No but Nike is a business. They are there to make money. Now that the shape is fixed they'll be putting out lot of gr's that everyone can get. Will some of the people that only came back for the hype stick around? I sure hope so. I have my doubts though when I see dope pairs like the Pinnacles and the Berrys just sitting. Most people didn't come back for the new shape. They came back for the hype.
If every release going forward is the fixed shape I will be so happy! But I feel we might get a mix of both. For example those tonal ones that just dropped don't seem like they were fixed but more of what we have been getting the past 5+ years

Now this is all just a guess but I feel like Nike might do something similar to what they do with JB and the remastered series where certain colorways are fixed but not everything 

Pinnacles are the best AM1 i've copped (quality-wise) since prob 2010 but possibly longer than that. They are so well done
True...I rate those pinnacles and would cop had I not already bought 4 nikes and one at resell.

Fully agree with you again and you won't even give me an inch mate: just a tad MORE stock/fewer models this month would've been better. Just a touch of love from em AMD and all
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With the AF1 getting the jewel treatment this spring/summer that surely means the AM1 jewel is also going to happen sometime this year, right?
If every release going forward is the fixed shape I will be so happy! But I feel we might get a mix of both. For example those tonal ones that just dropped don't seem like they were fixed but more of what we have been getting the past 5+ years

Now this is all just a guess but I feel like Nike might do something similar to what they do with JB and the remastered series where certain colorways are fixed but not everything 

Pinnacles are the best AM1 i've copped (quality-wise) since prob 2010 but possibly longer than that. They are so well done
The tonal pack have the new shape.

Some images, make me afraid about it but they were fixed
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Btw whats the story behind the tonal pack? They look like a cool shoe but I wouldn't wear them...pretty much like an updated Air Attack Pack imo
Did anyone figure out the email from the 44einhalb IG contest to order a atmos???
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