The Official 2020 NFL Offseason Thread - The Cleveland Steamer

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i feel like if someone wants to pick up extra at the end, that's fine. i can only commit to 1 though :lol:

I mean, I was assuming we were only getting max just over 10 of us for this.. was assuming it’d more so be the regulars and maybe a little more focus then we would have given anyways

like I got certain teams I woulda checked just to see how certain dudes from the draft were performing, like the bengals.. or seeing how guys were adjusting to the league

having all those wrs in last draft helps.. also like seeing how good the Washington front 7 can be, is interesting (for a should be bad team)
bro can some of y'all not read? :lol:

it'll be a draft to make it fair. i'm sure you can find a team in your timezone if you want or out of it if you want. i doubt we get enough people for every team

1) 651
2) DSA
3) ITO
5) 10027
6) Space
7) Folarin
8 ) Rolaholic
9) Armada

elpablo21 elpablo21 counting you in? you seem to grasp this complicated concept pretty well :lol:
yeah I'd be down and only one team :lol:
1) 651
2) DSA
3) ITO
5) 10027
6) Space
7) Folarin
8 ) Rolaholic
9) Armada
10) Pabs
11) aNYone
DeadsetAce DeadsetAce Will we know draft order day of or will we know before?

As a serious GM I would request time to mock draft and put my strategy together.
Feel like we should do a WIR where each person posts on their team(s) game. Cool to get some impartial perspectives. Though I may or may not pick the Bills just to trash Josh Allen.
1) 651
2) DSA
3) ITO
5) 10027
6) Space
7) Folarin
8 ) Rolaholic
9) Armada
10) Pabs
11) aNYone
12) Nick
13) Ches
Respect to Eryz and Wentz man. And respect to the protestors too, you know they’ll try to distract and make it about “riots”(I won’t be using that term). We aren’t forgetting what happened.
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