* The New TEAM SC Official post *

yea that party was.....interesting.....but honestly NO WAY near as good as titanic on friday night!!!

if you went to toucan, you made a huge mistake and missed out on a great party......

shout out to bigmo and tyler...reppin at music farm
and ill will at both the partys.....




and last but not least...my costume.....meteor man vintage tee, army pants, and black X's
Anyone peep the LeBron VI commercial yet?

Classic in my opinion.

I think these are a dope shoe. The V were just average at best. Did Finish Line get them in?

Ryan- Nice pics. Glad you guys had a good time. Who is shorty in the red devil costume?

IllWill- Nice Grapes.
Ron-The LeBron commercial is one of the best i have seen, Nike is really doing good at advertisement with there athletes as of late. Like the LT, and TroyPolamalue(How ever you spell it), is a good one. I love the LeBron commercial minus Lil Wayne's cameo, I am a bit tired of seeing him and hearing himeverytime i turn anything on. But that's just me

illwill-Those grapes are sick man, thats a good pick up.Definately quality. I am still bitter about the grapes but thats another story.

Ryan-I love that halloween costume, rather then the slave one i previously saw you in. Thank you for the change.

Stan-Nice pick-ups man, another quality pick up.
Thanks AirJordan 17, Maurice and Jhob

Stan-nice 3's man I'm dying to find a pair w/o having to get the 20's
thanks for the comments errbody.....

jason- i figured you'd appreciate this one a little more

ron-i have no clue who that girl was...i was getting a lap dance and just happened to look up lol.
and yes finishline does have the lebron's in

Illwill- nice grapes make me want another pair...... XXs suck.... IIIs are fire i got lucky
Ryan-yo the line getting them unc 23s coming out this month ........like juvenile " i need it in my life"<- maurice dont know nothing boutthat
ITS BARACK!!!!!!!!!

CHANGE 08!!!!!!!!!!

ITS A WRAP!!!!!!!!!


stan- now what you know about that homie....
This is so surreal. I'm glad that I was able to be apart of history. I honestly wastearing up during Obama's speech. I'm glad that after 8 years of complete and utter BS, there's hope.
Once I saw that he won Pennsylvania,and Ohio I knew it was a wrap.

That speech he gave was amazing. My wife and mom cried like babies throughout the whole thing just because they were that happy he won.

We all are a part of history, and honestly the actual reality of the situation hasn't hit me yet.
Ron i am like you, i am still in awe. I cant believe this happened. This might be one of the most memorible moments that i have ever had in my life. I am justso happy i am a part of it. I am ready for a change and i think Obama will do it. And to all the Obama haters...I am laughing at you like Shorty Low"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha". But this great.

And just to let you guys know. In 2012 its going to be Hobson-Obama. So start spreading the word.
it was truly worth the experience standing in line 4 hours then taking a friend to St.stephens to vote ..................all in all historical night
Will - You and me both(no pics though). It felt so great to walk around downtown with thebiggest grin on my face. Like I told a few people yesterday, the weather might have been crappy, but it was bright as day and there were no clouds in myworld.
So... who's riding out to Florence for the Black/Red 1 retro release on the 22nd?

I gotta grab these, closest thing to OG 1 I think we will ever see. Besides my 94 joints cna still stay DS without being tempted to wearthem.
Ron - I'll be riding out to Florence for sure. My 2001 retros need a break, so thesewill serve as a nice substitute.

Exec - Not sure, but maybe one of the Foot Actions will get them at either Columbiana or Columbia mall. Ialways forget which mall got the Grape V's.

Trendsetta - The Foot Action in Magnolia Mall will more than likely get these I's. They usually getevery LS release, so I don't see why it would change now. I'll probably call in the next week or two just to check.
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