The Major League Baseball Post

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Kick save to between the legs glove flip.

For sure in the top 10...
I'm looking for Dan Haren to have a solid season. I've always been a fan of his. Good start today.
I still don't know why Torre started Padilla?

I know he likes vets, but damn.

Give the ball to Kuroda or even Billingsley....Padilla
Crazy play by Mark Buehrle

Tough luck for Shaun Marcum and Zach Greinke

Zambrano's era sitting pretty at 54.00
  mark my words, Randy Wells is going to end up with more wins this season than him

Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Crazy play by Mark Buehrle

Tough luck for Shaun Marcum and Zach Greinke

Zambrano's era sitting pretty at 54.00
  mark my words, Randy Wells is going to end up with more wins this season than him


SB, Is there a White Sox season thread?  I'm gonna at the Cell on Wednesday.  C'mon Peavarino 
Sooo great to see Marcum back, that change looks as filthy as ever.  

Imagine if Vernon played great this season, any chance we get out of that contract? Do I dare dream?
Jays reminding me why this will be the summer of my discontent. 
Giants starters combined so far through 2 games:

13 IP 0.00 ERA 12 K's 7 hits allowed

I don't see Cain giving up any runs to this Astro's line up tomorrow either.
You ain't getting outta that contract, OKB... Maybe if he plays like old Vernon and they still take basically nothing in return.. But even then I can't imagine they'll get out without picking up some of the tab...
Jon Rauch worked a perfect ninth for the Twins

Peavy goes for the Sox manana

Adrian Gonzalez crushed one tonight...get that guy outta San Diego and to a team going somewhere
Carmona vs. Peavy should be a good one tonight.

Only place Adrian is going is Boston. Mets could easily get him but they are going to be stubborn with Ike Davis...

And I'm hoping Duchsherer has another All-Star season that starts tonight after all the stuff he's been through in the last year or so.  I'm rooting for the guy.
Good Start for Rauch, or shall I say close?. Twins bullpen in general looked a lot better last night. I like to see all the power in that lineup as well, definitely not what I knew growing up.

Seattle with another one run game. It'll be like that all year, just like last year. Ian Snell pitched well, even it was vs. Oakland. Great confidence builder. M's just need him to pitch consistent like that until Lee and Bedard get back. Snell as a #4 or 5 is pretty darn good.
That Peavy vs Carmona looks to be very much in doubt tonight...damn rain

Pettitte vs Lackey and Dempster vs Jurrjens should also be good ones.

I wanna see how Harden does in his Texas debut as well 
Get your Garrett Jones jerseys now... 3 HR's already, first AB homers in both games... dude hit 21 in 82 games last year, he's going to beast on them this year I do believe.
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