*****The New Official Jordan 11"Space Jam" 09 Thread ! Vol: No Bs Please !*****

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There's always something we should be coppin over Jordans, especially of you live on your own or got kids... I would NEVER deny any of my kids a gift so Icould get TWO of something though.... I might decide they don't need the Jams cuz they're gonna tear them up anyway... but I will get one pair formyself and keep it moving.... prioritize....buy them and keep em DS for awhile just in case u decide they werent worth the payola.....

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by RiverXBear

i havent been this worried about coppin 1 pair since da grapes

EVERY ONE wants these .
There will be enough to go around.
..............................in utah.

These will be gone by 7am in Houston.

100 pairs, 200 pairs...doesn't matter how many each store gets.
Obviously it depends where you are, but if you show up around the time a store opens you should be able to get your size.

If you think you'll get a pair hours after shops open then you're screwed.
Man, I just saw these yesterday and the design quality just looks sketchy, they couldn't do a better job with the 23 on the back? looks like somethingthey would do for a kid's shoe. Copped my little girl a fresh set of Ol' School III's and that kid's DMP VII's.

After seeing those floor models yesterday I don't think I'm gonna jump on the SJ's when they drop. Pray for some Concords to hit the ground.
many stores in the nyc had them since tuesday for 250$ but no way im paying over retail. well i hope everyone gets their pairs.
Originally Posted by AsianImage

Originally Posted by Prince Of Shoes HEAD

I know a manager in footlocker and he told me literally they are getting 200 pair just there store. My g/f champ are getting 90. And seramonte footlocker is getting 400 alone. not including footaction and finishline and champs in seramonte mall in daily city. So i really doubt this will be that hard to get. But for sure these will sell out within the first 2-3 days.

I find that a little hard to believe ONE store is getting 200 pairs.

Again...believe what you want..I have called all around my area and these are NOT OVER FLOWING AT EVERY STORE. A store has 9 pairs, another has 12, another 24...and the MOST I have heard...from very popular mall stores is 36 pairs. I researched all my local FTL and FAs and the MOST I have heard is 36. I dont even think NTLA is getting this magical 200 pairs...let alone 90 pairs.

I hope that is true for your sake...and I am not saying you are a liar...all I am saying from my homework and research...they are not that SUPER EASY to cop. Peeps have to do work to get them...connect or not.

True hard to believe that .... My local FT are getting only 12 pairs, at the mall they are getting : Finish line: 38 pairs and other no more than 50
Originally Posted by nflowshoe

Real talk......if you have 200 dollars to blow get them, but if you going in debt, or not buying xmas gifts cause you waiting for low quality cdp like xi's with a clear bottom that will yellow, you are gonna regret it......... these shoes are like a girl you chased around for years then once you finally get her she is terrible in bed! I just took a look at my cdp xi's and wouldn't pay 200 for those pieces of crap.......im not hating tho jordan brand used to have me by the nuts also........it hurts to see people I know losing sleep, camping out, not paying bills, not buying food, for something that isn't worth it...... no shots at anybody on this tread im speaking about people I know personaly
Example, my boy aint buying his son a power wheel cause he is getting 2 pairs of these and he barely has food in his house, damn that's disgusting

you need to tell your BOY that his kids come first then him. I bought all my kids there gifts and was going to get me three pairs of jams but my little onewanted somthing else for christmas so im getting two pairs now just to get what he wants. You can always get a pair of jams later on and be happy but you onlyget one time at christmas to see your kid happy when he opens there gifts.
these will be an easy pick if you are up early it stand in line. there will be more that enough to go around. if you are in Austin ,TX i know for a fact thatthe malls here were sent a load sneakers.
^^^Your right but, u don't want to b like my X boss Gary, almost 60 and still no kids. Especially this time of year, he's very lonely. FTL.
Originally Posted by bruza

Not having kids yet FTW

joking (kind of
No my friend, its no joke.... all that PB interior and multiple pairs of the same shoe (or even one pair for that matter) goes out the window, orgets reduced to a minimum... they are a joy and a blessing, and not really initially expensive just a constant cost, but u gotta give up a lot of old ways whenu become a parent cuz those old ways become selfish when you have others to think about....

Still fence-sitting on these.... I've decided I'll try and get out and get them, but may hold a pair in my hands and still walk away without them....

in my 2000 icy SJs
Unclesam---- lol i know when i should stop... is just because i been waiting since summer for these and i aint going to pass them up
Originally Posted by traebond

just received my pair from SNEAKERPREORDER.com!
Did you get tracking info? Still waiting for mine, hopefully it shows up at my doorstep today.
there's enough for everybody....just be early and get a pair....Maybe it just depends on where you are.....supply and demand...Footlocker et. al know wherethe shoes are selling so they will know where to drop these space jams...just as easy as that. If your footlockers are not selling that much, they won'tgive you that much... right? My local FTL sells a lot, that's why they are getting 420 pairs of these
i talk to one of my representative footaction at arlington park mall and he said he will at least 400+ pair of space jam, and i ask FTL, FNL, CHP and they willbe getting at least 100 pairs. so dont worry everybody will get these joints.
Originally Posted by seanj4523

hopefully I wont have to witness any of these scenes while camping out

You will see scenes like this if your copping in Houston... I heard and witnessed the Gunspoint Mall hold up for the first Countdown Pack in Jan.08 and saw people getting jumping going to their cars at Almeda and Gunspoint!!!! It's really sad
Originally Posted by seanj4523

looks like I will be camped out at the galleria with jordanfan04

Im be at the Galleria too Sean j4523... remember I bought those Countdown Pack 13's off u at TSU? I'll see u there bro!!!
yeah hopefully everyone will JAYS. but damn man just one the store you just mentioned will get more that my entire town...i understand supply and demand but ikno i will have to work harder for these.
Originally Posted by hotbutter

Originally Posted by nflowshoe

Real talk......if you have 200 dollars to blow get them, but if you going in debt, or not buying xmas gifts cause you waiting for low quality cdp like xi's with a clear bottom that will yellow, you are gonna regret it......... these shoes are like a girl you chased around for years then once you finally get her she is terrible in bed! I just took a look at my cdp xi's and wouldn't pay 200 for those pieces of crap.......im not hating tho jordan brand used to have me by the nuts also........it hurts to see people I know losing sleep, camping out, not paying bills, not buying food, for something that isn't worth it...... no shots at anybody on this tread im speaking about people I know personaly
Example, my boy aint buying his son a power wheel cause he is getting 2 pairs of these and he barely has food in his house, damn that's disgusting


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