The Invincible Thread

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Mark Wahlberg was a thug and a racist

He may have changed the past couple years but I find it hard to respect someone who hurt people for no good reason

what did he do? :nerd:

did y'all know larry fitz has previous DV cases with his ex-girlfriend? 

I had no idea, seriously thought he was the cleanest NFL player.
well he was never technically charged with DV..

but his ex-girlfriend claims he grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her head into the ground. 

media never brought the incident to light.
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Mark Wahlberg was a thug and a racist
He may have changed the past couple years but I find it hard to respect someone who hurt people for no good reason

Story on this?

Edit: saw the post. Will read in a bit.
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I wonder if there is a fictional movie where the Eagles made or won a superbowl?...

Edit: Nope. Google couldn't find anything except a movie about a guy joing a team that sucked and pleaded with their fans to join their team through open try outs.

True Story...

enjoy 1973, pretty soon you will be able to cop this thing they call a Walkman and listen to cassette tapes

View media item 2218596
Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past
Still almost made the team

Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

At 16 and 14?
I believe NTs general argument for folks of this age is something along the lines of kids do really stupid things. That kids grow up to be better... does this still apply or nah?
Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

At 16 and 14?
I believe NTs general argument for folks of this age is something along the lines of kids do really stupid things. That kids grow up to be better... does this still apply or nah?
Blinding a guy because of his race isn't just stupid, it's criminal.
No excuse for that no matter the age.
Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

At 16 and 14?
I believe NTs general argument for folks of this age is something along the lines of kids do really stupid things. That kids grow up to be better... does this still apply or nah?
Blinding a guy because of his race isn't just stupid, it's criminal.
No excuse for that no matter the age.

Exactly, there's no growing up from permanently handicapping someone. **** Wahlberg.

Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

He's from Boston, what do you expect?

Boston... if there was ever a city that earned it's racist rep, it's Boston.
Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

At 16 and 14?
I believe NTs general argument for folks of this age is something along the lines of kids do really stupid things. That kids grow up to be better... does this still apply or nah?
Blinding a guy because of his race isn't just stupid, it's criminal.
No excuse for that no matter the age.

I agree that he should be held accountable and it should stay with him.
But I feel that way about all kids growing up, they should be held accountable. That isn't close to what NT feels however.
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