The GOAT: "I would not have called Larry and Magic and say let’s play together"

Originally Posted by VanillaFreak13

Think about the fact that Jordan didn't win his first championship til his seventh season at 28! Even then he didn't have a mid range game.

Sure he had the hot game against Portland in the second series, but Jordan didn't have that mid-range jumper/turnaround until the second three peat.

So it wasn't blatant optimism to think that Lebron could have improved his game even beyond what we had seen.  

Im not sure how old you are, but you need to go and watch, or re-watch, those games from 87-93. Mike didnt have a mid-range game? That is absolutely ABSURD! If go and watch young Mike, an Kobe for that matter, sure they may not have often dominated offensively with jumpshots like they would later in their careers, but the development of a jumpshot game, pull-ups/turn arounds/fade aways, was CLEAR.

I have yet to see ANY sign of lebron developing any type of jumpshot game that he could dominate with. It seems like he rarely even shoots from inside of 3 and outside of 7-8 feet, and its not optimistic to think he should have a jumpshot by 25.

Remember when Kobe shot lights out and had 9 straight 40-point games in the 2003 season? 7th season, 24 years old.

Kobe tied Mike's record of 9 straight 40-point games that he did in 86-87, his 3rd season at 23 years old. He also had a different stretch of 3 straight 50-point games that year.

You dont have these stretches without a jumphot game.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Classy Freshman wrote:

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Classy Freshman wrote:

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Here is the list of elite players who switched teams in their relative primes in the 80s in alphabetical order:

Malone, Moses

That is all. I guess you can add Bernard King otherwise you have to go down to players like Adrian Dantley and Mark Aguirre to find some more and wait until the 92 Barkley trade where things really started to roll and Barkley, Drexler and Nique switching teams. And switching teams has only had a negative impact for one of these three's legacies (Nique) where he became a journeyman for the rest of his career, whereas for Barkley and Drexler it flat out had a positive effect on their legacies with Barkley winning the MVP and making the finals in 93 and Drexler winning a ring in 95. And unlike LeBron who is coming to a team that has 2 first round exits and the worst record in the NBA in the last 3 seasons, Drexler came to a team that won a championship just a year earlier. And have you ever heard someone say that this was a bad thing for Drexler's legacy? Before Moses Malone, I think Wilt, Oscar and Kareem are the only juggernauts who switched teams in their primes and man did that ruin their legacies. Bottom line: Dr. J (other than the fact he HAD to switch teams because of ABA's end), Kareem, Magic, Bird, Jordan, Isiah, Drexler, Nique, Olajuwon, Barkley, McHale, Worthy, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Ewing, Robinson: 16 out of 20 best players in the league between 1976 and 1992 and they never switched teams a single time in this period. Now try making a list of 15 best players in recent times and see how many of them switched teams, in fact here's a list of elite players in their primes who for whatever reason (in many cases because they wanted to) switched teams since 1996:

Shaq (multiple times)
Charles Barkley
Shawn Kemp
Chris Webber
Scottie Pippen
Grant Hill
Jason Kidd
Gary Payton
Tracy McGrady
Vince Carter
Kevin Garnett
Kobe wanted to but apparently he gets a pass so free that it started asking for 40 acres and a mule
Amare Stoudemire
Chris Bosh
LeBron James

Every player is judged by the time he played in, and unlike Magic, Bird, Isiah and Jordan's early days, LeBron James is a player of a time where elite players in their primes switching teams is nothing uncommon and is much closer to being a rule than being an exception, which it very much was in the Magic-Bird days. So in the end it won't "ruin his legacy" whatsoever no matter how desperate your hating %@$ wants to make it look. Suck it haters. If you want to be fair (which obviously you don't), then you shouldn't be salty about this particular LeBron/Bosh transfer, but be complaining about the entire notion of elite players switching teams in their primes which happens so often in modern basketball. But you won't do that? Why? Because U just MAAaaad about LeBron and are probably getting sleepless nights over him.

I reason people are disapointed with Lebron's decision is not merely because he switched teams, but because he joined a team with one of the top three players in the league a player who hasn't been out of the first round for two straight seasons and was a part of the worst team in the NBA 3 seasons ago, and another Olympian/All-Star player who has only been in the playoffs twice, never been out of the first round and been a part of a lottery team for the past 2 seasons. Don't you get it??? If he would have went to Chicago, New York (or anywhere else without 2 franchise players in their prime players who have 5 first round exits and 3 lotteries in their past 8 seasons combined) he wouldn't have gotten nearly the amount of criticism he is getting now.

@ "if he had joined any other team", this is priceless. You really think you're fooling anyone by saying that this is the only decision he could've made to get criticized? 30 teams he could've signed with = 30 ways of putting a negative spin on any decision he would've made

Cleveland: He's about the money, he doesn't care about winning
Chicago: He wants to be like Jordan/will never be as good as Jordan
New York: He's about the spotlight and media attention, he doesn't care about winning
New Jersey: He's wants to suck up to Jay-Z and be closer to the rap game more than win
Charlotte Bobcats: He wants to suck up to Jordan
Toronto: He hates America
Going to play in Europe: He hates the entire North American continent
Ends pro basketball career to go to college: He'll never pass his exams
Retires from basketball all-together: He doesn't care about basketball
Dies: You have to be alive in order to play basketball and he didn't stay alive to show that he cares about playing basketball
Miami: *insert reason from traditional LeBron haters who made posts in this thread who have made fun of LeBron year after year for "not being about winning" and only about himself, but now that he sacrificed both money, stats and MVPs (Cleveland) and exposure (New York) in order to increase his odds of winning flip-flop and say some other crap*

   ^you really are bugged out.

Are you really talking about people putting a "negative spin" on things??? YOU???

You are saying forget about Dwayne Wade's 26.6, 4.8, 6.5 last year(33.2, 5.6, 6.8 in the playoffs), THREE SEASONS AGO he was on a team with 15 total wins. You know he only played 51 games and you know the games he did play he was nowhere near 100 percent healthy, but to you that seems to be more important then his 09-10 performance.  HA.

You are saying forget about Chris Bosh's 24 and 10 last year, he played for a team that that missed the playoffs for the last two seasons and has never been out of the first round. Its 
to me that you KILL Kobe and the Lakers for aquiring a similar player in Pau Gasol. The difference is Chris Bosh had better numbers then Gasol. Gasol averaged 19.1 and 8.5 the season before joining the Lakers. Gasol and the Grizzlies also missed the playoffs the year before the Lakers aquired him, and were SWEPT out of the playoffs in Gasol's other 3 playoff appeareances. So again you KILL Kobe for getting Gasol(who statistically was not the player Bosh is), but its alright for Lebron to team with Bosh?... AND WADE???  



We can go by Wade's 09-10 season only if you want, no problems whatsoever. I'll only mention the epic fail in 08 as soon as someone mentions how Heat won in 06. Anyway, what about Wade's 09-10? The guy didn't get past first round. Apparently second rounder MVP of 09-10 LeBron is coming to piggyback a first rounder to a ring and to be his Robin/Pippen. Makes total sense.

Also, it's funny how you use to determine stats to decide who is better between Bosh and Gasol, yet when I mention how LeBron takes a complete dump on Kobe in terms of stats (even more than the difference between Bosh and Gasol) as a way to prove that LeBron is the better player, then stats don't matter at all. What a hypocritical Kobe #@!* socket.
And yeah, Bosh scored significantly more than Gasol, but Pau averaged more rebounds, assists and blocks.

And the difference between LeBron "getting" Bosh and Kobe getting Gasol is that LeBron didn't get Bosh, they both signed for a team as free agents, while Kobe getting Gasol is one of the most one-sided trades in history.

First of all I sonned you with my last statement and this current reply was weak, but I will take it apart anyway.

Why even mention 07-08 and the 15 wins when it comes to Wade? He only played 51 games and he was clearly not 100 percent? Oh yeah...negative spin. And by the end of the 09-10 season regardless of his teams performance, he was regarded as a top 3 player in the league. PERIOD.

As far as Bosh and Gasol, I was using the statistics as an example of the similarities of the type of player Kobe plays with and player Lebron will be playing with. I never said the statistics determined who was the better player. The point I was making was that you constantly attempt to discredit Kobe for playing with a player of Pau's caliber, but now it is somehow ok for Lebron to play with a player of the same caliber. You can't have it both ways. 

And the difference between Pau joining the Lakers and Lebron joining Miami is that Pau coming to the Lakers was managements decision. Now Lebron on the other hand made "the decision" by himself to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami.

Keep replying and I will keep putting nails in you coffin.

First thing's first: The only place you're "sonning" me with arguments is in your own imaginary world, fellow Kobe stanboys that will approve of any post that makes Kobe look good and/or any post that makes LeBron look bad no matter how weak the arguments are don't count.

I'm mentioning the 07-08 season because Wade still played 51 games that year and the Heat were 10-41 in the 51 games Wade played. You can make excuses for him not being 100% or whatever, but the Heat lost even when Wade put up numbers that were amazing and better than his averages when he's 110% healthy:

Dec. 7, 2007: 33 points & 10 assists = Heat lose
Dec. 19, 2007: 36 points, 10 assists & 6 rebounds = Heat lose
Dec. 20, 2007: 41 points, 6 assists, 5 rebounds, 3 steals & 3 blocks = Heat lose
Dec. 28, 2007: 47 points, 11 assists, 7 rebounds, 3 steals & 3 blocks = Heat lose
Jan. 9, 2008: 34 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists & 3 steals = Heat lose
Jan. 18, 2008: 37 points = Heat lose
Jan. 21, 2008: 42 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds & 3 steals = Heat lose
Feb. 6, 2008: 30 points, 12 assists & 5 rebounds = Heat lose
Feb. 21, 2008: 33 points & 11 assists = Heat lose

In fact, 8 or 9 of his top 10 games in the 51 games that he played in the 2007-08 season resulted in Heat LOSSES. Him being not 100% had very little to do with it. The Heat sucking and having a terrible team had a lot to do with it. And the crap team of 2008 is closer to the team of 2010 LeBron is joining than the 2006 championship team.

Since then he had two straight first round exits. At the end of the 09-10 regular season Wade was seen as anywhere between #2 and #5 in the league with Kobe, Durant and Carmelo. But the point is that the undisputed #1 was LeBron and yet this undisputed #1 is coming to join forces with this 2-5 player. So how can LeBron piggyback someone who had two straight first round exits to a ring. If the Heat win the 2011 championship, how the hell is it going to look like that LeBron is the one who piggybacked Wade and not vice versa when Wade had first round exits in 09 and 10 while LeBron had a conference finals exit in 09 and a second round exit in 2010... not to mention two MVPs? You know how? Because you HATE him! That's how. You'll do anything to spin the whole situation so that it looks like it works against LeBron, no matter how much the factual evidence points to the opposite, and it does.

I don't discredit Kobe for playing with a player of Pau's caliber, rather how his team got this player. Managment's decision versus own decision, eh? Just like it was the Lakers management's decision not to allow Kobe to leave in 2007 when it was Kobe's own decision to leave? If Kobe was free like in 07 like LeBron was free this summer, Kobe was GONE. I remember he said that he wanted to get traded and "nothing could change his mind". So if you don't believe that Kobe would've left had he been a free agent after the 2006-07 season, you're flat out delusional. But in the end, much like shooting 6-24 in a game 7 of the NBA finals, Kobe gets a free pass.

And your comment that LeBron "to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami" is just laughable. He may have been the last one to join officially, but it's obvious that all 3 of them have talked about this move TOGETHER a long time ago. Stephen A. Smith reported it weeks before it happened. So if you want to make it look like it was an impulse move and LeBron was like "Wow, hey look at this, Chris Bosh will sign with the Heat, then maybe I should join Wade and Bosh as well!", then YOU FAIL. If they haven't agreed on this mutually, Bosh wouldn't have joined Wade in Miami and Wade himself would've probably left the Heat as well. They all chose Miami probably because it's a much nicer place to live than Toronto and Cleveland - no offense to NTers from these two cities.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Classy Freshman wrote:

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Classy Freshman wrote:

Xtapolapacetl wrote:

Here is the list of elite players who switched teams in their relative primes in the 80s in alphabetical order:

Malone, Moses

That is all. I guess you can add Bernard King otherwise you have to go down to players like Adrian Dantley and Mark Aguirre to find some more and wait until the 92 Barkley trade where things really started to roll and Barkley, Drexler and Nique switching teams. And switching teams has only had a negative impact for one of these three's legacies (Nique) where he became a journeyman for the rest of his career, whereas for Barkley and Drexler it flat out had a positive effect on their legacies with Barkley winning the MVP and making the finals in 93 and Drexler winning a ring in 95. And unlike LeBron who is coming to a team that has 2 first round exits and the worst record in the NBA in the last 3 seasons, Drexler came to a team that won a championship just a year earlier. And have you ever heard someone say that this was a bad thing for Drexler's legacy? Before Moses Malone, I think Wilt, Oscar and Kareem are the only juggernauts who switched teams in their primes and man did that ruin their legacies. Bottom line: Dr. J (other than the fact he HAD to switch teams because of ABA's end), Kareem, Magic, Bird, Jordan, Isiah, Drexler, Nique, Olajuwon, Barkley, McHale, Worthy, Karl Malone, John Stockton, Ewing, Robinson: 16 out of 20 best players in the league between 1976 and 1992 and they never switched teams a single time in this period. Now try making a list of 15 best players in recent times and see how many of them switched teams, in fact here's a list of elite players in their primes who for whatever reason (in many cases because they wanted to) switched teams since 1996:

Shaq (multiple times)
Charles Barkley
Shawn Kemp
Chris Webber
Scottie Pippen
Grant Hill
Jason Kidd
Gary Payton
Tracy McGrady
Vince Carter
Kevin Garnett
Kobe wanted to but apparently he gets a pass so free that it started asking for 40 acres and a mule
Amare Stoudemire
Chris Bosh
LeBron James

Every player is judged by the time he played in, and unlike Magic, Bird, Isiah and Jordan's early days, LeBron James is a player of a time where elite players in their primes switching teams is nothing uncommon and is much closer to being a rule than being an exception, which it very much was in the Magic-Bird days. So in the end it won't "ruin his legacy" whatsoever no matter how desperate your hating %@$ wants to make it look. Suck it haters. If you want to be fair (which obviously you don't), then you shouldn't be salty about this particular LeBron/Bosh transfer, but be complaining about the entire notion of elite players switching teams in their primes which happens so often in modern basketball. But you won't do that? Why? Because U just MAAaaad about LeBron and are probably getting sleepless nights over him.

I reason people are disapointed with Lebron's decision is not merely because he switched teams, but because he joined a team with one of the top three players in the league a player who hasn't been out of the first round for two straight seasons and was a part of the worst team in the NBA 3 seasons ago, and another Olympian/All-Star player who has only been in the playoffs twice, never been out of the first round and been a part of a lottery team for the past 2 seasons. Don't you get it??? If he would have went to Chicago, New York (or anywhere else without 2 franchise players in their prime players who have 5 first round exits and 3 lotteries in their past 8 seasons combined) he wouldn't have gotten nearly the amount of criticism he is getting now.

@ "if he had joined any other team", this is priceless. You really think you're fooling anyone by saying that this is the only decision he could've made to get criticized? 30 teams he could've signed with = 30 ways of putting a negative spin on any decision he would've made

Cleveland: He's about the money, he doesn't care about winning
Chicago: He wants to be like Jordan/will never be as good as Jordan
New York: He's about the spotlight and media attention, he doesn't care about winning
New Jersey: He's wants to suck up to Jay-Z and be closer to the rap game more than win
Charlotte Bobcats: He wants to suck up to Jordan
Toronto: He hates America
Going to play in Europe: He hates the entire North American continent
Ends pro basketball career to go to college: He'll never pass his exams
Retires from basketball all-together: He doesn't care about basketball
Dies: You have to be alive in order to play basketball and he didn't stay alive to show that he cares about playing basketball
Miami: *insert reason from traditional LeBron haters who made posts in this thread who have made fun of LeBron year after year for "not being about winning" and only about himself, but now that he sacrificed both money, stats and MVPs (Cleveland) and exposure (New York) in order to increase his odds of winning flip-flop and say some other crap*

   ^you really are bugged out.

Are you really talking about people putting a "negative spin" on things??? YOU???

You are saying forget about Dwayne Wade's 26.6, 4.8, 6.5 last year(33.2, 5.6, 6.8 in the playoffs), THREE SEASONS AGO he was on a team with 15 total wins. You know he only played 51 games and you know the games he did play he was nowhere near 100 percent healthy, but to you that seems to be more important then his 09-10 performance.  HA.

You are saying forget about Chris Bosh's 24 and 10 last year, he played for a team that that missed the playoffs for the last two seasons and has never been out of the first round. Its 
to me that you KILL Kobe and the Lakers for aquiring a similar player in Pau Gasol. The difference is Chris Bosh had better numbers then Gasol. Gasol averaged 19.1 and 8.5 the season before joining the Lakers. Gasol and the Grizzlies also missed the playoffs the year before the Lakers aquired him, and were SWEPT out of the playoffs in Gasol's other 3 playoff appeareances. So again you KILL Kobe for getting Gasol(who statistically was not the player Bosh is), but its alright for Lebron to team with Bosh?... AND WADE???  



We can go by Wade's 09-10 season only if you want, no problems whatsoever. I'll only mention the epic fail in 08 as soon as someone mentions how Heat won in 06. Anyway, what about Wade's 09-10? The guy didn't get past first round. Apparently second rounder MVP of 09-10 LeBron is coming to piggyback a first rounder to a ring and to be his Robin/Pippen. Makes total sense.

Also, it's funny how you use to determine stats to decide who is better between Bosh and Gasol, yet when I mention how LeBron takes a complete dump on Kobe in terms of stats (even more than the difference between Bosh and Gasol) as a way to prove that LeBron is the better player, then stats don't matter at all. What a hypocritical Kobe #@!* socket.
And yeah, Bosh scored significantly more than Gasol, but Pau averaged more rebounds, assists and blocks.

And the difference between LeBron "getting" Bosh and Kobe getting Gasol is that LeBron didn't get Bosh, they both signed for a team as free agents, while Kobe getting Gasol is one of the most one-sided trades in history.

First of all I sonned you with my last statement and this current reply was weak, but I will take it apart anyway.

Why even mention 07-08 and the 15 wins when it comes to Wade? He only played 51 games and he was clearly not 100 percent? Oh yeah...negative spin. And by the end of the 09-10 season regardless of his teams performance, he was regarded as a top 3 player in the league. PERIOD.

As far as Bosh and Gasol, I was using the statistics as an example of the similarities of the type of player Kobe plays with and player Lebron will be playing with. I never said the statistics determined who was the better player. The point I was making was that you constantly attempt to discredit Kobe for playing with a player of Pau's caliber, but now it is somehow ok for Lebron to play with a player of the same caliber. You can't have it both ways. 

And the difference between Pau joining the Lakers and Lebron joining Miami is that Pau coming to the Lakers was managements decision. Now Lebron on the other hand made "the decision" by himself to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami.

Keep replying and I will keep putting nails in you coffin.

First thing's first: The only place you're "sonning" me with arguments is in your own imaginary world, fellow Kobe stanboys that will approve of any post that makes Kobe look good and/or any post that makes LeBron look bad no matter how weak the arguments are don't count.

I'm mentioning the 07-08 season because Wade still played 51 games that year and the Heat were 10-41 in the 51 games Wade played. You can make excuses for him not being 100% or whatever, but the Heat lost even when Wade put up numbers that were amazing and better than his averages when he's 110% healthy:

Dec. 7, 2007: 33 points & 10 assists = Heat lose
Dec. 19, 2007: 36 points, 10 assists & 6 rebounds = Heat lose
Dec. 20, 2007: 41 points, 6 assists, 5 rebounds, 3 steals & 3 blocks = Heat lose
Dec. 28, 2007: 47 points, 11 assists, 7 rebounds, 3 steals & 3 blocks = Heat lose
Jan. 9, 2008: 34 points, 9 rebounds, 5 assists & 3 steals = Heat lose
Jan. 18, 2008: 37 points = Heat lose
Jan. 21, 2008: 42 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds & 3 steals = Heat lose
Feb. 6, 2008: 30 points, 12 assists & 5 rebounds = Heat lose
Feb. 21, 2008: 33 points & 11 assists = Heat lose

In fact, 8 or 9 of his top 10 games in the 51 games that he played in the 2007-08 season resulted in Heat LOSSES. Him being not 100% had very little to do with it. The Heat sucking and having a terrible team had a lot to do with it. And the crap team of 2008 is closer to the team of 2010 LeBron is joining than the 2006 championship team.

Since then he had two straight first round exits. At the end of the 09-10 regular season Wade was seen as anywhere between #2 and #5 in the league with Kobe, Durant and Carmelo. But the point is that the undisputed #1 was LeBron and yet this undisputed #1 is coming to join forces with this 2-5 player. So how can LeBron piggyback someone who had two straight first round exits to a ring. If the Heat win the 2011 championship, how the hell is it going to look like that LeBron is the one who piggybacked Wade and not vice versa when Wade had first round exits in 09 and 10 while LeBron had a conference finals exit in 09 and a second round exit in 2010... not to mention two MVPs? You know how? Because you HATE him! That's how. You'll do anything to spin the whole situation so that it looks like it works against LeBron, no matter how much the factual evidence points to the opposite, and it does.

I don't discredit Kobe for playing with a player of Pau's caliber, rather how his team got this player. Managment's decision versus own decision, eh? Just like it was the Lakers management's decision not to allow Kobe to leave in 2007 when it was Kobe's own decision to leave? If Kobe was free like in 07 like LeBron was free this summer, Kobe was GONE. I remember he said that he wanted to get traded and "nothing could change his mind". So if you don't believe that Kobe would've left had he been a free agent after the 2006-07 season, you're flat out delusional. But in the end, much like shooting 6-24 in a game 7 of the NBA finals, Kobe gets a free pass.

And your comment that LeBron "to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami" is just laughable. He may have been the last one to join officially, but it's obvious that all 3 of them have talked about this move TOGETHER a long time ago. Stephen A. Smith reported it weeks before it happened. So if you want to make it look like it was an impulse move and LeBron was like "Wow, hey look at this, Chris Bosh will sign with the Heat, then maybe I should join Wade and Bosh as well!", then YOU FAIL. If they haven't agreed on this mutually, Bosh wouldn't have joined Wade in Miami and Wade himself would've probably left the Heat as well. They all chose Miami probably because it's a much nicer place to live than Toronto and Cleveland - no offense to NTers from these two cities.
how the hell is it going to look like that LeBron is the one who piggybacked

Because he's going to Wade's city and team.

LeBron will be the best player on that team, so the idea he's just gona coast to titles and sit back and watch Wade/Bosh do the heavy lifting is false, but going to another players city does make it feel/look like he is just hopping on for the ride.
how the hell is it going to look like that LeBron is the one who piggybacked

Because he's going to Wade's city and team.

LeBron will be the best player on that team, so the idea he's just gona coast to titles and sit back and watch Wade/Bosh do the heavy lifting is false, but going to another players city does make it feel/look like he is just hopping on for the ride.
Xtapolapacetl wrote:

And your comment that LeBron "to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami" is just laughable. He may have been the last one to join officially, but it's obvious that all 3 of them have talked about this move TOGETHER a long time ago. Stephen A. Smith reported it weeks before it happened. So if you want to make it look like it was an impulse move and LeBron was like "Wow, hey look at this, Chris Bosh will sign with the Heat, then maybe I should join Wade and Bosh as well!", then YOU FAIL. If they haven't agreed on this mutually, Bosh wouldn't have joined Wade in Miami and Wade himself would've probably left the Heat as well. They all chose Miami probably because it's a much nicer place to live than Toronto and Cleveland - no offense to NTers from these two cities.

if they really planned it years in advance then they are all a bunch of !%##!#% trying to ruin the sanctity of the game. BUT lebron is the one who said that he woke up the day of the decision talked to his moms and made a choice.

so either lebron made his choice to go to MIA the day after Wade and Bosh already were planted there.


this guy was involved in trying to take the easy way out years in advance. collusion. not giving the cavs his 100% because he knew he was out.telling them to make roster moves that were specifically for his style, even though he knew he was leaving no matter what to form like voltron.

lebron is that kid who used a game shark to get unlimited health and would go brag to his boys about how he just beat the most difficult videogame out. we are going to see players want to stack up on super teams. so there will be about 3 or 4 teams that have a chance and the rest will be garbage. even less parity in the NBA
Xtapolapacetl wrote:

And your comment that LeBron "to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami" is just laughable. He may have been the last one to join officially, but it's obvious that all 3 of them have talked about this move TOGETHER a long time ago. Stephen A. Smith reported it weeks before it happened. So if you want to make it look like it was an impulse move and LeBron was like "Wow, hey look at this, Chris Bosh will sign with the Heat, then maybe I should join Wade and Bosh as well!", then YOU FAIL. If they haven't agreed on this mutually, Bosh wouldn't have joined Wade in Miami and Wade himself would've probably left the Heat as well. They all chose Miami probably because it's a much nicer place to live than Toronto and Cleveland - no offense to NTers from these two cities.

if they really planned it years in advance then they are all a bunch of !%##!#% trying to ruin the sanctity of the game. BUT lebron is the one who said that he woke up the day of the decision talked to his moms and made a choice.

so either lebron made his choice to go to MIA the day after Wade and Bosh already were planted there.


this guy was involved in trying to take the easy way out years in advance. collusion. not giving the cavs his 100% because he knew he was out.telling them to make roster moves that were specifically for his style, even though he knew he was leaving no matter what to form like voltron.

lebron is that kid who used a game shark to get unlimited health and would go brag to his boys about how he just beat the most difficult videogame out. we are going to see players want to stack up on super teams. so there will be about 3 or 4 teams that have a chance and the rest will be garbage. even less parity in the NBA
It amazes me how anyone still defending LeRobin doesn't understand that they are clearly in the wrong.  It's like you dudes want to be lost or stuck on stupid.   
It amazes me how anyone still defending LeRobin doesn't understand that they are clearly in the wrong.  It's like you dudes want to be lost or stuck on stupid.   
This Thread is Hilarious..Xtapoodle ur comebacks are what makes me comeback to read this thread...LOL
This Thread is Hilarious..Xtapoodle ur comebacks are what makes me comeback to read this thread...LOL
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

And your comment that LeBron "to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami" is just laughable. He may have been the last one to join officially, but it's obvious that all 3 of them have talked about this move TOGETHER a long time ago. Stephen A. Smith reported it weeks before it happened. So if you want to make it look like it was an impulse move and LeBron was like "Wow, hey look at this, Chris Bosh will sign with the Heat, then maybe I should join Wade and Bosh as well!", then YOU FAIL. If they haven't agreed on this mutually, Bosh wouldn't have joined Wade in Miami and Wade himself would've probably left the Heat as well. They all chose Miami probably because it's a much nicer place to live than Toronto and Cleveland - no offense to NTers from these two cities.

Funny, given that the couple days before the signings Bron was begging Bosh to agree to a sign and trade with the Cavs, and Toronto had already said AV, Parker, West, and Hickson plus picks was enough for them to do the deal. 

But Bosh said no.........

So what did Bron do then?  
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

And your comment that LeBron "to follow an All Star duo that had already been formed in Miami" is just laughable. He may have been the last one to join officially, but it's obvious that all 3 of them have talked about this move TOGETHER a long time ago. Stephen A. Smith reported it weeks before it happened. So if you want to make it look like it was an impulse move and LeBron was like "Wow, hey look at this, Chris Bosh will sign with the Heat, then maybe I should join Wade and Bosh as well!", then YOU FAIL. If they haven't agreed on this mutually, Bosh wouldn't have joined Wade in Miami and Wade himself would've probably left the Heat as well. They all chose Miami probably because it's a much nicer place to live than Toronto and Cleveland - no offense to NTers from these two cities.

Funny, given that the couple days before the signings Bron was begging Bosh to agree to a sign and trade with the Cavs, and Toronto had already said AV, Parker, West, and Hickson plus picks was enough for them to do the deal. 

But Bosh said no.........

So what did Bron do then?  

I read your enitle novel. You should check mine out too(link in the sig)

To keep it brief, I was never a Lebron hater. I am a Lebron fan. As a Lebron fan though, I feel cheated. As I quoted from someone in my intitial post in this thread...
I'm mad that a guy I thought "could" be the greatest decided he didn't want to be the greatest. No one in the history of the NBA had that range of skills, size and physical ability at that age. Then all of a sudden he decides, "eh, i'll do it the easy way."
No matter what you say or how you spin it, him making that decision killed his legacy. he took the easy way out. Don't take it from me or any other NTers, take from Magic and Mike and the all of the Hall of Famers and NBA players who have came out and said so in so many words.

I read your enitle novel. You should check mine out too(link in the sig)

To keep it brief, I was never a Lebron hater. I am a Lebron fan. As a Lebron fan though, I feel cheated. As I quoted from someone in my intitial post in this thread...
I'm mad that a guy I thought "could" be the greatest decided he didn't want to be the greatest. No one in the history of the NBA had that range of skills, size and physical ability at that age. Then all of a sudden he decides, "eh, i'll do it the easy way."
No matter what you say or how you spin it, him making that decision killed his legacy. he took the easy way out. Don't take it from me or any other NTers, take from Magic and Mike and the all of the Hall of Famers and NBA players who have came out and said so in so many words.
This is still going on?!?!?

Guys are getting too uptight about this.

To lighten up things a bit, here's what your favorite rapper has to say about it:

Oh Lebron! The recent move by the Miami Heat confirms that we will someday soon have that good ole basketball back with all due respect to the Lakers-Celtics 7 game series. This move reminds me of the days when it was Johnson, Worthy, and Jabbar vs. Bird, Parrish, and McHale, or Thomas, Dumars, and Lambeer. Well now we have Bryant, Gasol, Bynum, and Pierce, Allen, Garnett, and ultimately, Wade, Bosh, and James! Do expect this to become “protocolâ€
This is still going on?!?!?

Guys are getting too uptight about this.

To lighten up things a bit, here's what your favorite rapper has to say about it:

Oh Lebron! The recent move by the Miami Heat confirms that we will someday soon have that good ole basketball back with all due respect to the Lakers-Celtics 7 game series. This move reminds me of the days when it was Johnson, Worthy, and Jabbar vs. Bird, Parrish, and McHale, or Thomas, Dumars, and Lambeer. Well now we have Bryant, Gasol, Bynum, and Pierce, Allen, Garnett, and ultimately, Wade, Bosh, and James! Do expect this to become “protocolâ€
LeBron James will be the Greatest Sidekick of All Time if Miami wins multiple titles..
Updated: July 21, 2010, 8:32 AM ET

[h1]Magic: 'That's not what we were about'[/h1] news services

Add Magic Johnson's voice to fellow Hall of Famer Michael Jordan's: Neither ever thought of combining forces the way LeBron James, Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh did earlier this month with the Miami Heat.
We didn't think about it 'cause that's not what we were about. From college, I was trying to figure out how to beat Larry Bird.
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