The Major League Baseball Post

^ not yet, but it'll probably happen eventually. i posted a couple articles on it...i think they're on the previous page.
Jay Bruce, Cin, OF (ETA - June)

As a Seattle-area resident, I can tell you that the rumor of Seattle's growing interest in Ken Griffey Jr. makes sense. Seattle desperately needs an infusion of offense and good PR - and, believe me, the fans would love to bring "The Kid" back. A Griffey move would save Cincinnati money and open up room for Bruce, the consensus top minor league prospect in baseball headed into this season. Bruce is currently eating Triple-A pitching alive, connecting for six home runs and a .924 OPS in his first 35 games at Louisville - He's also swiped seven bases. The Reds are currently the second-worst team in the NL (15-23) and hope to purge the contracts of both Griffey and Adam Dunn this season. I think the team will ultimately work something out for both players, with Griffey the likelier of the two to be gone before the summer solstice. Look for Bruce to be in a Reds uniform inside of a month, maybe sooner

Jeff Keppinger just broke his kneecap.
What happened to Keppinger?

If he indeed broke his kneecap, I'm going to Protrade and shorting him.
fouled a ball off his knee. it sucks cuz i heard that Alex Gonzalez is no where close to getting back.
Volquez gets another win. he hasn't allowed more than 1 run in any start this season (allowed 1 today, 5 Ks.)

Votto with a homer.
Volquez, Cliff Lee, Ervin Santana and Shaun Marcum.

All of these guys having nice starts
Arroyo's last 2 games: 15 IP, 9 H, 1 ER, 14 Ks. would be 2-0, but we finally blew a save. that "only team in baseball w/o a blown save" wasmisleading though, we've only had like7-8 save opps.

C.C.'s back.

Hamilton still leading the league in RBI's.

Paul Janish FTW!

an Andruw Jones update:

[table][tr][td] [/td] [td]G[/td] [td]AB[/td] [td]R[/td] [td]H[/td] [td]2B[/td] [td]3B[/td] [td]HR[/td] [td]RBI[/td] [td]TB[/td] [td]BB[/td] [td]SO[/td] [td]SB[/td] [td]CS[/td] [td]OBP[/td] [td]SLG[/td] [td]AVG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2008[/td] [td]38[/td] [td]117[/td] [td]16[/td] [td]21[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]1[/td] [td]6[/td] [td]32[/td] [td]18[/td] [td]39[/td] [td]0[/td] [td]0[/td] [td].287[/td] [td].274[/td] [td].179[/td] [/tr][/table]

he's heating up...he actually had 2 hits last night...hitting .241 over his last 10 games.
[h2]150,000 pennies for your thoughts[/h2]
By Hal McCoy | Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 03:20 PM

You've heard of Three Coins in a Fountain, right? How about 150,000 pennies in a locker?

That's what Josh Fogg found in his locker when he came to work in the Cincinnati Reds clubhouse Wednesday. There were 60 boxes of pennies, $25 worth to a box, stacked in his locker - top to bottom like cereal boxes in Kroger's.

Fogg immediately looked at Ken Griffey Jr. and said, "That's good, Griff. That's funny. Kick me while I'm down."

Griffey had told Fogg he was going to pay off the $1,500 he owed him in pennies, but Fogg didn't believe it.

"I'm a man of my word," said Griffey. "And when you owe a man $1,500, you pay him. And I'd like to thank the lovely people at National City Bank for helping me with this joke. There isn't a whole lot you can do with pennies. Just think, each box weighs 16 pounds, so the man has 60 bowling balls in his locker."

Fogg was mystified and mesmerized and finally said, "I'm going to take them out to the bullpen and count them. I have a lot of time on my hands out there. I'm sure these were delivered by Brinks truck and Griffey had his paycheck in there, too."

anyone hear Billy Wagner yesterday?

"Can somebody tell me why the (bleep) the closer is being interviewed and I didn't even play?" Wagner said, his voice rising. He paused and waved his hand in the direction of the lockers of Carlos Delgado and Carlos Beltran. "Why they're over there not being interviewed. Oh, I got it. They're gone. (Bleeping) shocker."
you know baseball players, i'm sure they were in the dugout and made a bet on who could spit a sunflower seed into a cup or how long until Brandon Phillipsshaved his mohawk.
Vicente Padilla with another damn good start, despite struggling to locate his pitches early in the game... Get that trade value up, big fella.

Milton Bradley and Josh Hamilton have proven to be EXCELLENT acquisitions for Jon Daniels... The Gagne deal looks better every day, too, as David Murphycontinues to impress...

Back to .500 after that terrible start.
Scherzer pitched good again.

and Lance Berkman is going off right now.

where's Saltalamachia?

time to bring this dude up:


where's Saltalamachia?
Until Laird is gone, him and Saltalamacchia will play in 2-game intervals switching back and forth...

It's a terrible situation, and neither one of them is happy about it... They need to just tell Laird to kick rocks and see what they've got withSalty...

And Mad Max is the man
Originally Posted by wildKYcat

damn, there's two "c"'s in his name...i thought for sure it looked right.

I always have to doubleand triple check it... I fly through typing everything else, and I hit a dead stop trying to type his name out...
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