The Invincible Thread

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Now that we have a good sample size...


Dumbest controversy and biggest waste of time ever.


Where the hell @dmxfury been? He ain't even posting pics/.gifs anymore.

Amber alert still out for JPZx too. :frown:
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Saw that Clay Matthews got fined for the hit that broke Brian Hoyer's arm. Was that even an illegal hit? It looked like Hoyer just got sandwiched by two defenders and landed badly. May as well fine players for tackling.
Saw that Clay Matthews got fined for the hit that broke Brian Hoyer's arm. Was that even an illegal hit? It looked like Hoyer just got sandwiched by two defenders and landed badly. May as well fine players for tackling.
Brah led with the crown of his helmet per usual.. dirty bastard deserve a suspension. He did the same thing and almost broke Sams hand 

If this is dirty, well then we might as well label the entire league as dirty. It's such a routine hit lol.

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Roger must have had Cameron Meredith and Jordan Howard starting on his fantasy team that night like my friend.
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