The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

its gotta be.. ufc didn't move him to that number 1 LW ranking yesterday for no reason :lol:
Nothing's a certainty with MMA and especially Dana. Khabib is also making it well known he wants to get the bag and a new contract

I'm also hoping they come out with something out of left field for the MSG main event. Maybe a new division like 165 title fight with Nate Diaz or something wild
Really hope Woodley gets the W. I really feel that his fight with Colby could be a buildup to remember

Khabib Conor
Diamond Nate
Woodley Colby

On top of the other matches with Costa, Stylebender, Weidman, Luke, Yoel. etc.... that's about as good as you can get at this point
Nah, I'm sayin I hope Woodley wins so he can get the matchup with Colby. That would be a marquee fight like the others I listed
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Side note, I’ve always wondered who the sources are. Is there a mole within the UFC? Does it leak from the fighters management or fighters themselves? I’m always curious as to where this info leaks from.
That Diaz v Porier fight will either:

A) Not happen
B) Be for an interim belt
B.5) One of them will miss weight
dope matchup... another L on deck for nate.
I wouldnt be so sure, nate would have all the physical advantages + ground game sewed up

granted he been mia for a while (that chin fully charged lol) but cabo nate STOPPED a full camp mcgregor

DP is my dood, but facts is he chinny and can easily get touched by the taller, longer diaz

DP knocking out nate is a tough sale.

Seem like if Nate get past DP they will set up Mcgregor III, almost feels like a tune up fight for diaz

damn yall really on this colby stuff? He's 1 loss away from being back to a nobody, doods whole act is lame, hes just not smooth or convincing with it, its like I can hear all the "black hat" coaching from chael rolling off his shakey voice, but to each his own lol
What a fight. Extremely happy to Diamond get this pay day. Especially since I know that fight kid gonna raise a good amount of money for charity

This dude Cody :lol: I don't condone his use of the word but media is acting like he's using it as a derrogotary manner.

He's just a white kid trying to be black. that's it
Have to think a Conor fight is announced very soon... He is posting a ton of training pictures... The good news is he should be ready to step in and save a fight if someone isn’t ready to go
Nate is a bad matchup for diamond, though ring rust might be a factor

If we see a driven nate, that’s a tall task for a guy with diamonds skill set who isn’t a powerful wrestler

With that being said, diamond is in his absolute prime and his strategy installed by mike brown has been nothing short of exceptional. On the ground the gap isn’t all that wide, diamond is a wizard himself

We see a guy who’s been out of competition for over two years vs a guy who’s been on a tear and seems to be hitting on all cylinders
dustin gotta work on attacking the legs
wonder how much nate is getting for this fight

nate with his length/range and boxing is going to a tough matchup vs dustin
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