****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

It makes no sense to pay collegiate athletes. What makes sense is to make the G league a mandatory minor league to be considered for getting drafting into the NBA. Get rid of the one year college rule.

This is how it would go:
High school
G league one year mandatory then eligible for NBA Draft. Pay a $100k salary.
NBA team

This helps everybody except the NCAA. Which is fine by me. College is about academics, not athletics to me. We’re using the hype of these athletic programs to cover up the systemic uselessness of college and the crazy student debt it is getting our generation into.

I agree 100%. I don’t mind some sort of athletic scholarship but for true student athletes not some fake **** where people use it as a stepping stone towards a pro league.
It makes no sense to pay collegiate athletes. What makes sense is to make the G league a mandatory minor league to be considered for getting drafting into the NBA. Get rid of the one year college rule.

This is how it would go:
High school
G league one year mandatory then eligible for NBA Draft. Pay a $100k salary.
NBA team

This helps everybody except the NCAA. Which is fine by me. College is about academics, not athletics to me. We’re using the hype of these athletic programs to cover up the systemic uselessness of college and the crazy student debt it is getting our generation into.

This post is highly ridiculous.

THEY ARE ALREADY PAYING THE PLAYERS. They pay them in fancy recruiting trips, in ridiculous student centers, which are lavishly appointed and cost a grip to maintain, and then never mind the black market of boosters who pay the players under the table.

College athletics is about athletics, and money, coaches are hired and fired based on athletics, players are recruted andget scholorships based on athletics, the majors the kids are even allowed to choose are all based on how they impact the atheltics.

those systemic issues surrounding college are irrelevant to the discussion.
This is how it should go.

Schools in a free market should compete to attract the best players, via any means they have available to them. scholarships, facilities AND/OR MONEY.

THIS AMERICA, **** this anti capitalist bull ****.
You lost me on the last sentence. :lol:

Appeals to America's capitalist spirit are usual is attached to horrible ideas.

And your argument is not that
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Lavar is kind of losing me. He’s been tripping I hate to say it.
You lost me on the last sentence. :lol:

Appeals to America's capitalist spirit are usual is attached to a horrible ideas.

And your argument is not that


Im just amaazed, that it's time to become socialist when black people getting money is involved.

Like one of the most annoying arguments I hear is, "oh if we have to pay the athletes how can we afford to have a water polo team? or golf?"

So you saying we need to rob black kids of wealth so that white kids who weren't good enough atheltes to play popular sports can get full ride scholorships?

**** outta here. :lol:
Lols. Why not get rid of the arts while we’re at it? Bringing race into this is laughable. No one is forcing these kids to go to college. They could go play abroad and get paid. The amount of college athletes is minuscule. And let’s be real...there are about 100 student athletes that are the ones bringing in all the revenue. Everyone else is good, but replaceable. So you’d be okay with one player on the team getting paid $1M for the season and another kid getting $10,000?
It makes no sense to pay collegiate athletes. What makes sense is to make the G league a mandatory minor league to be considered for getting drafting into the NBA. Get rid of the one year college rule.

This is how it would go:
High school
G league one year mandatory then eligible for NBA Draft. Pay a $100k salary.
NBA team

This helps everybody except the NCAA. Which is fine by me. College is about academics, not athletics to me. We’re using the hype of these athletic programs to cover up the systemic uselessness of college and the crazy student debt it is getting our generation into.

I like this a ton, only I wouldn't make the G League mandatory, I'd let them declare for the NBA draft out of high school, and leave the G-League discretion to the team(s) that they're drafted to.

Everything else I'd agree with. Silver and the NBA are serious about making the G-League a prominent part of the NBA, we've been hearing about it since the summer. (I work for our G-League team, the clips) Like he basically forced Steve Ballmer to buy a G-League team :lol: but either way, when it comes to basketball nothing to me is more exciting than the plans the NBA has for the G-League, and it's impact on the NCAA.

There's a reason why the chatter about repealing the age restriction for turning pro now. It's about to get very real in 2 to 3 years.
I didn’t know season 2 has started already. 3 episodes in already.

Hey, real talk. I haven’t been following Lavar since day one but where tf he getting all this money from... Like what’s his n wife occupation? Wasn’t this huge estate built before Lonzo got in the league?
Hey, real talk. I haven’t been following Lavar since day one but where tf he getting all this money from... Like what’s his n wife occupation? Wasn’t this huge estate built before Lonzo got in the league?
Nah but their house before was pretty nice. There are probably more details out there, but from what I know Lavar was a trainer and Tina was a P.E. teacher.
Nah but their house before was pretty nice. There are probably more details out there, but from what I know Lavar was a trainer and Tina was a P.E. teacher.

Hmm ok. Neither of those two professions sound like the money it takes to live in a nice home in chino hills. Last I known, chino hills was one of the top most affluent neighborhoods in the country. Cool story tho but I’d love to know how dude was so paper’d up way before his son touched the league with all those nice cars, nice home, etc.
Hmm ok. Neither of those two professions sound like the money it takes to live in a nice home in chino hills. Last I known, chino hills was one of the top most affluent neighborhoods in the country. Cool story tho but I’d love to know how dude was so paper’d up way before his son touched the league with all those nice cars, nice home, etc.
I was wondering the same. Raising three boys that eat a lot, have a lot of shoes, and travel for basketball is no joke.
I can't believe there are people who still believe this stuff.

1. You believe the bull **** accounting of NCAA schools? :lol:

So you think schools are encuring the expense of hiring, multi million dollar coaches, building more and more lavish student centers, building bigger and bigger stadiums...for what? out of the kindness of their hearts? Cmooon man.

even the schools don't make money in a strict accounting sense, the name id, brand value that comes from big time division 1 sports is insanely valuable even if you don't "make money". Take it from me, my family is from Nigeria, many of them go to the US to go to university. My dad went to UCON.

do you know why?

Because he recognized the name because of the god damn basketball team. :lol:
My uncle was looking at schools to send his daughter too, he was considering Gonzaga, now why would a old dude from nigeria know about a small catholic school in the pacific north west. BECASUE OF THE GOD DAMN BASKETBALL TEAM. :lol:

Don't pay players, but this isn't a reason to preclude EVERYONE from not paying players, this would be like saying well I can't afford a playstation so their should be a law prohibiting the sale of playstations.

yeah that's how capitalism works my guy. :lol:

and? the playing is already not even you know why?

because teams send ridiculous amounts of money on recruiting visits and building lavish student centers, WHY? BECAUSE THEY CAN'T PAY THE PLAYERS.

If the players really weren't worth paying you wouldn't see all this money spent in perks, but they have to spend it because THEY CAN'T JUST PAY THE PLAYERS. :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: Y'all are talking about capitalism? You don't want capitalism in college sports. If we have capitalism in college sports then schools would cut injured players and players who aren't producing as opposed to allowing them to stay on scholarship.

:lol::lol::lol: Y'all are talking about capitalism? You don't want capitalism in college sports. If we have capitalism in college sports then schools would cut injured players and players who aren't producing as opposed to allowing them to stay on scholarship.

I can't tell if you are joking or not.

1. Capitalism is already in college sports. like it or not, if you want to bar schoosl from spending any money on athletics then fine, but if they are spending money it's capitalism.

2. Teams, drop scholarships and force transfers ALL the time. :lol:

what are yew talmbout?

Ryan Harrow got to Kentucky, was wack and Calipiri got him up outta there, Kevin Ware had his god damn femur sticking out on national TV and after a year, once it was clear he couldn't play at a high major level Patino got him up outta there.

your scholarship is based on your ability to play, if they weren't they would be locked in for 4 years, rather than year by year renewals.
Lols. Why not get rid of the arts while we’re at it? Bringing race into this is laughable. No one is forcing these kids to go to college. They could go play abroad and get paid. The amount of college athletes is minuscule. And let’s be real...there are about 100 student athletes that are the ones bringing in all the revenue. Everyone else is good, but replaceable. So you’d be okay with one player on the team getting paid $1M for the season and another kid getting $10,000?

1. WHY SHOULD MOSTLY BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE PAY FOR "THE ARTS", Maybe Mark Zuckerburg should give the revenue from Facebook to Harvard since he was on a scholly.

2. Yes that's how things work in america, yield to this cartel or leave the country. Cmon son. :lol:

3. If they are replaceble, and worth nothing then why not remove the rule against paying them, if they are truly worth nothing they will receive nothing on the free market.

There is no rule preventing you from buying frozen cat ****, we don't need one the market has decided that frozen cat **** is useless.

So you’d be okay with one player on the team getting paid $1M for the season and another kid getting $10,000?

yes, this is how markets work, you don't like capitalism?
I can't tell if you are joking or not.

1. Capitalism is already in college sports. like it or not, if you want to bar schoosl from spending any money on athletics then fine, but if they are spending money it's capitalism.

2. Teams, drop scholarships and force transfers ALL the time. :lol:

what are yew talmbout?

Ryan Harrow got to Kentucky, was wack and Calipiri got him up outta there, Kevin Ware had his god damn femur sticking out on national TV and after a year, once it was clear he couldn't play at a high major level Patino got him up outta there.

your scholarship is based on your ability to play, if they weren't they would be locked in for 4 years, rather than year by year renewals.

I'm not sure if you're being serious. Kevin and Ryan (full disclosure, went to my HS) weren't forced off of their respective teams. They chose to transfer to Georgia State where they'd get PT. Scholarships are not renewed annually as long as you stay eligible academically and stay out of trouble.
the level of naivitee is amazing man.

Either never play or leave, that's "choice" huh. :lol:

okay buddy, qwe live in a land of gum drops a lolly pops where coaches never squeeze players or not renew scholly's
Watched latest ep of Ball in the Family and they seem to keep dangling the Gelo China thing every week but who knows when they finally get to it. Will be interesting to see their coverage of what transpired but could be limited due to legality.

Wonder how many teams want Melo but not Gelo? Likely the majority (could be 99.9% lol) of potential suitors don't want to do a package deal.
Hmm ok. Neither of those two professions sound like the money it takes to live in a nice home in chino hills. Last I known, chino hills was one of the top most affluent neighborhoods in the country. Cool story tho but I’d love to know how dude was so paper’d up way before his son touched the league with all those nice cars, nice home, etc.

See; Bompton Blood Brand
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