The Invincible Thread

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Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

He's from Boston, what do you expect?

that's impossible. we don't have black and asian people in Boston. try another narrative

There's no china town?

of course there is. i was kidding :lol:

Legit could have been serious bruv.
I don't know. :lol:
Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

At 16 and 14?
I believe NTs general argument for folks of this age is something along the lines of kids do really stupid things. That kids grow up to be better... does this still apply or nah?
Blinding a guy because of his race isn't just stupid, it's criminal.
No excuse for that no matter the age.

I agree that he should be held accountable and it should stay with him.
But I feel that way about all kids growing up, they should be held accountable. That isn't close to what NT feels however.

It both looks and sounds like you're trying to deflect away criticism of Mark's actions by pointing out vague generalities involving the entire NT community.
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According to Wikipedia, Mark thought he blinded the guy but he actually lost his eye in Vietnam.

It doesn't excuse his actions because he still assaulted the man because of his race, but he didn't blind anyone.
You must be looking and hearing a different post then.

I specifically said he needs to be held accountable and it needs to stay with him.
I specifically said that's always my stance.

I am also pointing out NT on NUMEROUS times has said things along the lines of "it was a mistake, he's young, he's immature." But it's funny to me no one is taking that stance now. Accountability.
You must be looking and hearing a different post then.

I specifically said he needs to be held accountable and it needs to stay with him.
I specifically said that's always my stance.

I am also pointing out NT on NUMEROUS times has said things along the lines of "it was a mistake, he's young, he's immature." But it's funny to me no one is taking that stance now. Accountability.

That's deflecting man. :lol:

Talking the talk and saying he needs to be held accountable and deflecting away from the issue at hand aren't mutually exclusive.

I'm not even going to really get started on the age old rhetorical device you're using simultaneously - conflating the views and opinions of the people involved in the specific discussion at hand with a handful of vague opinions cherry picked at random with no time frame from a massive, undefined, not so monolithic group.
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Cool man.

You got me.

Why would I have the same stance on all situations from the adolescent to adulthood. That you need to be held accountable. There is nothing beyond that. This entire conversation started before you, and actually had to do with NT... but disregard that.

Accountability on all actions bruv.

Kinda simple that way, silly me for thinking that. My age old rhetoric and all.
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Cool man.

You got me.

Why would I have the same stance on all situations from the adolescent to adulthood. That you need to be held accountable. There is nothing beyond that. This entire conversation started before you, and actually had to do with NT... but disregard that.

Accountability on all actions bruv.

Kinda simple that way, silly me for thinking that. My age old rhetoric and all.

This conversation didn't start before me, I read the entire discussion from the jump.

You deflected period. Your pride just won't let you admit it.

Before you started deflecting by pointing out what you perceive to be inconsistencies in the entirety of NT's view on the subject, you were deflecting by pointing out that Mark was "14 and 16" when he was bludgeoning store owners and throwing rocks at black women calling them *******.

You're the same guy who doesn't see the problem with his friends and family dressing up as transatlantic slaves and the Klu Klux Klan on Halloween though so I'm not surprised.
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No... my reading fundamentals won't let me admit it. You just refuse to accept the answer. That's on you bud, I don't care either way. He's a piece of sh-t for what he did. It should stay with him forever.

And... again, that was the part that had to do with NT. So often people have gotten a pass because they were "young and dumb". I was asking the person who brought this to me, because I didn't know about it, is this still the thought process or no... but why read that through? It's also why I say, it did start before you... because it did. You just felt the need to steer it to your narrative. It MUST be a black and white thing... right? Has to be.

Come on bud. Get real... You didn't like how the answer was given, but we have the same statement. That he deserves what he gets and he deserves to have it kept on his record.

You have proof of that last statement tiger? You lost me on that one.
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I don't have a narrative, I just wanted point out that you were deflecting. You didn't like that I called you out and now you're too prideful to admit that you were deflecting.

The proof is on the servers fam. This, thread, Halloween time, last year.

I'm on mobile. If you can't admit that either and want me to "prove it" I'll gladly oblige next time in on desktop which will be tonight or tomorrow AM.
You are wrong, nothing really beyond that. You feel differently, we won't see eye to eye. Perfectly fine with me bruv.

Sure, sounds good. Post the whole thing bud. Quite curious on this. Like I said, lost me on that one.
Just because you scream it doesn't make it true. :lol:

You were deflecting initially, period. The entire forum can see that.

But I got you. Since you wanna play dumb I'll link you to it tonight.
Haven't so much as raised anything beyond a dinner conversation. I'm not emotional on this. Matter of fact, I just said it was fine we don't see eye to eye. Truly mean that.

Sounds good, post it or link. But if you'd like to discuss further we can either create a thread or PM. This is probably the furthest this thread has derailed.
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It's an idiom bro. No one thinks you're emotional over this.

Too much pride too admit you were deflecting though? Absolutey.
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Yea, you did.
For various reasons but it's regardless.

Hit me up if you'd like to continue though. Don't mind either way.
Originally Posted by trey ohh five  
 He's from Boston, what do you expect?
Ignorance is everywhere but with that being said, I've heard stories from family members and friends who have visited Boston and none of it was good...
Funny how a lot of people still didn't know Mark beat on black and Asian people
He has done a great job of suppressing that past

yeah I knew nothing about it prior to about a year ago

but even then it came went

I also didnt know NT was giving passes for young ppl commiting hate crimes

I must not be visiting NT General enough
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wow i just looked up the stuff he did. i'm floored that i had never heard about this before tonight. ridiculous.
Genuinely surprised a lot of you were unaware of Marky Mark's life before the big time. I thought it was common knowledge. No shade, really surprised about it.
I heard he had a record but never knew for exactly what till now. I thought he did some armed robbery or something like that.

Racism is something you are taught and once that enters your mind that never leaves. Idc if you are famous and try to put on this good guy image now. What he did was despicable. Smfh
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