The hardest job in America. vol. I'm a black man in America

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.

half black.   his mother was white.   if obama was dark skinned i honestly think he wouldn't have been elected.   
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.

half black.   his mother was white.   if obama was dark skinned i honestly think he wouldn't have been elected.   
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.

That's really irrelevant, I don't even get why people bring that up and I agree that OP is complaining and the black community is still lacking in a lot of self responsibility. The vast majority of what ails them/us is something "the white man" doesn't even have control of. Obama's upbringing doesn't typify that of your average black male or even white male.
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.

That's really irrelevant, I don't even get why people bring that up and I agree that OP is complaining and the black community is still lacking in a lot of self responsibility. The vast majority of what ails them/us is something "the white man" doesn't even have control of. Obama's upbringing doesn't typify that of your average black male or even white male.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

It was probably already mentioned on here, but I would say Native Americans. Aren't they listed as the lowest on the social class strata by ethnic race in North America?
The living conditions for most Native Americans would help put things into perspective for most of these guys. They're literally being swept under the rug.

For the fact they are not even being mentioned in this thread proves the point. There is not as much awareness on their plight as there should be. Afterall, this was their land that was plundered and stolen from them and they are put away in reserves hidden by our governments living in conditions comparable to third world countries. That is even how probably most Natives are living.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

It was probably already mentioned on here, but I would say Native Americans. Aren't they listed as the lowest on the social class strata by ethnic race in North America?
The living conditions for most Native Americans would help put things into perspective for most of these guys. They're literally being swept under the rug.

For the fact they are not even being mentioned in this thread proves the point. There is not as much awareness on their plight as there should be. Afterall, this was their land that was plundered and stolen from them and they are put away in reserves hidden by our governments living in conditions comparable to third world countries. That is even how probably most Natives are living.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.
I don't even get why people bring that up.
He's a black man in America, he's successful, & he's the most recognized person on Earth.

He's highly intelligent, financially stable, has built a loving, caring, and respectful family with 2 parents in the household.

Why wouldn't I bring that up?

More kids would rather listen to Lil' Wayne than Obama.
Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.
I don't even get why people bring that up.
He's a black man in America, he's successful, & he's the most recognized person on Earth.

He's highly intelligent, financially stable, has built a loving, caring, and respectful family with 2 parents in the household.

Why wouldn't I bring that up?

More kids would rather listen to Lil' Wayne than Obama.
Tupac Shakur said it best...

Remember that, in this white man's world, they can't stop usWe've been here all this time they ain't took us outThey can never take us outNo matter what they say, about us bein extinctabout us being endangered species, we ain't NEVER gon' leave thisWe ain't NEVER gon' walk off this planet, unless Y'ALL choose toUse your brain, use your brainIt ain't THEM that's killin us it's US that's killin usIt ain't THEM that's knockin us off, it's US that's knockin us off
Tupac Shakur said it best...

Remember that, in this white man's world, they can't stop usWe've been here all this time they ain't took us outThey can never take us outNo matter what they say, about us bein extinctabout us being endangered species, we ain't NEVER gon' leave thisWe ain't NEVER gon' walk off this planet, unless Y'ALL choose toUse your brain, use your brainIt ain't THEM that's killin us it's US that's killin usIt ain't THEM that's knockin us off, it's US that's knockin us off
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.

Dont you see how hard they try to crucify him all day in the media?

He has had it harder than any other President in recent memory. People were calling him THE ANTI-CHRIST before the elections.
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.

Dont you see how hard they try to crucify him all day in the media?

He has had it harder than any other President in recent memory. People were calling him THE ANTI-CHRIST before the elections.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

TGB, I know this is about America...but you see sometimes when all we think about is our immediate surroundings (in this case America) we suffer from something called myopia or more specifically our thoughts and beliefs are myopic. Perspective is a very important tool to use in life. So in the case of African American males there must come a point where they start saying "even though things can be tough at times and things can be better, I am thankful for the opportunities that are available to me and I will take advantage of them". This type of thinking is usually a byproduct of using perspective.

Attitude determines altitude my dude. No more of this woe is me BS. You would be surprised of how many opportunities there are for us black males...yet we fail to take advantage of them. I know this better than most...I was a High School dropout...yet I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college and top 3 in my class with a 3.91 GPA. I had s**t for opportunities when I was effing up. I could have blamed society, I mean because after all my dad was on drugs and wasn't around...instead I looked at what I was doing to !!$% my own self up. I changed, got focused, got real, got official, got mature, and got an education. Now I work as a member of the United States of America's braintrust.

So please understand when I say we need to get our +**% together. It's the truth, but sometimes the truth is extremely inconvenient. Just like your screename says...the TRUTH GETS BUSY. Makes you look inside of yourself and it highlights your flaws. It also prevents you from pointing fingers at others. It means we can't complain anymore, no more pity parties...just get our +**% right.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

TGB, I know this is about America...but you see sometimes when all we think about is our immediate surroundings (in this case America) we suffer from something called myopia or more specifically our thoughts and beliefs are myopic. Perspective is a very important tool to use in life. So in the case of African American males there must come a point where they start saying "even though things can be tough at times and things can be better, I am thankful for the opportunities that are available to me and I will take advantage of them". This type of thinking is usually a byproduct of using perspective.

Attitude determines altitude my dude. No more of this woe is me BS. You would be surprised of how many opportunities there are for us black males...yet we fail to take advantage of them. I know this better than most...I was a High School dropout...yet I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college and top 3 in my class with a 3.91 GPA. I had s**t for opportunities when I was effing up. I could have blamed society, I mean because after all my dad was on drugs and wasn't around...instead I looked at what I was doing to !!$% my own self up. I changed, got focused, got real, got official, got mature, and got an education. Now I work as a member of the United States of America's braintrust.

So please understand when I say we need to get our +**% together. It's the truth, but sometimes the truth is extremely inconvenient. Just like your screename says...the TRUTH GETS BUSY. Makes you look inside of yourself and it highlights your flaws. It also prevents you from pointing fingers at others. It means we can't complain anymore, no more pity parties...just get our +**% right.
"Hey the president is black"  what does that even mean?  People act like it means something to the average black person in 2011. Maybe it means something to another light-skinned Ivy league student with ambitions in politics.  You act like if I go on a interview the white guy is gonna say "hey, forget all the misconceptions and stereotypes I've picked up during my life...THE PRESIDENT IS BLACK. Let me unfairly judge applicants for now on."  Maybe the next generation will benefit but not in 2011. Obama might've actually made some people hate us even more.  If Obama looked like MLK he wouldn't be in office. 
Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.
I don't even get why people bring that up.
He's a black man in America, he's successful, & he's the most recognized person on Earth.

He's highly intelligent, financially stable, has built a loving, caring, and respectful family with 2 parents in the household.

Why wouldn't I bring that up?

More kids would rather listen to Lil' Wayne than Obama.
Because there's 40 million black people (not sure the ratio of males to females right off top). He doesn't even really get the chance (not to mention the Republicans would kill him over it) to speak to the Black community about issues specific to them that often. Michelle goes in on that more often. But if you're one of those people who thinks Obama marks the end of racism or something, go to Stormfront, CCofC, Hannity Forums, or scroll to the bottom of damn near any news article, YT video (click show all comments), or any message board without an ROC.

That being said, motivation, self reliance, and responsibility need to take higher priority. We're doing it to ourselves as much if not more than "they" are.

I live in Oklahoma, largest amount of Native Americans than any other state, and I'm not seeing it. In fact, my friend Doyle who is N.A actually gets free college, tax breaks, a stipend, and they even have their own free N.A hospital on the other side of town. And if you are kin to the casino/tobacco/alcohol Native Americans (notorious for not carding), made for life. And chances are, you all know some yourself but don't recognize it. They're not red skinned with feathers in their hair and running around topless with a cowskin kilt on anymore. Most of them you would mistake for Latino, or even white.


Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Originally Posted by Dwele Farooq Al Suleed Afzul

Originally Posted by Treb2k5

Last time I checked the President of The United States of America was black.

This whole post is irrelevant from that fact alone.
I don't even get why people bring that up.
He's a black man in America, he's successful, & he's the most recognized person on Earth.

He's highly intelligent, financially stable, has built a loving, caring, and respectful family with 2 parents in the household.

Why wouldn't I bring that up?

More kids would rather listen to Lil' Wayne than Obama.
Because there's 40 million black people (not sure the ratio of males to females right off top). He doesn't even really get the chance (not to mention the Republicans would kill him over it) to speak to the Black community about issues specific to them that often. Michelle goes in on that more often. But if you're one of those people who thinks Obama marks the end of racism or something, go to Stormfront, CCofC, Hannity Forums, or scroll to the bottom of damn near any news article, YT video (click show all comments), or any message board without an ROC.

That being said, motivation, self reliance, and responsibility need to take higher priority. We're doing it to ourselves as much if not more than "they" are.

I live in Oklahoma, largest amount of Native Americans than any other state, and I'm not seeing it. In fact, my friend Doyle who is N.A actually gets free college, tax breaks, a stipend, and they even have their own free N.A hospital on the other side of town. And if you are kin to the casino/tobacco/alcohol Native Americans (notorious for not carding), made for life. And chances are, you all know some yourself but don't recognize it. They're not red skinned with feathers in their hair and running around topless with a cowskin kilt on anymore. Most of them you would mistake for Latino, or even white.


"Hey the president is black"  what does that even mean?  People act like it means something to the average black person in 2011. Maybe it means something to another light-skinned Ivy league student with ambitions in politics.  You act like if I go on a interview the white guy is gonna say "hey, forget all the misconceptions and stereotypes I've picked up during my life...THE PRESIDENT IS BLACK. Let me unfairly judge applicants for now on."  Maybe the next generation will benefit but not in 2011. Obama might've actually made some people hate us even more.  If Obama looked like MLK he wouldn't be in office. 
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

TGB, I know this is about America...but you see sometimes when all we think about is our immediate surroundings (in this case America) we suffer from something called myopia or more specifically our thoughts and beliefs are myopic. Perspective is a very important tool to use in life. So in the case of African American males there must come a point where they start saying "even though things can be tough at times and things can be better, I am thankful for the opportunities that are available to me and I will take advantage of them". This type of thinking is usually a byproduct of using perspective.

Attitude determines altitude my dude. No more of this woe is me BS. You would be surprised of how many opportunities there are for us black males...yet we fail to take advantage of them. I know this better than most...I was a High School dropout...yet I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college and top 3 in my class with a 3.91 GPA. I had s**t for opportunities when I was effing up. I could have blamed society, I mean because after all my dad was on drugs and wasn't around...instead I looked at what I was doing to !!$% my own self up. I changed, got focused, got real, got official, got mature, and got an education. Now I work as a member of the United States of America's braintrust.

So please understand when I say we need to get our +**% together. It's the truth, but sometimes the truth is extremely inconvenient. Just like your screename says...the TRUTH GETS BUSY. Makes you look inside of yourself and it highlights your flaws. It also prevents you from pointing fingers at others. It means we can't complain anymore, no more pity parties...just get our +**% right.

So we can't speak the truth anymore?  Yeah we have to make the most of our reality, that's called personal responsibility.  But I'd compared this post to a 20/20 special building awareness.  Not sitting on the corner whining about no getting a hand-out.  It's funny if you bring up the truth people assume you aren't doing anything to help yourself.  Why can't you do both?
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

TGB, I know this is about America...but you see sometimes when all we think about is our immediate surroundings (in this case America) we suffer from something called myopia or more specifically our thoughts and beliefs are myopic. Perspective is a very important tool to use in life. So in the case of African American males there must come a point where they start saying "even though things can be tough at times and things can be better, I am thankful for the opportunities that are available to me and I will take advantage of them". This type of thinking is usually a byproduct of using perspective.

Attitude determines altitude my dude. No more of this woe is me BS. You would be surprised of how many opportunities there are for us black males...yet we fail to take advantage of them. I know this better than most...I was a High School dropout...yet I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college and top 3 in my class with a 3.91 GPA. I had s**t for opportunities when I was effing up. I could have blamed society, I mean because after all my dad was on drugs and wasn't around...instead I looked at what I was doing to !!$% my own self up. I changed, got focused, got real, got official, got mature, and got an education. Now I work as a member of the United States of America's braintrust.

So please understand when I say we need to get our +**% together. It's the truth, but sometimes the truth is extremely inconvenient. Just like your screename says...the TRUTH GETS BUSY. Makes you look inside of yourself and it highlights your flaws. It also prevents you from pointing fingers at others. It means we can't complain anymore, no more pity parties...just get our +**% right.

So we can't speak the truth anymore?  Yeah we have to make the most of our reality, that's called personal responsibility.  But I'd compared this post to a 20/20 special building awareness.  Not sitting on the corner whining about no getting a hand-out.  It's funny if you bring up the truth people assume you aren't doing anything to help yourself.  Why can't you do both?
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

TGB, I know this is about America...but you see sometimes when all we think about is our immediate surroundings (in this case America) we suffer from something called myopia or more specifically our thoughts and beliefs are myopic. Perspective is a very important tool to use in life. So in the case of African American males there must come a point where they start saying "even though things can be tough at times and things can be better, I am thankful for the opportunities that are available to me and I will take advantage of them". This type of thinking is usually a byproduct of using perspective.

Attitude determines altitude my dude. No more of this woe is me BS. You would be surprised of how many opportunities there are for us black males...yet we fail to take advantage of them. I know this better than most...I was a High School dropout...yet I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college and top 3 in my class with a 3.91 GPA. I had s**t for opportunities when I was effing up. I could have blamed society, I mean because after all my dad was on drugs and wasn't around...instead I looked at what I was doing to !!$% my own self up. I changed, got focused, got real, got official, got mature, and got an education. Now I work as a member of the United States of America's braintrust.

So please understand when I say we need to get our +**% together. It's the truth, but sometimes the truth is extremely inconvenient. Just like your screename says...the TRUTH GETS BUSY. Makes you look inside of yourself and it highlights your flaws. It also prevents you from pointing fingers at others. It means we can't complain anymore, no more pity parties...just get our +**% right.

So we can't speak the truth anymore?  Yeah we have to make the most of our reality, that's called personal responsibility.  But I'd compared this post to a 20/20 special building awareness.  Not sitting on the corner whining about no getting a hand-out.  It's funny if you bring up the truth people assume you aren't doing anything to help yourself.  Why can't you do both?
Well mostly because at this point I think we all know what the problems are by now. We are behind in the solution game.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

MF'ers think we have it hard in America as black males...ha. Well I've been around the world including 3rd world developing nations...I told myself I'll never complain about being a black male in America again. That's all I'll say about that. We just need to get our %$%% together. Point blank. The answers start within ourselves. 

But this post is about AMERICA man.  I'd hope everyone is aware that some places in the world would make the projects look like the Hamptons.  I'm not disputing that at all.  The funny thing is when you say "get our #%#$ together" is not enough.  Alot of us have our #%#$ together but have to fight twice as hard.

Random thought...... 

I was thinking about depression and why people commit suicide.  Alot of privileged kids and adults who are the majority white get depressed and hurt themselves.  (suicide, cutters, etc.)  But in the black culture we aren't programmed to hurt ourselves so we take it out on others.  I bet alot of violent acts by black men (or low income men of any race) are results of built up frustration.  The kid ready to fight isn't that mad his shoes got stepped on, he's just on edge because he doesn't have lunch money and his brother just got killed.  The guy that mean mugs you at the bar is blown he just went on another interview and was passed up on plus he has a kid on the way.

TGB, I know this is about America...but you see sometimes when all we think about is our immediate surroundings (in this case America) we suffer from something called myopia or more specifically our thoughts and beliefs are myopic. Perspective is a very important tool to use in life. So in the case of African American males there must come a point where they start saying "even though things can be tough at times and things can be better, I am thankful for the opportunities that are available to me and I will take advantage of them". This type of thinking is usually a byproduct of using perspective.

Attitude determines altitude my dude. No more of this woe is me BS. You would be surprised of how many opportunities there are for us black males...yet we fail to take advantage of them. I know this better than most...I was a High School dropout...yet I graduated Summa Cum Laude from college and top 3 in my class with a 3.91 GPA. I had s**t for opportunities when I was effing up. I could have blamed society, I mean because after all my dad was on drugs and wasn't around...instead I looked at what I was doing to !!$% my own self up. I changed, got focused, got real, got official, got mature, and got an education. Now I work as a member of the United States of America's braintrust.

So please understand when I say we need to get our +**% together. It's the truth, but sometimes the truth is extremely inconvenient. Just like your screename says...the TRUTH GETS BUSY. Makes you look inside of yourself and it highlights your flaws. It also prevents you from pointing fingers at others. It means we can't complain anymore, no more pity parties...just get our +**% right.

So we can't speak the truth anymore?  Yeah we have to make the most of our reality, that's called personal responsibility.  But I'd compared this post to a 20/20 special building awareness.  Not sitting on the corner whining about no getting a hand-out.  It's funny if you bring up the truth people assume you aren't doing anything to help yourself.  Why can't you do both?
Well mostly because at this point I think we all know what the problems are by now. We are behind in the solution game.
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