"The Last Dance" Michael Jordan & Chicago Bulls Docuseries

I don’t really know I just I don’t really care for Michael Jordan I’m old enough to remember when he was playing basketball and I can honestly say besides his last game I never watched him play basketball.

I was one of the people who was just into his sneakers In the 1990s
I tried to watch the first episode and just can’t get into it

I had a feeling I wasn’t going to watch it and I guess I was right

also when it first came out i was mostly watching the news on the coronavirus on tv and Michael Jordan was the Last thing on my mind

well there you have it. if your only motivation was just about his sneakers, then you would definitely not care enough to watch it. it's like those lowly celebrities that come up to games with their sole intention is to get much publicity to themselves on camera but never really bothered on what's going on the court. I'd say that it would bore anybody that's not into basketball. as far as being motivated by sneakers, it sounded like you are one of those millenials that are into the shoe hype culture but never really understood or knew about something about the shoes origin.

for me, my motivation is strong enough to even finish it. my love for basketball, my love for the bulls, and lastly, mah man, Scottie Pippen.
I don’t really know I just I don’t really care for Michael Jordan I’m old enough to remember when he was playing basketball and I can honestly say besides his last game I never watched him play basketball.

I was one of the people who was just into his sneakers In the 1990s
I tried to watch the first episode and just can’t get into it

I had a feeling I wasn’t going to watch it and I guess I was right

also when it first came out i was mostly watching the news on the coronavirus on tv and Michael Jordan was the Last thing on my mind

You must not have been in to basketball then, so it wouldn't be for you.
well there you have it. if your only motivation was just about his sneakers, then you would definitely not care enough to watch it. it's like those lowly celebrities that come up to games with their sole intention is to get much publicity to themselves on camera but never really bothered on what's going on the court. I'd say that it would bore anybody that's not into basketball. as far as being motivated by sneakers, it sounded like you are one of those millenials that are into the shoe hype culture but never really understood or knew about something about the shoes origin.

for me, my motivation is strong enough to even finish it. my love for basketball, my love for the bulls, and lastly, mah man, Scottie Pippen.

That Makes sense I guess I’m a OG hypebeast
the thing is I been into sneakers way before sneaker hype

i brought OG Jordan’s in the 1990s
in the 90s sneaker brands couldn’t gasp that people where buying sneakers strictly for the look not for sports

my buddy who was a bigger sneaker head in the 1990s then me passed away in 2001 he would have loved the sneaker culture more and what its become then I do and he was never into basketball
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:lol: @ a 90 min vlad interview with Gil Hodges salty about MJ and the Last Dance doc.
His wife threw gasoline at him and tried to light him on fire?!?! Wtf?! Lol. Threw 2 matches at him. Not 1...2 :wow: And she was f'in R. Kelly on the low and bought him his 1st keyboard with Hodges money. That's one foul *** ho.
:lol: @ a 90 min vlad interview with Gil Hodges salty about MJ and the Last Dance doc.

But being a basketball fan there is a lot to learn about his background.

So calling him salty ain't fair at all.

But I see anyone that speaks out against him/doc is labeled that.
Does it not clearly say vlad tv? Are you familiar?

But being a basketball fan there is a lot to learn about his background.

So calling him salty ain't fair at all.

But I see anyone that speaks out against him/doc is labeled that.
Stop pretending they're mutually exclusive.

Somebody can be salty and you can learn from them. Tons of Bulls and MJ docs before this but Gil sure is making the best of getting his take out there.
  1. If you don't understand "Glad" then it isn't me that is unfamiliar.
  2. Why do you feel he is salty? Did you listen to the interview to come to that conclusion?
I can see Hodges being "salty" in some ways, but, overall, the bond between them will always exist, regardless of how he feels about certain aspects of his career. Dude is human, but I think he's still coming from a place of love.
Yeah I don't get it or what it has to do with my post.

Cuz he is. Look up the definition and be aware of the circumstance.

If you need it explained to you ask someone else. I won't.
I (also) asked you if you even WATCHED the video to come to the conclusion that he was salty.

I didn't ask for the definition. Please learn to read ALL (connected) questions. But when you have no knowledge on the topic of course you have no choice but resort to nonsense responses.

But Your answer says enough. Of course you didn't watch The interview, you just felt like talking for the sake of having a baseless opinion.


Take the last word.
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160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep salute bro for your honesty. You better than me bruh. If I wasn’t in to michael Jordan like that no way would I have spent money on his stuff. I’m like that with a few players in the nba that have sigs right now.

for me that documentary was good, i was a teen during that time, so it wasn’t real mind blowing as to what was said/revealed/debunked etc. if anything my Jordan collection has decreased thanks to the hype.
160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep salute bro for your honesty. You better than me bruh. If I wasn’t in to michael Jordan like that no way would I have spent money on his stuff. I’m like that with a few players in the nba that have sigs right now.

for me that documentary was good, i was a teen during that time, so it wasn’t real mind blowing as to what was said/revealed/debunked etc. if anything my Jordan collection has decreased thanks to the hype.

I dunno about caring much about myths or stories but from what I can say personally was that I was more interested on what's going on inside the court than Jordan's gambling and golf habits, Rodman's partying and crossdressing, or even Pippen's No-Tippin policy. lol. heard the stories and rumours but never cared about them much to impact me from watching the games or buying stuff that is associated with them. from what I can say, their personal life is theirs and are just regular people just like anybody that just so happened to do great things that we enjoy watching and playing. they are not saints nor role-models as godly people but as basketball players.
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its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves
no one cares about hodges
i haven't heard that name in the last 30 years till now :lol:
I don't think anyone that is a casual basketball fan cares what Craig Hodges has to say. So from that standpoint, "Nobody cares about Hodges" is correct.

The convo with Glad is for people that want to hear from Black Athletes that laid everything on the line despite what other athletes were doing at the time..

People like him and Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf have stories to tell about being blackballed from the league during the 90s, which was a time when people that spoke out were "put in their place."
I guess beca
its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves
no one cares about hodges
i haven't heard that name in the last 30 years till now :lol:

:lol: last I heard of him was his Lakers tenure. He gave a pretty cool interview to Dave McAnemin (sp). Talked about who and who doesn’t kiss Kobe Bryant’s *** on the team, and his role as a coach.

That VladTV interview was a good look for Vlad and CH.
its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves

very true. Myself included in my younger years. Certain celebrities I admired and have met in person more than once have changed my outlook on that.

In recent years however I’ve kinda pumped the breaks on the fandom. :lol: I root for the name in the front of the jersey moreso than the back.
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