The Official 2020 NFL Offseason Thread - The Cleveland Steamer

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The footwork from elite route runners is a thing of beauty. I'd put Diggs, Nuk, Thielen and OBJ in that category too, dudes make filthy cuts regularly.

AB too when he's playing, the amount of separation he manages to get consistently because of his feet is ridiculous

Oh...was always told the Pack never have talent :lol:

Oh...was always told the Pack never have talent :lol:

He's not wrong. And of course the Packers have had talent.

I've been beating a deadhorse for years to everyone including Packers fans. To anyone who says McCarthy was a bad coach - no. To anyone who says Ted Thompson was a bad GM, couldn't be further from the truth. He was one of the best. He built 4 super bowl caliber teams in a 11 year span. We were in contention for a decade straight. But I don't think people understand how many things need to go right to win a super bowl. How many things can go wrong. Or just how good the Packers have been relative to the rest of the league.

Im not happy haven't gotten another but i've still had a ton of fun the last 13 years and am still grateful.
Idk what Clowney's end game is

What "contender" can pay him the same way a subpar team can
I wonder what Cleveland offered him. The rumors about him have been all over the map.


Bout to be super corny.

He's not wrong. And of course the Packers have had talent.

I've been beating a deadhorse for years to everyone including Packers fans. To anyone who says McCarthy was a bad coach - no. To anyone who says Ted Thompson was a bad GM, couldn't be further from the truth. He was one of the best. He built 4 super bowl caliber teams in a 11 year span. We were in contention for a decade straight. But I don't think people understand how many things need to go right to win a super bowl. How many things can go wrong. Or just how good the Packers have been relative to the rest of the league.

Im not happy haven't gotten another but i've still had a ton of fun the last 13 years and am still grateful.

Then bc Rodgers?

If you check off the GM then the coach, the QB ain't pulling his weight then. Can't have it 3 ways. Not in this scenario.
Then bc Rodgers?

If you check off the GM then the coach, the QB ain't pulling his weight then. Can't have it 3 ways. Not in this scenario.

No. Its not just Rodgers. Or just McCarthy. Or just TT. I could go into what happened every season but I doubt you'll want to hear all about it. If we go into what stopped us from winning a super bowl there's some things that are out of everybody's control. There's some things that were in TT's control. There's some things that were in McCarthy's control. There's some things that were in all 53 players control.

Aaron Rodgers. His biggest problem is being paid so much. Which is basically every great QB's problem. Which is a big reason I think McCarthy and TT were good at what they did. Do I think TT could have been a little less stingey in Free Agency? Yeah. But here's a big reason he was. It's that much harder to build a super bowl team or to have a team in the playoffs every single year. But he did.

At the end of the day it's a 53 man team and 53 dudes need to execute. Coaches need to execute. Managment needs to execute. A lot can go wrong when that many guys have a job to do. All im saying is the success speaks for itself relative to the rest of the league.

All of this is goes into why I think Bill Belichik is the greatest figure the sport has ever seen. And even then, i've always said greatness at that level comes down to being fortunate rather than misfortunate.
How many NFL teams are there? 32?...We should put together a draft of posters to draft any team, other than their favorite team, to watch for all 16 games. Designated fan and report to NT. Could be kinda fun.

i like this idea...i'm down to organize if we get enough people:

1) 651
2) DSA
Just so I got it right, we’re looking solely at entertainment value of the teams?

so for example, even though Tampa wasn’t that great last year they still had some high entertainment value because of Jameis chasing the 30/30 and them having talented guys
Idk what Clowney's end game is

What "contender" can pay him the same way a subpar team can

He played himself not doing that Miami deal. I know he wants to be paid like Donald, but he has to be a consistent game wrecker and not just a TFL guy that also gives teams penalty yards.
1) 651
2) DSA
3) ITO
4) IATT (i think?)

I just wanna make sure I fully understand.. I mean I’m more than likely in, even though the next 2 days are a little rough for me

but just trying see how I’d stack my board
I just wanna make sure I fully understand.. I mean I’m more than likely in, even though the next 2 days are a little rough for me

but just trying see how I’d stack my board

i wouldn't put more than 5-6 minutes of thought into this, tbh :lol:

just pick a handful of teams you wouldn't mind following more closely than normal for the upcoming year :lol:
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