The Offical Team CAPCOM- Roll Call Vol:There ain't nothin Marvelous on NT pg1 updates

Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

We have to be the best team on Niketalk. These avy's are incredible.

Thank you to the guys who made this possible (more than I risk naming for fear of leaving out anyone in particular).

yeah he his just get an avy. here you go http://www.fightersgenera...haracters/feilong-a.html
Thank you sir.
lol yo that deadpool is kinda funny, but hes also madd annoying lol. I wonder how JSteez will handle this since he has deadpool and he is kinda like TeamMarvel's leader. And I think I'm gonna hit my post count soon. so if ya don't see me, i'll be back in 45 mins.

Attention to all Team Capcom members: Don't go to Team Marvel's thread. Hopefully they won't go into ours either, b/c problems and arguments willstart and the threads will get locked. So chill out with that for the time being.

EDIT: Crap, I hit my post limit. but here is the sig for Fei Long. You can change the colors if you aint feeling them.
T-E-A-M-C-A-P-C-O-M: F-E-I-L-O-N-G
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Originally Posted by The Minister

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

So..who is left?

loads of characters. street fighter (either though mst are taken) everyone from resident evil, devil may cry. who are you interested in

Well checking the OG post. Fei Long is still available?
Yes Fei Long is still availabe and here is the link for his avys. http://www.fightersgenera...haracters/feilong-a.html

If you need a sig, let me know and i'll hook u up with one. And Welcome to Team Capcom.

And XCellz, i think 916 has a few more avys to do before he does yours, so it might take a while.
Thank you also and glad to be here.
And if you don'tmind hooking me up with the sig, thanks again.
Originally Posted by chino905

^^ you want ur sig to be all white?

Nah its that I was changing it around to see how it looks better and I messed up.

I think it should be right,now.

what is her nameeee? Its been so long since Ive played but this is and always will be my character of choice.
Originally Posted by chino905

Originally Posted by Mister916

Originally Posted by ThaT Dude173

Fei Long checking in.

Edit got to work on my sig.
I would have snatched him up

You mean hypothetically, or you meant you really would have taken him?
I'm always looking at characters that are stillavailable.
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