
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Spitta & route still cool. Idk bout trade. Read it was spitta & trade that fell out & Route fell out with Mousa that was the reason for the split
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