"The Last Dance" Michael Jordan & Chicago Bulls Docuseries

You may call it complaining, but I call it target practice. The discussions I have on line allows me to be prepared intellectually when confronted with the same methods in person. For me, it is like when I train. I physically train, in order to be prepared. In that preparedness I rarely encounter that racist, because I give them that look before they open their mouths. I know why they wear Jordan's, and I know that they get pissed when I wear a custom suit, then still calling them what they are, devils. I'm supposed to be happy because I do not need to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I should be grateful. That materialistic life is how they control many, especially the model minority, which has a huge presence here on NT. I am sim[ply letting them know that year, I got what you got, perhaps more, and I still hate white supremacy, and who it protects.
You know what man, more power to you then.

Hope the training pays off. I just got a slightly different approach and when it comes to NT and seeing a racist here I just kinda roll my eyes
You know what man, more power to you then.

Hope the training pays off. I just got a slightly different approach and when it comes to NT and seeing a racist here I just kinda roll my eyes
Hey, I get it. During the quarantine, everything I've seen in the world and while on line, has shown me that I am on the right side of history. It's about to get really bad out here, and you've got to be ready.

It was a good interview overall. And CH has took MJ to task long before the documentary as most of us know.

Of course the name of the game is, "Views" but the subtitling of the Hodges interview is typical Vlad. He is speaking so much truth in this video but the video is titled THAT.

I suggest listening to it if you care about how social justice and sports blend. No surprise he was left out of the Last Dance.

This is a GREAT interview.

Jordan cut him out the doc cuz he aint **** with him like that and he wasn't a part of the team for the last dance.

I want to say everybody focused on and mentioned on the Bulls team were there for the end except for a few jokes and bigger controversies like Grant.

As for Hodges being blackballed and what he was standing up for, no reason for me to listen to something I already know about especially if I'm not interested.
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And folks were somehow whining "why make a doc, who doesn't know this stuff?"

talk about being ignant... MJ being called the GOAT for a reason and this has nothing to do with the doc... you would think there would be enough hear say around people but some people just dont know any better lmao
JXMY tells the story of when MJ and Len Bias were at the same basketball camp

JXMY puts out quality videos all the time. Great stuff. I remember founding his channel when he was at 100K sub, now he’s at 1.5M. Good for him :nthat:

And folks were somehow whining "why make a doc, who doesn't know this stuff?"

This! A bunch of my friends didn’t understand my fascination with Jordan. They watched the doc and told me “man i get it now”.

Jordan re-wrote the history book on how people will remember him and made $ off it. Genius :lol:
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