The mystery x-tra thick girl from the rotound backside post... More pics! (fixed)

Originally Posted by Nako XL

whats funny to me is how all these self-proclaimed %+% men are in here talking about how big her booty is, when if you look, she doesn't even really have a butt

Look at the "boxing" pic and even the last pic: it's all thigh. and kinda sloppy thigh too... y'all just feel like arguing with LaVey.
now look at the last pic
if that aint booty idk what is.
anyway not necessarily my pref but she is bad
and not fat.
fat women dont have preportions like that.
shorty basically got abs
show me a fat person with abs and you've got me beat
Originally Posted by YDBoUnCe

Originally Posted by Nako XL

whats funny to me is how all these self-proclaimed %+% men are in here talking about how big her booty is, when if you look, she doesn't even really have a butt

Look at the "boxing" pic and even the last pic: it's all thigh. and kinda sloppy thigh too... y'all just feel like arguing with LaVey.
now look at the last pic
if that aint booty idk what is.
anyway not necessarily my pref but she is bad
and not fat.
fat women dont have preportions like that.
shorty basically got abs
show me a fat person with abs and you've got me beat

She still got it though
dudes in here callin her fat & obese must never have seen a thick girl in their lives. because she is literally a perfect example of thickness

fat booty+nice juicy thighs+skinny waist= thick
WOW normally i wouldnt beast at all but DAMN

can i get a name number myspace facebook something, she most def could get it with no hesitation

this is only on a strictly 1 time thing tho
Originally Posted by toast1985

I'm on the fence personally. She's definitely 1 Cheeseburger over/under.
Exactly what I told one of my friends.....she's 2-3 big macs away from obese.
Sorry dude nobody in here likes women with 12 yr old bodies. If you don't approve of her, keep it moving. Its that easy.
^^^^Sorry dude, nobody in here likes women with 12 yr old bodies. If you don't approve of her, keep it moving. Its that easy.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by toast1985

I'm on the fence personally. She's definitely 1 Cheeseburger over/under.
Exactly what I told one of my friends.....she's 2-3 big macs away from obese.
but that's the thing, she really isnt anywhere close to obese. Look at the broad's stomach, that joint is flat with no flab/muffintop.
I really don't see the appeal. Maybe I don't understand it because I'm white. She has to weigh more than 200 pounds, and you better believe thatshe is going to balloon in 10 years or less. How is that wife material?

I'm not saying I wouldn't plow, but is she really that desirable?
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