The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

Some of these guys seem like they don’t care if they die cutting weight. Someone has to protect them from themselves. It’s gonna get real bad again with them making the weigh-in times later again.
I feel like Yoel can't even cut anymore weight. The guy is literally all muscle. Only way he'd lose weight would be to lose muscle which not only takes a while, but would also mess up his whole game
I hope rda is in terminator mode tomorrow and destroys that fool. Constantly calling minorities “animals” usually gets you labeled as racist trash.
Brazilians shout "Youre going to die" at Americans, toss things at fighters and rob UFC personnel.

Colby should be calling them noble citizens instead.

You cant say anything in this world anymore without being attacked and reported.

Everyones the victim and super sensitive these days.

People are so soft that Colbys obvious troll job flies right above their head.
Not really, we know he’s a dumb troll but saying stuff like that is why people don’t like him. Calling minorities something you shouldn’t be calling them isn’t gonna fly, trolling or not.
Yoel needs a reality check, dude looked awful coming to the scales the second time.

You been doing this your whole life and still managed to miss weight for two separate title shots. Doesn’t matter if he only walks at 210, he made it clear he can’t make championship weight when the time comes.
Disagree... if the commission stepped in over a quarter pound he woulda made it. On deaths door or not. Cant be worse off than McNugget at 145, prob just severeeee cramping because his body is all muscle
Should’ve shaved his beard and drained those cauliflower ears. Might add up to .2 pounds.
The guy had what? 14-16 weeks to make weight?

Instead hes going to blame the commission? Have a little accountability, you missed weight for the last title fight and you missed it for this one.

Amazes me how many people are on Yoels side. How quickly people forget stoolgate, fencegrabs,PED use and kissing Rockhold and getting in his face moments after he knocked his brain out his skull. After he missed weight as well.

Too bad DC already did the towel trick, Yoel could of easily lost that extra weight via towel.

Is .2 lbs going to make a big difference? Of course not, but its the principle. Youre headlining a PPV for a Belt and you cant make the championship weight you agreed upon months ago, its not the commissions fault, its yours Romero.

Its getting to the point where the UFC is going to have to have a couple reserve fighters on hand to step in when someone inevitably misses weight.

UFC has to either devise a system that puts fighters into their natural weight class or have extreme punishment for missing weight. Whether thats an immediate Loss for missing weight, 100% of purse or what have you, something needs to be done.
If you're killing yourself to make weight in your second title fight, the first of which you didn't make weight then it's clearly not the division for you

I actually do like Yoel but he has done many questionable things I tend to have forgotten lol
Lets not forget his corner pouring water all over him to gain extra recovery time in between rounds and make him slicker as well.

Yoels not the first guy to grab on to the fence to stop a take down or hold a position, not the first guy to use PEDs ( theres a grocery list of top fighters who use(d) the sauce) but lets call a spade a spade.

Whats even funnier to me is how someone like Jon Jones can

-Hit a pregnant woman head on, flee the scene, run back to grab weed, run away again.
-Refuse to fight Chael Sonnen to save a PPV
-Pop for cocaine use
-Pop for steroids and blame it on something else instead of owning it
-Defeats DC after popping, gives heartwarming speech about reaching your dreams only to fail another steroid test and still wont own his mistakes
-Hid under the ring at Jackson Wink for a whole day to avoid USADA confirmed by multiple teammates
-Pathological liar that calls Colby a liar
-Says all sorts of foul ish

but Colby Covington (whos obviously a heel but stay with me) is the worst dude on earth because he said "Filthy Animals"

Got to love it.

Apparently words speak louder than action.
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Huh? You're acting like we're in here praising Jon Jones. They're both scum bags.

Edit: Also I don't know anyone personally that likes Jon Jones's personality especially now. However everyone recognizes his talent. Same with Colby.
both scumbags. one plays up to it by trying to promote himself, which is sort of working since he is getting bigger fights. jones just a lying trainwreck that cant get his story straight. great fighter who may or not been cheating the whole time, but he definitely does himself no favors by trying to play the victim
How about instead of walking around at 210 lbs, he walk around at 205 lbs instead and make weight. No one in forcing his to have all that muscle. I'd argue it's actually disadvantage since he usually gases in the later rounds. Just don't lift weights for 1 training camp, and eat a little less, and do more cardio, boom 5lbs less muscle and make weight. It's actually harder to maintain that kind of muscle mass than it is to lose it.

I blame it on Yoel, he damn well knew if he didn't make weight he wasn't going to fight for the belt. It wasn't any kind of surprise.
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