The Flash (CW Series) thread, season 9

Jay lived through this with no major visible injuries. Super speed is clearly not his only power.


That scene actually looked really cool, bet it was expensive to make though
If you're a Barry villain it's pretty clear how you rack up Ws. Go back in time and kill inexperienced Barry'a loved ones :lol:

It's so odd to me cuz this whole show is set in an alt timeline and future Barry knows **** ain't suppose to change but he lets it rock and tells his young self not to change it. We know things were different for him and he had both of his parents. Son is probably not even the same future Barry anymore and that version living his life after letting Reverse Flash rock.

Now this future Barry sending messages to Rip Hunter talking about don't trust my past self is just letting Savitar rock after he already beat him just some use can torment his past self.

Savitar said one dies, one betrays them, one suffers a fate worse than death, what else?

I think that's it.

One dies = Iris.

One betrays them = Cisco? He's still in his feelings with Gary about Dante. Watch them have Wells betray them again. :lol: :smh:

One suffers a fate worse than death = Gary. After pining away for Iris for years he finally get her only to have indirectly get killed by his hands because a speed god he locked away is seeking venegance.
Yeah, this is what I assume would've happened (except I think it's Caitlin that's suppose to betray them given what Cisco vibes about her earlier) but now Barry saw the future and we know he'll change at least one of those things..

Plus I just don't think the CW is killing off Iris. This aint a Laurel Lance situation.

So I think they can come through with some real twists; Joe dies, Wally betrays them (might tie in to Savitar saying he's the "future Flash" of That's how he said it), and of course Barry suffers a fate worse than death (dead dad, step bro turns to the darkside, maybe Iris dumps him cuz of that) :lol:

I forgot about all that. I guess it slipped my mind cuz he was still working for the police force.
Either way it's not like Star Labs is actually making any money right now.
HR is right about opening it up to the public and taking funds from those suckers

If he owns the patents and those patents are fro every day things, Larry is rolling in dough. Makes you wonder why he didn't just quit and be The Flash full time...

Well, working at the police station allows him to 1)get the inside word on any crimes taking place and 2)often be present already when crimes start to take place. Granted, Joe could fill him in regardless, but there are certainly worse jobs that a superhero could have during the day.
Also there's the obvious, Barry likes being a forensics csi.

I remember I think in a Justice League and/or Adventures of Superman ep(s) Clark says something or somebody says it about him that if he had to be Superman 24/7 he'd go mad. Then Lex doesn't believe Superman has a secret assuming what would be the point of him pretending to be a regular human.

Barry would change if all he did was stop crime and eat. There's also iris but she got a job and his sex sessions aint gonna last hrs.
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It was the convienent way to keep Star Labs from being taken by the city and wrap up Henry still being locked up framed for his wife's murder. Of course it screwed over Wells but that Earth Wells is dead anyway.

They were trying to make Thawne almost sympathetic or something.

Still crazy how they just slipped in this body skin snatching tech and never revisited it. Most wild plot device that got dropped.

Also the whole time travel idea that Thawne's end happens in S1 but before that he does a whole bunch of other **** like form the Legion of Doom and sees Flashpoint.
Anyone else wish it was Gary and Wally getting dragged and washed by Savitar instead of Jay?
It was the convienent way to keep Star Labs from being taken by the city and wrap up Henry still being locked up framed for his wife's murder. Of course it screwed over Wells but that Earth Wells is dead anyway.

They were trying to make Thawne almost sympathetic or something.

Still crazy how they just slipped in this body skin snatching tech and never revisited it. Most wild plot device that got dropped.

Also the whole time travel idea that Thawne's end happens in S1 but before that he does a whole bunch of other **** like form the Legion of Doom and sees Flashpoint.

Still mad they kinda gloss over Gideon. Like no one thinks about going back for that in Star Labs?
Son that's even dumber.

All Barry uses Gideon for is to look at the same newspaper front page! ******* dumbo. I find it just astonishing that Barry is the one that built Gideon. 3 seasons in they've laid off on Barry a genius.

Look what they use Gideon for in Legends :smh:

Anyone else wish it was Gary and Wally getting dragged and washed by Savitar instead of Jay?
Wally's epic washed and dragging days are soon to come :lol:
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