"The Last Dance" Michael Jordan & Chicago Bulls Docuseries

its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves
no one cares about hodges
i haven't heard that name in the last 30 years till now :lol:
It's also true that people PROTECT certain athletes, better than they protect themselves. I understand the Black community protecting those who go to bat for US. However, those who go to bat for a player that has done nothing but shut up and dribble, pales in comparison.

The times we are living in right now shines a light on those who simply kept it about the game, that they've played. Now that it is popular to speak on the obstacles that Black people face in this world, suddenly the quiet Black athlete has found the cojones to actually BE Black in front of his white/latino/asian audience, and for some?

It's too late.
this. he was honest if anything and it def is funny how that bulls documentary didn't Interview hol.
A lot of other former Bulls who played with MJ before he won a ring and even some who were there for some.

I mean seriously miss me with the Tex use to call out MJ and put him in his place but the doc didn't show that :lol:

That man is salty.
its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves
no one cares about hodges
i haven't heard that name in the last 30 years till now :lol:
Son is milking it as much as possible.

Put a mic in front of him and say MJ and he got say something.

90 min interview. GTFOOH.
A lot of other former Bulls who played with MJ before he won a ring and even some who were there for some.

I mean seriously miss me with the Tex use to call out MJ and put him in his place but the doc didn't show that :lol:

That man is salty.

Son is milking it as much as possible.

Put a mic in front of him and say MJ and he got say something.

90 min interview. GTFOOH.

It was a good interview overall. And CH has took MJ to task long before the documentary as most of us know.
its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves
no one cares about hodges
i haven't heard that name in the last 30 years till now :lol:

lol. same here. Hodges? who's that?
So you agree Hodges salty as ****.

If you want to justify why he is thats fine.

You can miss me with what a dumb as **** racist has to say or thinks. They can eat a ****** and die for all I care. Entertaining that is a waste of time.
No, because this isn't about materialistic jealousy. It is anger directed at his lack of activism.
its true. for some reason people hold athletes and celebrities to higher standards than they do themselves.

it's funny you mentioned this. while we do notice that there is a certain high standards that society expects from these people. at the same time, certain people also expect or applaud athletes and celebrities on doing the opposite. I would say both on the extreme ends, extreme high standard and extreme low standard and nowadays overblown and misguided sense of righteousness? it's a crazier world out there. no wonder the Joker went bonkers.
No, because this isn't about materialistic jealousy. It is anger directed at his lack of activism.
Racists on NT really isnt something I got energy to continually complain about.

Call them out for what they are, report them, and then put it on the mods/admins to ban them. To me its on NT if they just letting racists linger around and troll.

I mean don't you find it odd at this point you can always find one racist in these threads exposing themselves and doubling down on some bull ****? **** just ain't for me online anymore when I can come in to conflict with racists irl at work or when I'm stopped.
it's funny you mentioned this. while we do notice that there is a certain high standards that society expects from these people. at the same time, certain people also expect or applaud athletes and celebrities on doing the opposite. I would say both on the extreme ends, extreme high standard and extreme low standard and nowadays overblown and misguided sense of righteousness? it's a crazier world out there. no wonder the Joker went bonkers.
This was definitely true in the George Floyd thread. Random folks asking for Kanye to speak up. Man FOR WHAT? :lol:
Racists on NT really isnt something I got energy to continually complain about.

Call them out for what they are, report them, and then put it on the mods/admins to ban them. To me its on NT if they just letting racists linger around and troll.

I mean don't you find it odd at this point you can always find one racist in these threads exposing themselves and doubling down on some bull ****? **** just ain't for me online anymore when I can come in to conflict with racists irl at work or when I'm stopped.
You may call it complaining, but I call it target practice. The discussions I have on line allows me to be prepared intellectually when confronted with the same methods in person. For me, it is like when I train. I physically train, in order to be prepared. In that preparedness I rarely encounter that racist, because I give them that look before they open their mouths. I know why they wear Jordan's, and I know that they get pissed when I wear a custom suit, then still calling them what they are, devils. I'm supposed to be happy because I do not need to worry about where my next meal is coming from. I should be grateful. That materialistic life is how they control many, especially the model minority, which has a huge presence here on NT. I am simply letting them know that yeah, I got what you got, perhaps more, and I still hate white supremacy, and who it protects.
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