The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by Slim

race discussions (this thread especially) usually result in both sides talking in circles. it's safe to say that no one knows what it's like to be a Black male in America besides Black males in America.

That's a cop out.  Being a black male in Alabama is much different from growing up being a black male in a nice part of Los Angeles etc.  Socio-economic, demographics of population, parents education are a lot better indicators of whether you had a 'similar' growing up experience.  Someone from a Hispanic family, with parents that didn't go to college and overcame obstacles etc can definitely contribute to this thread and to this topic.

Also, every person has one singular perspective based on their life experiences and inclination to study the topic.  I am not a Black male but I can empathize with the situation, and understand the factors in the situation.  Just because I can't 'feel' what they felt doesn't mean I cannot objectively look at the topic.  True, I can't subjectively look at the topic but isn't that the point?  To look at this not from an individual standpoint, but instead to try and understand the core problems and how this can be changed.  

Personally, I think that generation by generation it has to change. It is unfair to lay the problem of change on any one takes an entire generation turning over to see the real effects of programs put in place today.  With computers, technology etc it is fair to say that the kids that are born this year will all have ACCESS to information to better themselves.  The question is whether the 'Black' society that is growing up today places importance on that.  
At the end of the day tho your still considered a  regardless of what end of the social spectrum your in and or location.
Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

Originally Posted by Slim

race discussions (this thread especially) usually result in both sides talking in circles. it's safe to say that no one knows what it's like to be a Black male in America besides Black males in America.
It's hilarious to me to see non-black people in this type of thread trying to tell black people what it's like to be black
ur forgetting to mention that its also hilarious for us black people to pretend like we know what its like to be another race 
Originally Posted by Tego Calderon El Abayarde

Originally Posted by Slim

race discussions (this thread especially) usually result in both sides talking in circles. it's safe to say that no one knows what it's like to be a Black male in America besides Black males in America.
It's hilarious to me to see non-black people in this type of thread trying to tell black people what it's like to be black
ur forgetting to mention that its also hilarious for us black people to pretend like we know what its like to be another race 
Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by Slim

race discussions (this thread especially) usually result in both sides talking in circles. it's safe to say that no one knows what it's like to be a Black male in America besides Black males in America.

That's a cop out.  Being a black male in Alabama is much different from growing up being a black male in a nice part of Los Angeles etc.  

I'm not even from here (came here for college) and I get all the "ugly" faces. And I'm half-white, half-black 

To further add to the discussion, I sympathize with all the trials and tribulations everyone has gone through. I don't necessarily believe I have a privileged life but I had both parents and we were a middle class family (both parents in military) so I'm coming from a different background than many NTers. I personally don't feel like "society" owes me anything at all and I certainly don't expect anything. Expecting anything in life will leave you disappointed in the long run. I've had troubles finding employment while still going to school full-time and it took a little perseverance and luck to land the job I have now. I don't even like the job but I need the money and on top of that I still go to school full time while also interning (for no pay) for a graphic design studio. It's hard but maybe the struggle will be worth it in the end? 
Originally Posted by Sundizzle

Originally Posted by Screech

Originally Posted by Slim

race discussions (this thread especially) usually result in both sides talking in circles. it's safe to say that no one knows what it's like to be a Black male in America besides Black males in America.

That's a cop out.  Being a black male in Alabama is much different from growing up being a black male in a nice part of Los Angeles etc.  

I'm not even from here (came here for college) and I get all the "ugly" faces. And I'm half-white, half-black 

To further add to the discussion, I sympathize with all the trials and tribulations everyone has gone through. I don't necessarily believe I have a privileged life but I had both parents and we were a middle class family (both parents in military) so I'm coming from a different background than many NTers. I personally don't feel like "society" owes me anything at all and I certainly don't expect anything. Expecting anything in life will leave you disappointed in the long run. I've had troubles finding employment while still going to school full-time and it took a little perseverance and luck to land the job I have now. I don't even like the job but I need the money and on top of that I still go to school full time while also interning (for no pay) for a graphic design studio. It's hard but maybe the struggle will be worth it in the end? 
Look at the threads the last couple days and tell me I'm wrong


Japan vs Katrina...aka blacks are savages that loot
Burger King Bikini Brawl...aka blacks are "animals"
Eating on the train...aka blacks are "animals"
Dez Bryant saggin...aka blacks are thugs

It's like one person does some wrong and that gives the world a free pass to bash our whole race.
Look at the threads the last couple days and tell me I'm wrong


Japan vs Katrina...aka blacks are savages that loot
Burger King Bikini Brawl...aka blacks are "animals"
Eating on the train...aka blacks are "animals"
Dez Bryant saggin...aka blacks are thugs

It's like one person does some wrong and that gives the world a free pass to bash our whole race.
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Im in Liberia where drinking water, good air, and showers are only for the rich. All this complaining needs to stop. If you saw what I'm seeing, you will understand that you have it freaking mad like a m 2x shun.

Stop the complaining. Know why I haven't posted since monday? Cause internet is rare in Liberia(west africa). And you know how long it took to make a post that I did on monday? Took me freaking 45 minutes. This one is taking a short time because I'm in a different area.

I'm in a place where people still have slaves, this place is no joke. It is hard and everyday people are still celebrating. Things are a challenge and they still keep pushing. So continue making your complaining threads, it means nothing cause there is another world where the poor are too poor to eat and they keep moving.

What your complaining about don't mean nothing. Division survive everywhere. Everyone in Liberia is black, yet they still divide it by divisions of colors of blackness. Its hard to get a job harder here than ANYWHERE in America.

When I come back and post regularly, I'll share what I've seen. Things hard out there shuns. Pray to god and thank him for everyday. This World is keep pushing.

Excellent post!  Thanks for contributing. 
Even though everything you wrote is 100% truth, unfortunately people here in America don't get it unless they actually live and see what you're experiencing personally.  
Originally Posted by Dr LukeMartin

Im in Liberia where drinking water, good air, and showers are only for the rich. All this complaining needs to stop. If you saw what I'm seeing, you will understand that you have it freaking mad like a m 2x shun.

Stop the complaining. Know why I haven't posted since monday? Cause internet is rare in Liberia(west africa). And you know how long it took to make a post that I did on monday? Took me freaking 45 minutes. This one is taking a short time because I'm in a different area.

I'm in a place where people still have slaves, this place is no joke. It is hard and everyday people are still celebrating. Things are a challenge and they still keep pushing. So continue making your complaining threads, it means nothing cause there is another world where the poor are too poor to eat and they keep moving.

What your complaining about don't mean nothing. Division survive everywhere. Everyone in Liberia is black, yet they still divide it by divisions of colors of blackness. Its hard to get a job harder here than ANYWHERE in America.

When I come back and post regularly, I'll share what I've seen. Things hard out there shuns. Pray to god and thank him for everyday. This World is keep pushing.

Excellent post!  Thanks for contributing. 
Even though everything you wrote is 100% truth, unfortunately people here in America don't get it unless they actually live and see what you're experiencing personally.  
First of all I'm not black.

I am from the South ( about 45min south of Houston) and I agree with OP. I work at a somewhat professional job (mental Health Case Manager) and see alot of the hardships minorities experience when trying to find client's jobs. But as far as my job, I have several black co-workers that share the same position as me, which requires a degree, but None in upper management. Same goes for hispanics, which I am. I don's beleive in the whole acting white or black thing, but I do feel exhibiting any obvious characterisitcs of your ethnicity  is viewed negatively.

It's very hard for me to explain, but I recognize it.
First of all I'm not black.

I am from the South ( about 45min south of Houston) and I agree with OP. I work at a somewhat professional job (mental Health Case Manager) and see alot of the hardships minorities experience when trying to find client's jobs. But as far as my job, I have several black co-workers that share the same position as me, which requires a degree, but None in upper management. Same goes for hispanics, which I am. I don's beleive in the whole acting white or black thing, but I do feel exhibiting any obvious characterisitcs of your ethnicity  is viewed negatively.

It's very hard for me to explain, but I recognize it.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Look at the threads the last couple days and tell me I'm wrong


Japan vs Katrina...aka blacks are savages that loot
Burger King Bikini Brawl...aka blacks are "animals"
Eating on the train...aka blacks are "animals"
Dez Bryant saggin...aka blacks are thugs

It's like one person does some wrong and that gives the world a free pass to bash our whole race.
i didn't see the japan katrina one so i have no comment on that.

burger king bikini brawl = those people being animials,  had they had some white, spanish, or asian friends partaking in the foolishness as well they'd be categorized as animals as well.

eating on the train = a lady who's poor choice of words was the match to the fire, granted the 2 girls didn't handle things the best way but if i were called an animal over some food i'd be mad too.

the dez bryant thing, i seen the letter to the north park mall or whatever it's called,  that was some backwards stuff  ill say that.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Look at the threads the last couple days and tell me I'm wrong


Japan vs Katrina...aka blacks are savages that loot
Burger King Bikini Brawl...aka blacks are "animals"
Eating on the train...aka blacks are "animals"
Dez Bryant saggin...aka blacks are thugs

It's like one person does some wrong and that gives the world a free pass to bash our whole race.
i didn't see the japan katrina one so i have no comment on that.

burger king bikini brawl = those people being animials,  had they had some white, spanish, or asian friends partaking in the foolishness as well they'd be categorized as animals as well.

eating on the train = a lady who's poor choice of words was the match to the fire, granted the 2 girls didn't handle things the best way but if i were called an animal over some food i'd be mad too.

the dez bryant thing, i seen the letter to the north park mall or whatever it's called,  that was some backwards stuff  ill say that.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Look at the threads the last couple days and tell me I'm wrong


Japan vs Katrina...aka blacks are savages that loot
Burger King Bikini Brawl...aka blacks are "animals"
Eating on the train...aka blacks are "animals"
Dez Bryant saggin...aka blacks are thugs

It's like one person does some wrong and that gives the world a free pass to bash our whole race.
Except this thread isn't from the last couple of days, YOU bumped up a several month old thread, genius.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Look at the threads the last couple days and tell me I'm wrong


Japan vs Katrina...aka blacks are savages that loot
Burger King Bikini Brawl...aka blacks are "animals"
Eating on the train...aka blacks are "animals"
Dez Bryant saggin...aka blacks are thugs

It's like one person does some wrong and that gives the world a free pass to bash our whole race.
Except this thread isn't from the last couple of days, YOU bumped up a several month old thread, genius.
I love being black...I love seeing old white women clutch their purse when they see me walking by....I love being followed around stores only to drop a couple hundred...cause guess what? They thought I was there to steal...I love sleeping w/ white women cause I know the dead confederates are rolling in their grave....I also love not being the 1st impression most white people see me as just because I'm black ...

You see its one thing I can say about 97% of non blacks who don't like blacks...them p's don't have the heart to ever be upfront about how they feel...they have to hide and for that I laugh and keep it moving cause them %%@*#$# ain't man enough to look me in the eye anyway
I love being black...I love seeing old white women clutch their purse when they see me walking by....I love being followed around stores only to drop a couple hundred...cause guess what? They thought I was there to steal...I love sleeping w/ white women cause I know the dead confederates are rolling in their grave....I also love not being the 1st impression most white people see me as just because I'm black ...

You see its one thing I can say about 97% of non blacks who don't like blacks...them p's don't have the heart to ever be upfront about how they feel...they have to hide and for that I laugh and keep it moving cause them %%@*#$# ain't man enough to look me in the eye anyway
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