The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Tower of god- can finally get a price of baams backstory Also hope it's gonna be a fight between the princesses Karaka baam hell joe and urek lmao
I just didn't like the whole killing the clan thing. Made no sense. Never in any other shounen will a character kill his whole clan "to save his little brother" meanwhile he kills his mom and dad :stoneface: they coulda did better than that imo
He killed the Clan cause they where gonna attack and try to take over the leaf village he didn't do it for Sasuke he did it to protect the village
Itachi was still poorly written tho

OK he wants Sasuke to avenge the clan but he literally fanned the flames of mental illness in him

Oh my lil bro is happy and moving on? Mind rape him because I want him to have hate in his heart and become an international criminal in his quest for vengeance even though he would more than likely have come after me eventually as a legitimate Leaf Chunin/Jounin
He killed the Clan cause they where gonna attack and try to take over the leaf village he didn't do it for Sasuke he did it to protect the village
Well not really. Danzo wanted to kill the uchiha and take their eyes, plus he harbored a hatred for them from the jump. The clan was going to rebel. Everybody knew it. If they did, they all would've gotten smoked. Itachi killed them essentially to protect Sasuke. Danzo wasn't going to finish the last uchiha child off. Hituzen wouldn't have let him. Just like hiruzen kept a watchful eye over naruto.

Itachi hopes Sasuke would grow up to hate him and essentially become a savior of Konoha because he knew Madar/obito was around. He even programmed Shisuis eye with the command of protect Konoha, specifically for Sasuke when he tries to use his MS on Naruto.

It just happens that Sasuke is an idiot and gets manipulated by everyone
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Tower of god- can finally get a price of baams backstory Also hope it's gonna be a fight between the princesses Karaka baam hell joe and urek lmao
If Urek gets in the fight then it'll be a massacre. He's ranked 4th in the tower and the strongest active ranker. Idk how strong Garam is, but Urek would make things so unbalanced it'd be silly unless the lack of Shinsoo nerfs them, but honestly that might give Urek an advantage since he remembers life outside the tower without Shinsoo.
Itachi's pops was like the main organizer of the konoha take over.

also it made sense after it was explained further and how deep it really was.

i dont think making sasuke evil was the plan but he also knew that there was no one that would be able to train or nurther him better than that rage. if the times match up he also knew oorochi would be after him as well and could have possibly anticipated oroochi taking over and gifting sasuke with beautiful techniques. there is definitely a gap there but who knows.
Smh I'm reading all this and still haven't even finished naruto yet lol
Itachi's pops was like the main organizer of the konoha take over.

also it made sense after it was explained further and how deep it really was.

i dont think making sasuke evil was the plan but he also knew that there was no one that would be able to train or nurther him better than that rage. if the times match up he also knew oorochi would be after him as well and could have possibly anticipated oroochi taking over and gifting sasuke with beautiful techniques. there is definitely a gap there but who knows.
Nah I don't think he wanted him to go with orochimaru. Oro is crazy and when you think about it, he didn't really train Sasuke like that. All he gave him was the cursed seal. Sasuke learned the most from kakashi and his own self study. Sasuke even had techniques that he hid from Oro.

Sasuke would've been better off as a wandering ninja than with Oro.

If anything, sasuke going with him messed up Itachis plans because it turned him more towards the dark side
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Always wanted to see Zetsu fight since they introduced him first in the beginning of naruto, they shouldve made him strong but he was the weakest in the whole group 
Son could have killed Orochimaru to remove the potential villain factor from Sasuke's development

Could have popped up now and then to troll Sasuke but literally sticks his **** in his brain, driving him into a coma and eventual insanity

Sasuke was Jounin level by age 15, **** Orochimaru he would have been at that level easily in the Leaf Village with the help of his Sharingan and a few S rank missions with Naruto.

By age 13 he and Naruto fought a Jounin, a Jounin level teenager, multiple Chuunin level rivals, a got damn HOKAGE level ninja, and a Bijuu. Granted they got washed a whole lot but it wss valuable combat experience.

All Itachi had to do was chill in da cut and occasional send Sasuke a few DMs and things would have worked out.

P.S. that child of prophecy and reincarnated brothers thing was whack but if you go back and read Part I it was clear that Naruto would be the eventual GOAT based on comments made by damn near every character
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If Urek gets in the fight then it'll be a massacre. He's ranked 4th in the tower and the strongest active ranker. Idk how strong Garam is, but Urek would make things so unbalanced it'd be silly unless the lack of Shinsoo nerfs them, but honestly that might give Urek an advantage since he remembers life outside the tower without Shinsoo.

Hmm interesting. Also do you know what karaka meant when he said something about someone who can get hell Joe out of the death floor?
Hmm interesting. Also do you know what karaka meant when he said something about someone who can get hell Joe out of the death floor?

My guess is either Baam, Hockney, or hoaquin, but iirc he said it's an intruder, so probably Baam or Hockney. Hockney got his soul back and left the floor of death before so we know he knows how to do it or it could be karaka means Hockney can locate the Thorn again like he did for the piece baam has which then would fulfill the contract he and hell Joe have. Baam has extra souls and breaks the rules of the tower so he might be able to, but it could be another twist, but those would be my top 2 candidates. Stretch pick is Sachi since he knows spells that deal with souls, but doubt he'd use em again after losing an eye and I doubt he'd be on karaka's radar.
Itachi was still poorly written tho

OK he wants Sasuke to avenge the clan but he literally fanned the flames of mental illness in him

Oh my lil bro is happy and moving on? Mind rape him because I want him to have hate in his heart and become an international criminal in his quest for vengeance even though he would more than likely have come after me eventually as a legitimate Leaf Chunin/Jounin

See, that's where Kishi ****** up in his writing. Him using Tsukyomi on Sasuke during the Search for Tsunade Arc makes no sense based on his position at the story's end.
One down, I hope.
Nah he wasnt one of the guys on the hit list. His master didnt give a damn about him 
One Piece

Oh boy oh boy, things are gonna get real crazy at the wedding, and I cant wait for it all. :lol: :pimp:
One Piece
Oh boy oh boy, things are gonna get real crazy at the wedding, and I cant wait for it all.
Yeah man the plot thickens. This gonna be better than the red wedding in GOT 
 Arc so good I forgot some crewmates were just off doing their own thing right now
One piece
godamn this man Capone idk if you could even call him a savage at this point just a psychopath if that stuffs true admittedly I always downplayed Capone before Zou but this kinda puts into perspective that he's still one of luffy's "rivals" and that the supernovas are all at his level if not for brute strength then in other aspects and in capones case it's incredible defense

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