****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

ESPN has an article that gives more details about the deal.

Its pretty much a 1 month trial for both parties as they have a mutual termination option after it.

I really want to see the games. I’m genuinely intrigued.
ESPN has an article that gives more details about the deal.

Its pretty much a 1 month trial for both parties as they have a mutual termination option after it.

I really want to see the games. I’m genuinely intrigued.

I hope the sportsbooks will have bets on whether or not they stay beyond the first month.
If this somehow works in BBB’s favor ppl gon be sooo mad, Lavar really gon be talking that **** :lol: ...I’m all for it, good luck overseas to them boys ! :pimp:
And just as I expected....the simpletons turned everything I posted into me directly comparing the ability of Harper in his sport to Melo in his sport...and that's not the point I was making :lol:

I understand that is not the point you're trying to make but the ability level of the individuals in question player huge role in determining whether dropping out of HS is a good decision or not. If Melo were a Surefire #1 overall pick, there would be a lot fewer people questioning your decision.

Like I said if LeBron James would have dropped out of high school after 10th grade, it would be viewed a lot differently than the decision Melo is making now.
And just as I expected....the simpletons turned everything I posted into me directly comparing the ability of Harper in his sport to Melo in his sport...and that's not the point I was making :lol:
What point were you trying to make for us simpletons? Your point seems to be that the development of basketball players need to be completely overhauled. Is that right? Then use a once a generation talent that was literally the only player that went that route as an example in a different sport where it was the exception, not the norm.

Are you suggesting more US nba prospects should drop out of high school and develop their game in Europe? That there should be some minor league system like baseball and hockey has for straight out of HS prospects? Why not just say that instead of making that odd Bryce Harper analogy? :lol:

I think you gonna give kids a lot of false hope if you want to urge them to drop out of the 10th grade like Harper did.
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I understand that is not the point you're trying to make but the ability level of the individuals in question player huge role in determining whether dropping out of HS is a good decision or not. If Melo were a Surefire #1 overall pick, there would be a lot fewer people questioning your decision.

Like I said if LeBron James would have dropped out of high school after 10th grade, it would be viewed a lot differently than the decision Melo is making now.

These Alternate Facts :smh:

Lebby did try to leave High School after his junior year. He petitioned to enter the draft and they tood him to take his *** back to school because he didn’t graduate yet.
So what race am I since you are the authoritative source then?

I couldn’t care less about what your race is, sir.

The FACT is that race DOES matter in how situations are perceived by the peanut gallery. It has always been this way and it will forever be this way. It’s the world we live in.

I’m not sure how anyone could argue otherwise, to be honest.
I couldn’t care less about what your race is, sir.

The FACT is that race DOES matter in how situations are perceived by the peanut gallery. It has always been this way and it will forever be this way. It’s the world we live in.

I’m not sure how anyone could argue otherwise, to be honest.

That’s your opinion then and if y’all want to say everything is race related then enjoy.

Source: a black man.

Tell me I’m wrong

I don’t see how we can turn this into a race thing but it is what it is.
Most of the debate in here isn’t that the balls going to Lithuania to play isn’t good because they are black. It’s because we differ on whether they (mainly the younger one) is the real deal or not.

The Bryce Harper comparison doesn’t even hold weight but apparently it’s ok that his dad did what he did because he was white not because he was the real deal.
If we’re Comparing soley popularity.

It’s not at all disrespectful. Lamelo is THAT popular. You’re on a message board talking about him...and he hasn’t played more than 2 years of high school basketball.
Me and you had this convo before. Remember, you have to judge popularity with the available means of communication in mind.

We can look at different metrics to support why Melo is more popular than Lebron, but leron didn't live in a time where similar social media tools existed.

Goes back to my general rule of thumb, never compare cross generations
That’s your opinion.

This situation right here.... they could be purple and it would solicite the same responses.
I think race is part of the issue due to the fact tha we are even HAVING A convo about amateurism vs. Pro status in an American sport when other sports (nkt dominated by blaks) don't share the same rules.

So from the root of this conversation, race IS a factor
Talk That Talk Jemele!

The two predominately African American dominated sports have all these restrictions in place that don’t allow for kids to turn pro when they want to

Yet there are no such limitations on the predominately caucasian sports. i.e. Baseball, Swimming, Golf,, Tennis

To pretend this isn’t the case is to be willfully ignorant
Me and you had this convo before. Remember, you have to judge popularity with the available means of communication in mind.

We can look at different metrics to support why Melo is more popular than Lebron, but leron didn't live in a time where similar social media tools existed.

Goes back to my general rule of thumb, never compare cross generations

I think race is part of the issue due to the fact tha we are even HAVING A convo about amateurism vs. Pro status in an American sport when other sports (nkt dominated by blaks) don't share the same rules.

So from the root of this conversation, race IS a factor

Maybe the multiple conversations in here is the point of confusion then.

I do agree that the predominantly black sports get treated bad in comparison. Like football and basketball vs baseball.
I 1000000000% agree that the system is messed up and it takes advantage of the athletes especially in those sports. Race is definitely an issue. No if ands buts about it.

The topic I’m speaking on (which is what we have been talking about in the last day or so) is the issue people have with melo being pulled out of high school to ultimately play in Lithuania and it being compared to Bryce Harper.
I do not agree that it’s a racial thing between the two as Harper was a prodigy and I do not feel melo is in the same league as he was. As more accurate comparison imo is lebron and I wouldn’t have had issues with him going a non traditional route because he was pretty much guaranteed the nba vs a real iffy feeling I have on melo.

This argument is about skill not race.
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Maybe the multiple conversations in here is the point of confusion then.

I do agree that the predominantly black sports get treated bad in comparison. Like football and basketball vs baseball.
I 1000000000% agree that the system is messed up and it takes advantage of the athletes especially in those sports. Race is definitely an issue. No if ands buts about it.

The topic I’m speaking on (which is what we have been talking about in the last day or so) is the issue people have with melo being pulled out of high school to ultimately play in Lithuania and it being compared to Bryce Harper.
I do not agree that it’s a racial thing between the two as Harper was a prodigy and I do not feel melo is in the same league as he was. As more accurate comparison imo is lebron and I wouldn’t have had issues with him going a non traditional route because he was pretty much guaranteed the nba vs a real iffy feeling I have on melo.

This argument is about skill not race.

I see what you're saying. And I think that the back and forth is that; yes skill is the biggest difference between the 2 scenarios, but race IS a factor. Not the main factor obviously, but race does matter in this situation or any situation ever. Always.
I see what you're saying. And I think that the back and forth is that; yes skill is the biggest difference between the 2 scenarios, but race IS a factor. Not the main factor obviously, but race does matter in this situation or any situation ever. Always.
Sorry but I’m not buying it. Race isn’t always a factor in any situation.
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