The MMA Thread: DON'T ASK 4 STREAMS & NO GIFS- Cannonier, Imavov, Reyes, Rosas on NOW

I didn't originally comment because of Floyd's race, that's where you're stretching things. :lol: I commented because I'm tired of seeing people turn this into a race thing.

I'm not stretching anything. I know exactly what you commented on and I replied accordingly.

You being "tired of seeing people turn this into a race thing" doesn't make them "ignorant".

In fact, the truth could be quite the contrary.

How did I miss "TeamPacquiao" and "TeamCaneloAlvarez" in your sig this whole time though :lol:
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I'm not stretching anything. I know exactly what you commented on and I replied accordingly.

You being "tired of seeing people turn this into a race thing" doesn't make them "ignorant".

In fact, the truth could be quite the contrary.

:rolleyes because seeing people fight over the color of our skin on TV and in our every day lives isn't enough, we need to bring it into combat sports.

Yeah, I'm ignorant for trying to keep people from dragging an already controversial issue in almost all of our every day lives into something that should be completely left out from it.

From someone who has experience in martial arts, trust me when I say that someone can have a great jab regardless of their skin color. Thus, purposefully bringing race into something that doesn't warrant the need for it, as it would only cause drama and an endless / unwinnable argument for everyone involved (due to it again being completely irrelevant to the skill / function of any fighter ever), is ignorant imo.

Keep it pushin famb
I'm agreeing wtih all of you that I think RDa is gon win.

But saying he's gonna wash conor is very far fetched. 

That's it. Not hard to understand lol
Lol I never said he was going to get washed. I just wanted to rain on the Conor parade getrich was starting :lol:. The past couple of pages have been about Conor just wanted to remind y'all he isn't unbeatable either.

I do think Conor is going to get washed tho.
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I want to see this proven scientifically.

I see people say someone's "chin has deteriorated". But I'm not sold on this.

Look at Frankie. Dude should be getting KOd by a strong breeze at this point :lol:

I do think AGE is a factor. Because bone density decreases as you get older. So the bones in the jaw I would imagine could also be effected.

He's been rocked a few times but he's never been put out has he??

And i can't imagine bone density would decrease that drastically for guys in their 30's??

I think losing the chin is a real thing though. Chuck, Maynard, Marquardt, Bigfoot....

Chuck went on the record saying that there came a point when his brain just seemed to switch off when he took damage.

I think taking time off after K.O's is a big thing. Most guys in MMA can't really afford to be inactive so they have to get back at it asap. And it's not just the fights, dudes get rocked/K.O'd in sparring a lot.
I'm tired of seeing people turn this into a race thing. It's irrelevant in a fighting sport no matter how much anyone tries to make it matter

No. It doesnt mean everything and it doesnt mean nothing either. But if you think race is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT in boxing/mma, cmon son. Thats just being oblivious. But I don't even feel like getting into it so carry on with your day.
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't past KOs make you more vulnerable to future KOs

Like Chuck Liddel?

I want to see this proven scientifically.

I see people say someone's "chin has deteriorated". But I'm not sold on this.

Look at Frankie. Dude should be getting KOd by a strong breeze at this point :lol:

I do think AGE is a factor. Because bone density decreases as you get older. So the bones in the jaw I would imagine could also be effected.

After some googling it seems to be true
FACT: Once You’ve Had A Concussion, It’s More Likely To Happen Again

Being concussed makes you more susceptible to future concussions because it lowers the threshold for the amount of force needed to injury your brain. Studies have shown that you are three to six times more likely to suffer a second concussion if you’ve previously been concussed, which is why it’s important to not only give yourself the proper recovery time, but also avoid activities that may lead to future injury.

Suffering multiple concussions in short succession is very dangerous. A best, it will mean a longer recovery time and an increase in symptoms. At worst, it can lead to something called “Second Impact Syndrome” that reduces blood flow to the brain and can cause death. These factors are of special concern for athletes. Parents should be sure to consult with medical staff when making decisions about whether or not a child is ready to return to the playing field.
I'm tired of seeing people turn this into a race thing. It's irrelevant in a fighting sport no matter how much anyone tries to make it matter

No. It doesnt mean everything and it doesnt mean nothing either. But if you think race is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT in boxing/mma, cmon son. Thats just being oblivious. But I don't even feel like getting into it so carry on with your day.

Reminds me of the phrase "ignorance is bliss" :lol:

Dude wants bliss but calling other people ignorant.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but don't past KOs make you more vulnerable to future KOs

Like Chuck Liddel?

I want to see this proven scientifically.

I see people say someone's "chin has deteriorated". But I'm not sold on this.

Look at Frankie. Dude should be getting KOd by a strong breeze at this point :lol:

I do think AGE is a factor. Because bone density decreases as you get older. So the bones in the jaw I would imagine could also be effected.

After some googling it seems to be true
FACT: Once You’ve Had A Concussion, It’s More Likely To Happen Again

Being concussed makes you more susceptible to future concussions because it lowers the threshold for the amount of force needed to injury your brain. Studies have shown that you are three to six times more likely to suffer a second concussion if you’ve previously been concussed, which is why it’s important to not only give yourself the proper recovery time, but also avoid activities that may lead to future injury.

Suffering multiple concussions in short succession is very dangerous. A best, it will mean a longer recovery time and an increase in symptoms. At worst, it can lead to something called “Second Impact Syndrome” that reduces blood flow to the brain and can cause death. These factors are of special concern for athletes. Parents should be sure to consult with medical staff when making decisions about whether or not a child is ready to return to the playing field.

OK. This is what I've been waiting for. I'd like to see more. Because they seem to imply your OK if you recover, but then say "avoid activities.

Frankie hasn't been KOd but cot damn he's taken some shots.

Chuck I felt like it was happening as he got older. I think anywhere between 35-40, it has the potential to happen.

That's why I'm never sure if it's "deterioration", or they just got hit with the right shot in the right spot.
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I believe it depends on the severity of the KO.

Bisping almost died with the H-bomb back in 2009 and I think, outside of Vitor's headkick, he hasn't been KO'd or TKO'd since (and had what, 10 fights at least?). Every brain and recovery is different. Some go later in life, others get bumped just the right way and they're never the same.

Chuck was never the same after Rashad. :smh: Didn't Ace Ventura KO him with a straight right while backing up?
[common sense] yes your chin degrades over time, just like everything else. Its a part of aging. [/common sense]
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I'm just waiting to see how Conor behaves when he does lose whether or not RDA is the one to steal his soul.

I think RDA will be able to beat him even if people are now saying Conor is physically bigger. He's definitely taller and has more reach, but he might not actually be the bigger man. What really counts is RDA has been fighting larger opponents the whole time, whereas Conor has only been fighting little guys, literally borderline midgets most of the time.
[common sense] yes your chin degrades over time, just like everything else. Its a part of aging. [/common sense]

Not that simple. Bone is still building as old as 30, even 35 in some cases in some men.

So this would be the case in the late 30's. Which is where I thought Chuck was when he started getting clipped. It was the 2nd Rampage fight where he seemed to lose it.

But then didn't he take some solid shots from Wand after that?

He had been TKOd, by Rampage once before and by Couture but was a few years younger but didn't fold again until the Page rematch. I think he was over 35 in that rematch. Then took shots from Wand and didn't fold again until Rashad.

So many extenuating factors though.

James Toney is 47 and still going and never been KOd :lol:
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Is it true I am more likely to get a concussion after already having one?
- Asks Bailey from New York

Athletes who play on despite suffering a concussion put themselves at increased risk for a second one. [Credit: Atle Brunvoll]
By Monica Heger | Posted April 28, 2008
Posted in: Ever Wondered?, Featured, Health, Life Science
Tags: brain, Ever Wondered?, neuroscience
Despite the old saying encouraging you to hop back on your bike after falling off, it turns out that may be bad advice, particularly if you hit your head on the fall.

After having one concussion you are more likely to have another — some doctors estimate you increase your risk up to three times. There are two reasons why your risk increases: carelessness and brain chemistry.

The first reason is the obvious: After you hit your head, you will be slower to react. So if you jump right back on your bike, you won’t have the same reflexes to stop on a dime or swerve at the last minute. Surprisingly, this is actually more common than you might think. Devoted football or soccer athletes may return to a game sooner than they should after taking a hard hit, greatly increasing their risk of another concussion. Also, after you have a concussion, you’re less attentive overall, making tasks like crossing the street that much more dangerous.

The increased susceptibility for a second concussion also comes down to brain chemistry. A concussion causes chemical changes in your brain, which leave the brain unbalanced and more prone to damage for up to a year, said David Hovda, director of the Brain Injury Research Center at the University of California, Los Angeles.

What happens during a concussion, said Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, the president of the Brain Trauma Foundation, is that the pulling and stretching of your brain results in tiny tears in the white matter — the tissue connecting the different brain regions. The result is less attentiveness and memory and slower reflexes.

Your brain is contained in fluid in your skull, much like an ice cube in a glass of water. Moving the glass back and forth causes the ice cube to slosh around in the glass. This is what is happening to your brain during a concussion. It’s not the movement itself that causes the concussion, but the force and acceleration of that movement, Hovda said.

“It causes all the cells in the brain to fire — like the brain is having a mini-seizure,” he added.

When the cells fire during a concussion, they release neurotransmitters. One neurotransmitter, glutamate, causes the cells to release potassium and take up sodium, the crucial chemical processes through which nerves send electrical signals.

When potassium leaves the cell, the cell wants to pump it back in again. This requires enormous amounts of energy, so immediately after a concussion the brain is metabolically very active, trying to pump the sodium back in. As a result it burns lots of glucose. In addition, the uptake of sodium prevents the cell from being able to access its energy reserves. This results in what Hovda calls an “energy crisis.”

The brain is susceptible in this energy-deprived state because it does not have the energy to restore the sodium/potassium balance if it sustains another blow.

Normally, blood flow to the brain would restore the glucose. But a concussion also causes the muscles around the blood vessels to constrict, reducing the amount of blood able to reach the brain. As a result, the brain remains in an energy crisis and susceptible to damage.

In sum, suffering a concussion increases your chances for having another one because of the chemical changes that can leave your brain debilitated for up to a year. So the next time you fall off your bike, think twice before hopping back on right away.
Think it has more to do with brain damage and less to do with bone density
Not that simple. Bone is still building as old as 30, even 35 in some cases in some men.

So this would be the case in the late 30's. Which is where I thought Chuck was when he started getting clipped. It was the 2nd Rampage fight where he seemed to lose it.

But then didn't he take some solid shots from Wand after that?

He had been TKOd, by Rampage once before and by Couture but was a few years younger but didn't fold again until the Page rematch. I think he was over 35 in that rematch. Then took shots from Wand and didn't fold again until Rashad.

So many extenuating factors though.

James Toney is 47 and still going and never been KOd :lol:

so you telling me you can take a punch at 50 better than you could at 20.


your chin, just like the rest of your body deteriorates as we age dood. Your chin does not get stronger over time, especially if your absorbing shots.

do your knees get stronger after years of playing basketball, nah.

A "KO" is caused when your brain jiggles around inside your skull after being hit in specific areas of the head....doods get KO'd all the time getting hit NOT ON THE JAW. You can slam your head hard enough on a mattress and be concussed.....

the jaw is one of the best spots to target because it causes your head to turn/twist at a rate so quick your brain is going for a ride and boom...concussion.

if a doods "chin" is going or gone, it basically just means his brain is no longer physically secured to the skull as it once was before..... making it easier to slosh around and prompt a concussion.
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Not that simple. Bone is still building as old as 30, even 35 in some cases in some men.

So this would be the case in the late 30's. Which is where I thought Chuck was when he started getting clipped. It was the 2nd Rampage fight where he seemed to lose it.

But then didn't he take some solid shots from Wand after that?

He had been TKOd, by Rampage once before and by Couture but was a few years younger but didn't fold again until the Page rematch. I think he was over 35 in that rematch. Then took shots from Wand and didn't fold again until Rashad.

So many extenuating factors though.

James Toney is 47 and still going and never been KOd :lol:

so you telling me you can take a punch at 50 better than you could at 20.

How did you gather this from what I typed? :lol:

Your body develops first, THEN deteriorates. So it's not as simple as "your body degrades over time".

When people were questioning Chad's chin after Frankie clipped him, that had less to do with natural body degradation over time IMO. He's only 30. He's probably right at his athletic prime. He wasn't "KO'd" by Conor. He had been "KOd" by Aldo (1st fight). Came back. Ate a ton of shots from Jose again then Conor. Just to have his lights put out by Edgar who is not a heavy hitter.

Just trying to see the rhyme/reason to why some KOs happen and some don't. Attrition is certainly possible. But it's weird when they bounce back from KOs, eat punches fine, then get flash KOd again further down the line.

Guessing recovery time in between is a big factor. I ain't trying to do all that math now though :lol:

I attributed older guys getting KO'd to deteriorating/degrading bone density. Like Chuck. Same with Roy Jones Jr.

Now repeated concussive force, that I get. I'm just not that familiar with the science there. I'm just learning about that now via Football.

And ultimately, some guys will still be exceptions to the rule. Which I why I said there are a ton of extenuating factors.
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He's lost 7 times in total.. he stinks! He has not grown since he's been in the UFC.

Conor fans you enjoy this next month and a half.

Come March 5th you suckas will be M.I.A.. like my boy Rusty.. lemme poor one out for the homie.


We miss you dawg.

But imma chill until after 196 before we start loading rounds.

When RDA washes Conor we'll go after the head of the hype train.. that's Chester and then rest come after.
I aint goin nowhere regardless! I enjoy the artistry of Conor but I also don't ghost when my favorite fighters lose. Dustin, Cowboy etc. have all suffered devastating losses but I just enjoy every fighter for what he brings. Whether it's the modesty of Frankie or the brashness of Conor

Other fans seem to get bothered by promotion, it's unfortunate but that's the whole point of promotion, to get people to feel a certain way
Bader is food. I can't imagine him surviving 5 rounds to a decision. Bader will have to play keep away like he did with Rashad perhaps get him by RNC as he's prone to fall to... idk, the matchup really does nothing for me lol

Conor got **** off the top of his head, Chael always sounded scripted. Chael also was MUCH more racist than Conor, in fact Conor hasn't been racist but more so making it seem like RDA should be ashamed to be an immigrant. A little tasteless, but Chael was a straight out racist and called Brazilians ******ed cavemen basically. There is NO comparison with Chael
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