****The Everything LaVar Ball Thread****

If that's one of the best designs on the market, it shows you how much Nike Basketball has fallen off design-wise. I can't even remember the last time they dropped a sneaker that I HAD to have.
Y'all saw that ether Lavar served up that Nike exec ?


:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

"So I'm the worst thing to happen in a hundred years? That's 'cause everybody been in the darkness for a hundred years. But you know how this bothers me? Not at all. Big Baller's Chicken. Big Baller's Barbecue. Call it what you want. But George Raveling, you the worst man to be a best man. That's what I heard. How you gonna go to a guy's wedding, and then stab him in the back? And you say this the worst thing I'm doing is talking and making chicken? But let me tell you something: I know I'm on the right step, 'cause if nothing ain't happen like this in a hundred years, guess what? We in a new lane, baby. That Big Baller Brand 'bout to be your competition."
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Y'all saw that ether Lavar served up that Nike exec ?


:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

"So I'm the worst thing to happen in a hundred years? That's 'cause everybody been in the darkness for a hundred years. But you know how this bothers me? Not at all. Big Baller's Chicken. Big Baller's Barbecue. Call it what you want. But George Raveling, you the worst man to be a best man. That's what I heard. How you gonna go to a guy's wedding, and then stab him in the back? And you say this the worst thing I'm doing is talking and making chicken? But let me tell you something: I know I'm on the right step, 'cause if nothing ain't happen like this in a hundred years, guess what? We in a new lane, baby. That Big Baller Brand 'bout to be your competition."

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That's right LaVar, talk yo **** :smokin
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Watching the pacers game, I'd buy some clothing and shoes if Lance Stephenson had his own brand. Dude's been been playing good and him trolling bald lebron is always appreciated.
For as much **** as he talks, he drops some realness that far outweighs the outlandishness. Love this guy.
Please don't make this a race thing. It's not a race thing. 

Yes it is. Want me to list loud outspoken white men that don't get criticized or scrutinized the same way by white America?

We have one as the president right now. He talked about sexually assaulting women, made racists remarks, etc. and enough white people looked past it and voted for him. Racism is the glue that keeps the machine we live in from falling apart.
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I agree with you Brolic. But there's one thing that Lavar needs to do before he can go all cocky and be acceptable. He actually needs to have that success story. Living vicariously through his children right now won't get him anything when in reality they haven't proven anything yet. Yes they are great players their respective levels but could still flop in the NBA for numerous reasons.

It's one thing to be cocky and be already successful and then what he's doing. Instead of acting like he is why doesn't he act like someone such as Warren Buffet or Bill Gates. He essentially deserves what he gets because he's acting a certain way to get that shock response.
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