The Invincible Thread

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NickFolarin NickFolarin should have known what he was getting into. he should not be allowed to go back to the Lions. but he should be allowed to petition fans on here of another team to accept him into their fandom.

as one of the NE fans on the board, let me be the first to say that Nick is NOT welcome in NE. nothing personal, homie. i just can't risk that level of curse while my dude TB12 only has a couple great years left.
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@NickFolarin should have known what he was getting into. he should not be allowed to go back to the Lions. but he should be allowed to petition fans on here of another team to accept him into their fandom.

as one of the NE fans on the board, let me be the first to say that Nick is NOT welcome in NE. nothing personal, homie. i just can't risk that level of curse while my dude TB12 only has a couple great years left.
Jags is my last stop. My next move will be football fandom retirement. 
My Allen Robinson jersey just came in the mail. 
Haven't heard any chatter about Revis being washed lately...


Probably because he's saying it himself :lol:

I hope we cut him in the offseason to be honest.

Or move to safety like Woodson.

Pryor might be better as an LB like Deone Bucannon or Mark Barron.

So much you can still do with guys if they have decent size and coverage skills.. look at pats with Mccourty or Malcolm jenkins

Or you had antrel rolle for a good bit
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DeadsetAce DeadsetAce goes out of his way to say Nick is NOT welcome :rofl:

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[@="itsaboutthattime" url="/t/651382/2016-nfl-discussion-thread/44610#post_26810406"]
[@=/u/37946/DeadsetAce]@DeadsetAce[/@] goes out of his way to say Nick is NOT welcome :rofl:

I hate the Patriots. I said I would disown Calvin Johnson if he signed there. :lol:

Sometimes showing someone you truly care is letting them go and allowing them to grow and discover new things..

this. yeah. let's go with this. :lol:
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You must be new here..

F the cowboys as a team, organization, and as a mother f'n crew.
And if you want to be down with the cowboys, then F you too!
Dudes is ready to get off!

So much anger on this page..
More like, they better clean off those knees and be ready to bow down... waiting patiently for the "good game, you guys were better than I thought" 

I'ma say it now to the grand total of 3-4 ppl that make up the joke of what is Philly nation, save it.
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If the Bucs win vs the Raiders this weekend and the Falcons lose to the Packers then the Bucs will be in 1st place in the NFC South heading into a TNF matchup at home vs the Falcons :pimp:
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