* The New TEAM SC Official post *

Retro...thanks fellas

@Duke giving up in the 2nd half
Giving up? If that makes you sleep better at night. I guess they just gave up in thesecond half the past four season too, considering this makes it 5 years in a row they haven't made it out the Sweet 16. Duke didn't disappointwhatsoever though. I had them going out against Nova, so they're right on schedule.


It's alright boys. There's always next year.

Oh, and one more thing. Is it just pure coincidence that they lost by 23 points? Hmmmm . ..


For someone who isn't a die hard UNC fan you're riding pretty hard...guess youdidn't watch the game or know anything about basketball outside of what statistics you can pull off the web...
at Villanova's defense. Best defensiveeffort i've seen in years. And I see them beating Pitt Saturday with ease.

Henderson was just SMOTHERED the whole game. It just didn't make any sense.

Now the Heels gotta bring their A game against Gonzaga tonight, I just hope Lawson is o.k. If not, we are in big trouble.
Gee, I'm failing to see where in my last post I made any reference to UNC(minus thepicture of Jordan I posted for coincidental reasons).

As far as watching the game, you're right, I didn't. There's no reason when you already knowthe outcome of the game. I know plenty about the game of basketball outside of statistics, but I am a numbers man. "Men lie, women lie, but numbersdon't."

Plus, let's see . . .

Getting into Fashion Week for free and as V.I.P., being surrounded by tons of beautiful women, networkingwith a lot of people, and free drinks flowing all night . . .


Watching Duke get beat by 20+ points.

Hmmm, tough decision.
Scheyer and Henderson could only play at top level for so long. While Nova's defense was good, the Blue Devils missed their share of wideopen shots. In closing, Nova was the better team last night, plain and simple. Coach K even said so in the presser.

I'm a little angry at Memphis. The Tigers' "great" defense forgot to show up last night. Missouri/UConn should be a great game, especially ifMizzou can get up and down the floor.

Anyone mad that Pitt is still alive? Please, someone, knock this squad out. I'm tired of seeing these highly-contested battles that the Panthers alwaysseem to win. Maybe Nova can give em trouble on Saturday.
Originally Posted by Executive76

@Duke giving up in the 2nd half
C'mon man. I'm not anti Duke or pro-Carolina in any way, but Duke didn't give up. (and you know you and I are cool,LOL) Trailing by 15 points with 12-15 minutes left obviously changes your team's mindset. The Devils had problems staying with Nova's guards, that wasobvious. Duke shot too many ill-advised 3-pointers and Henderson/Scheyer couldn't get to the FT throw line barely at all. Nova flat out won the game.I'm still shocked Vegas had Duke as a two-point favorite. Anyone who watched the tournament so far knew Nova's backcourt > Duke's backcourt.
Most "numbers" people don't know anything about basketball or sports ingeneral and you prove my point because while numbers may not lie they can be misleading...

I find it very amusing that after you already stated that you didn't watch the game you still feltthe need to go into detail about what you were doing as if it would impress someone

DEpast-IMO Duke gave up on the defensive end...

Pitt will beat Nova(their defense wasn't overly impressive to me Duke's lack of ball handling/athleticism made them look very good)

Trying to impress someone? Yeah, because my life long dream is to impress a bunch of dudes over theinternet.


I guess I was just trying to paint a picture as to why I didn't watch the game. I know plenty aboutsports, but at the end of the day . . . who won and who lost?
Wow is it that serious...I mean wow. People are getting mad over this Duke thing. When its all said and done one team had to win and the other had to lose.Duke lost. There is no justification for it. You can talk about the "what if's" and the stats. So lets not get mad. Duke lost, and its over. Iwont lie, i had Duke them losing to Nova in my bracket. I believe a lot of people did. Its not that big of a surprise. Duke just wasnt that great this year.
Originally Posted by jhobson5

Wow is it that serious...I mean wow. People are getting mad over this Duke thing. When its all said and done one team had to win and the other had to lose. Duke lost. There is no justification for it. You can talk about the "what if's" and the stats. So lets not get mad. Duke lost, and its over. I wont lie, i had Duke them losing to Nova in my bracket. I believe a lot of people did. Its not that big of a surprise. Duke just wasnt that great this year.

Thank you, thank you, and thank you!
He made a statement I responded simple is that. No feelings involved.

"you not feeling me fine...cost you nothing pay me no mind"
Executive76, Word to you being left-handed.

So am I fam, the few, the proud, the lefties.
duke all day an ACC ALL DAY we just got outplayed thts all and we were undersized so it aight we got 2 7 footers comen next year
Originally Posted by DEpast

Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

Seth Curry to Duke next year! Now that should be interesting!
Yeah maybe in Fall 2010. He has to sit out a year.

Yea, I know but that's a good thing for him. Gives him time to muscle up and learn the system...
I know, I know. Everyone hates them but is anyone coppin the black/white/red '09's this Sat?
Imma probably get them from Shoetrends for $130 even though they don't shipout till late April...
Originally Posted by Chico Cummings

I know, I know. Everyone hates them but is anyone coppin the black/white/red '09's this Sat?
Imma probably get them from Shoetrends for $130 even though they don't ship out till late April...

No those 09's are fire. But i will wait until they go on sale....Ron knows how i feel
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