in china you have diff Nike shoe factories its possible that they have used diff factories for the OG cws, i remember when the patches came out they were also from a different chinese factory than the regular GR releases
Ah I see. Some of the profile pics actually resemble the profile of the patches indeed.
This is getting crazy!!!!

Although I remember a few pages back someone mentioned (maybe singledout) that there was going to be an intermediate shape before we got the "official" new shape. Is that what we're seeing here? The pinnacles definitely look better than the OG reds.
We need at poll at the top.... How will Nike F-up the Atmos release?

-Icy blue sole?

-Non-leather toe box?

-matte swoosh?

-make unnecessary changes to the Nike Air on back?

-give us a shape thats even worse than of late?
We already know exactly what they look like...everything is same as OG release as far as materials go

Here's a video in hand 

But if I was to would be your last bullet "give us a shape that's even worse"
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We already know exactly what they look like...everything is same as OG release as far as materials go

Here's a video in hand 

But if I was to would be your last bullet "give us a shape that's even worse"

Wow, them joints aren't half bad. I gotta sell my OG's now while they're still worth something haha. 
flyknit infrared 90s are up on undefeated for anyone interested
btw this is the am1 thread, the 90s have their own thread
This is getting crazy!!!!

Although I remember a few pages back someone mentioned (maybe singledout) that there was going to be an intermediate shape before we got the "official" new shape. Is that what we're seeing here? The pinnacles definitely look better than the OG reds.

It looks
Like it. In my opinion, I could be terribly wrong, but I think Nike made the "shape"
Decision rather recently when they finally realized "man...we should change the shape"

And we are getting inconsistent shapes because they probably have been prepping and creating since last AMD. So maybe that's why we seeing so many different / inconsistent shapes.

But ...I could be terribly wrong as well [emoji]127997[/emoji]‍♂️
Inconsistent shapes have been around a long time. You'll find slight varieties on China pairs, on Indonesia pairs, on Vietnam pairs. But they will still have a few common features that will make them recognizable by country.

Even older pairs. Google pics pink pack and you'll find different shapes, most likely also caused by different sizes.
This is getting crazy!!!!

Although I remember a few pages back someone mentioned (maybe singledout) that there was going to be an intermediate shape before we got the "official" new shape. Is that what we're seeing here? The pinnacles definitely look better than the OG reds.
Nike knows they didn't turn out perfect. The people who were informing me to "wait until AMD" thought what they had held in hand and saw as far as samples go, were going to be the pairs we would be seeing. Supposedly there is a big difference and something happened in production and they turned out like this...

So, I have heard that this whole "shape ordeal" doesn't just apply to AMD, but that Nike will continue to work on the shape as time goes on...the one positive thing is that Nike is finally listening to its customers and is "ATTEMPTING" to make it right....
Inconsistent shapes have been around a long time. You'll find slight varieties on China pairs, on Indonesia pairs, on Vietnam pairs. But they will still have a few common features that will make them recognizable by country.

Even older pairs. Google pics pink pack and you'll find different shapes, most likely also caused by different sizes.

Makes sense! Thanks modus [emoji]128591[/emoji][emoji]127996[/emoji]
^^Seeing is believing.
Yup, I believe nothing until its in my hand...which is why I didn't truly believe anything about pinnacles until I opened the box and then I was pleasantly surprised

My new motto:

If you don't expect too much from them, you won't be let down
Yup, I believe nothing until its in my hand...which is why I didn't truly believe anything about pinnacles until I opened the box and then I was pleasantly surprised

My new motto:

If you don't expect too much from them, you won't be let down
@Modus47  @AIRMAXDISCIPLE  @InContrastOfSin  ^^ he is starting to see the infinite wisdom of the [grumpy] dark side... ^^ 

thats why as long as its status quo, i will copp whatever falls into place.  
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@Modus47  @AIRMAXDISCIPLE  @InContrastOfSin  ^^ he is starting to see the infinite wisdom of the [grumpy] dark side... ^^ 

thats why as long as its status quo, i will copp whatever falls into place.  
Haha I can agree on mostly everything you grumps say, there's no denying the majority of statements by any means 

At times it may seem I am overly talkative on the newer pairs because is somewhat exciting to know that Nike is FINALLY making some moves....

With that being said, the pinnacles were a great start in my personal opionion, the materials were great and the shape was acceptable (is it 2004 greystone? F*ck no, but it's also not a 2016 Safari Banana...)

I guess what I'm trying to say is, its mad easy to sit here and say "Nike will never get it right you guys...just don't even get excited - its always a let down" but it's also pretty easy to sit here think the total opposite and say "Nike is trying you guys, they've made improvements and I am purchasing my first "new" AM1s in years! I'm stoked that they're actually listening now"

At the end of the day I just like choppin' it up with everyone in here on a silhouette that I have been collecting for over a decade!
Video of Atmos in hand 

Anyone catch what was handed off in the background? Sneak peak?

Another profile shot

Are these mesh? I know ultras are dropping too, cant seem to tell which ones are mesh. Neither royals nor reds look to have qs like mesh unfortunately.

As far as shape, im kinda disappointed however there is at least a chance they will be decent. Cop-able. Had they been like the previous joints theres no way I could justify spending retail on em.
mrphist mrphist I bet you're right. The OG were done before the pinnacles and therefore have not as nice a shape. Let's get a production date comparison to verify this theory.

Better shape to come....? Let's hope so!
Are these mesh? I know ultras are dropping too, cant seem to tell which ones are mesh. Neither royals nor reds look to have qs like mesh unfortunately.

As far as shape, im kinda disappointed however there is at least a chance they will be decent. Cop-able. Had they been like the previous joints theres no way I could justify spending retail on em.
Ya those are the OG's with mesh. You would be able to tell if they were the Ultra's by the carved out sole among other differences. 
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