The Invincible Thread

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They had a bounty on Hoyer 

the thought of putting a bounty on Brian ******* Hoyer
I'll be at the Giants-Steelers game Week 13 at Pittsburgh...lower level in the corner by the endzone. Hype to see Ben, AB, OBJ and Bell :pimp:
Tom is the best QB I've ever seen, easily.
Tom is the best QB I've ever seen, easily.

93-23 TD to INT ratio just off those random *** numbers :x

Dude is just now starting to look to complete passes after the pocket breaks down at 39 ******* years old :smh:

Big Ben asking Tom for a signed jersey tells you all you need to know about who actual NFL players think is the best QB in the L. It's Tom every damn time.
Hard to compete in this thread when the Patriots Fan Rep Circle Jerk[emoji]8482[/emoji] is in full effect, but I'll keep fighting the good fight.
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