
From what I'm reading,
Tabao is like eBay in Japan? And I should get a tabao agent? I got a couple friends in Japan, should I just have them grab it for me and ship it over? Legit checks? Lol so many questions

From what I'm reading,
Tabao is like eBay in Japan? And I should get a tabao agent? I got a couple friends in Japan, should I just have them grab it for me and ship it over? Legit checks? Lol so many questions
Taobao is based in china not japan , i believe japan uses rakuten or yahoo auctions like ebay
I'm not saying everything on there is fake - it's not. Taobao is a marketplace, where there are real goods and fake goods. So is ebay.

But, if you aren't an experienced int'l buyer and you start wandering off into the woods on your own, you may unknowingly end up in dangerous grounds. This is basically ground zero for the "early release" (non-authorized) Jordan market.

Just putting that out there for people to keep in mind.
Yeah you are right, but with amount of ppl that lurk on these forums and never contribute anything, they are quick to jump on links posted and immediately assume what is being posted on NT is going to be a link to !00% legit shoes.

That's why ppl should always do research before buying off any website they've never purchased from, obviously some sites will require less labor to verify their authenticity, but its better to be safe than sorry.
How would we run a legit check on these, they look like pretty generic pictures..
And my sources tell me ¥3210 converts to $34.50..
I am not an experienced international buyer but even for one who is, how do you verify these are 100% Nike Authorized pairs? I read a lot of the unofficial Taobao thread a few months ago and I'm interested in how it is applicable to more recent releases. The pictures in that thread made it obvious that some of them were not legit.
Heres a few pix of those teal denims: (click on the pics to make them larger to view)



Man that's the disappointing :/ I really wanted them but the shape is going to make them a pass for me
It's funny how amsyndicate went from being called a douche to mr miyagi status so quickly lol

Anyone who's been on this site or the other for a while recognizes and respects his knowledge.
It's funny how amsyndicate went from being called a douche to mr miyagi status so quickly lol

Anyone who's been on this site or the other for a while recognizes and respects his knowledge.
I found this thread googling something and it was AMSyndicate post :smile:
Did Size? just cancel my order?

Under my account/ order history, my order does not show up, but it did before?

Damn it! guess ill be hunting again, just to make sure, .
Looks like all the AM 1 Milan pairs from Foot Locker EU are gone, there was a bunch of sizes still available just an hour ago, now they're all gone. I'm afraid most of them went to resellers..
Yeah, realized it was yuan and not yen lol
They don't have my size regardless
Can't believe I got my pair for $140 shipped when they dropped 6 years ago
Yeah still looking for those am1s atmos jade/blk sz 8.5 on the bay but notjing has come up. This thread just blew up in the past hr
waited and waited for the offspring to put the home turf pack up and they finally did, to realize that they wont ship to the states for this release! wow!
i would returns those if i were u
shape from the am1s manufactured in china are not acceptable imo
the shape looks like a orthopedic shoe from frankenstein or something like that :rofl: :lol: :rofl:

LOL yeah its pretty bad, already packed up ready to go back to Nike. When i received them i noticed they were the Premiums & made in expectations just dropped from there!

I got them for $60 & i dont even want them now, haha
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it had nothing to do with premium or not, the atmos camo was also premium but they came from vietnam
and those got an acceptable shape imo, the 1s from china are straight up garbage, its a disgrace for the nike brand
i actually wondering what phill knights opinion is about those china made am1s and if that obesed fat asss couch potato would buy/wear them

Hahaha word.

I think the worse ive seen were those blue women ones u posed and probably the Snakeskins/year of the snakes...just terrible.
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