The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

lol it's too late to get one now, plus im overseas and xbox ones way more expensive and useless here
Spandam is easily in the to 10 best one piece villains bastard just rubs me the wrong way
Spandam and Crocodile had me wanting to swing on someone, they were so infuriating 
Hey is re zero on Netflix. If not any PS4 apps to watch anime on?
It's on crunchyroll

Been watchin RE Zero for the last week.....Feels man

Still trying to forget this series exists so I don't have to think about when/if a second season would arrive :smh:

I'm enjoying @sckid20's updates with his journey through One Piece :lol:

Me too :lol:

I took a hiatus from it once I had caught up to the start of the Fishman Island arc but he makes me want to get back to it.
the good thing about RE zero is that while it is a light novel, there's enough content for another season. I wanna say this season only covered 5-6 volumes and there are 11 light novel volumes as of December

quick kishimoto really going to kill off naruto and sasuke in boruto??
If you're not reading Tower of God you're doing yourself a disservice. Chapter this week was crazy. So much information and so many possibilities for the story. I'll be back with an analysis when I have a break or something at work and have time to put pieces together. I know some people on Reddit who have read the preview chapters put together longer analyses tho. I'll also copy and paste those. 

Finished writing about the chapter, for anyone interested. Hope we get some more ToG readers soon.
SIU has been meticulous in his planning, which is apparent if you follow his blog posts, but still FUG began as the remnants of followers of V and Arlene Grace who were started a war with Zahard and Baam was announced to the world officially as the newest Slayer for FUG are Arlene's Hand. Anyway, where to start - I'll just go over top of mind things, then post links to more in-depth analysis done by people or reddit, but there may be some overlap in ideas.
A redditor's super long analysis:

SIU needs to add clarity on what it means when people say outside the tower. I say this because it's unclear at times. We know Zahard and the other 12 family heads came from outside the tower. We know Phantanium came from outside the tower because Axes are from outside the tower. We know Urek is from outside the tower because he talks about it and the rumor is he came into the tower looking for Phantanium. Let's assume Enryu is from outside the tower as well. 

Rachel is an irregular, however she doesn't seem to be from outside the tower or else she would already know what the stars and sky look like right? She could easily be from the outer tower, which would mean the cave Baam was in was in the Outer Tower and they opened the gate to the inner tower. We know people from outside the tower are extremely powerful inside the tower, however Rachel isn't. What if it's not just the fact that the tower didn't chose her, but also that she's from the tower. While Baam, although born in the tower is the child of 2 irregulars from outside the tower. Remember, Enne Zahard was the strongest princess and strongers non-irregular in the tower along with Adori Zahard. What if both of them are also daughters of 2 of the original irregulars which is why they're so much stronger. Anyway getting back on track, it's confusing whether Arlene got out of the tower again or if she just got out to the outer tower. What if the only way to truly exit the tower is get to the true top and Zahard knew that so he stopped his climb and became king, because a big fish in a "small" pond was better than going back out. There's other theories that the tower is an axis training ground and you become one if you make it up, but I don't like that as much.

I ask this, because Rachel, 1 hasn't seen the stars, but is an irregular so it seems odd that if she's an irregular from outside the tower, she'd have seen them. 2. she kind of maid it seem like she knew Arlene. It could be she's just heard stories from FUG, as we know her information source is not 100% accurate, and seems to be manipulating her somewhat as we saw with the souls, where she and Yura thought they only needed to give 1 sound, not everyone in the groups soul. There's a theory that Rachel before entering the tower as a servant or maid and all she taught Baam about morals and being noble was how she saw noblemen acting or her perfect idea of a nobleman. What if she worked as Arlene's maid outside the tower and that's how she found the cave or was instructed to keep Baam company. There is a level of premeditation to all of this, with the prophecy and leaving the diary in the pocket behind. 

On the matter of V's suicide. When the family heads got immortality for passing the 100th floor test, Hendo Bloodmatter was excluding and now it seems so was V. Hendo got an inferior form of immortality, by making a deal that all his descendants will have shortened life and that extra lifespan goes to him. What is the reason V doesn't have immortality isn't because he rejected it, but wasn't offered it because Zahard knowing Arlene loved V, told the guardian not to give V immortality hoping it drove a wedge between the two.

This goes to my next point, it's obvious the guardians on floor 1-134 had at some point all sided with Zahard and allowed him to become king. Remember, Arlene was running from both Zahard and the guardians. However, we now see guardians like Headon rebelling against Zahard and is working with FUG. That could easily mean more are. What if Enryu killed the guardian on the 43rd floor as a punishment and to send a message to the other guardians for taking actions like that or what if the 43rd floor guardian was a willing sacrifice, regretting having supported Zahard, had Enryu kill him for the Thorn to give to Baam. 

Now about Baam being the baby that came back to life. Enryu is said to be strong enough to create life from Shinsoo, what about reviving life? But the question remains, how does he know about Arlene's wishes. What if Enryu was sent into the tower by an Axis and now the outside Axes are manipulating the tower. This is under the idea that the "God of the outside" are the Axes. What if Phantanium is that axes and came into the tower, where he killed a bunch of Zahard's men and revived Baam? See so many different options. So I just had a new thought about this. Enryu was the first Irregular after the families and Zahard to enter the tower. He played his role of killing the guardian and delivering the Thorn and is now inactive. Then came Phantanium, who got to Zahard's palace killed a bunch of the royal guard and faced Zahard, but decided to not fight him. Maybe he had a message to deliver and maybe he did all this after reviving Baam. Then he went inactive. What if these irregulars, Enryu and Phantanium, already played their role and potentially have even left the tower now. Now it's time for Baam the 3rd irregular to play his role. It's been mentioned that the Tower let's Irregulars in when it needs something. It let Zahard in to climb and along the way, maybe, he veered off the path the tower wanted and the guardians rebelled against the will of the tower when siding with Zahard. Now some guardians and the tower are trying to correct the mistake and fix the ecosystem per se, and Baam is the means to do so, as the true God of the tower. I'm hoping Enryu is still in the tower and will meet Baam. I suspect he will. As for Phantanium, I doubt we ever see him, and Axis is too OP and throws the story off. Does Baam now accept his fate and declare Grace the 11th family and accept the name? As for Urek and his role as an irregular, I think he just got in the tower through sheer force of will not because it needed him. If he really entered looking for Phantanium, it makes sense that he has no idea of prophecy or anything else like Arlene when he speaks with Garam and why she's so annoyed with him.

I'd like to see Baam go to the God of Guardians and ask him about Arlene and V because it'd be crazy if Zahard was also able to mess with the GoG memory when he cleansed the tower of records of V and Arlene.

Okay, so now Rachel. She's thirsty for any type of attention that she's delighted when Wangnan mentions she's good at folding clothes. The dream to see the stars isn't even her own, she's adopted it, because she thinks she can become a heroine or an important person or respected person if she can open up the 135th floor of the tower. She actually had that from Baam before entering the tower, but it wasn't enough to have it from him, so now in the tower she doesn't have it from anyone.  Even among regulars she's not respected and it's not because she's killed people. The regulars have a mutual understanding about killing as they climb and typically a mutual respect. Rachel's never received that. I honestly like White more than her by a mile because White even though he is pure evil, 1. lives up to it and 2. Knows who he is an embraces it. Essentially, he's true to himself, even if it's pure evil.

Rachel muddles around and wants to take the immoral route of being a heroine through the use of villainy and backstabbing, but doesn't want to be perceived that way even though she now admits she's bad. She wants to commit the actions without consequences of negative image. She says Baam is "nice". She created shaped him to be an ideal and he lives up to it, but to her, he's anything but nice, because he has everything she wants and she believes he doesn't deserve it like she does. He has the friends she wants, the power she wants, the respect she wants, the Thorn she wants, was chosen by the tower like she wanted, and most importantly the fate she wants. Yet, it's not enough she's only in the tower because of Baam. She actively wants to be above others. Even before the floor of tests, when she watched Baam take the ball test she realized she wasn't above Baam as she always thought she was and that envy and jealousy made her willing to betray Baam and deliver him to FUG. So yes, she's right when she says she's a twisted person. At one point I saw Rachel as the prototypical climber while White is the ideal climber. But Rachel as we find out, isn't really climbing for her own dream, rather she's backstabbing, cutting Dan's legs, and killing, just for a chance to satisfy an obsession for attention it seems like. But honestly, while Rachel is decently clever and can typically stay a step ahead, she's still most likely a willing puppet for someone. We know she doesn't know Baam's relation to Arlene, but she know about Arlene's goal and seemingly everything else. As I said she could have been a maid on the outside or Arlene or FUG is telling her part of the story, but she's going along not knowing or caring about the full picture, because she only cares about herself and he own wish. 

Wangnan - There's not a whole lot to really say, but the more time he spends with Rachel, whose ideal are opposite his, comes to understand her, and if he sees her successful, does he start becoming corrupted? Or is his resolve so strong that he's able to stay true to himself throughout. Also the rings he and Karaka had. I saw someone mention they could have been the engagement rings Zahard used to propose to Arlene. If she had married him, she probably would have gotten her wish to go to the 135th floor, but I feel like by that point the madness had already had a firm grip on him and she knew it. 

Karaka - He's obviously not the type to bow down or take orders. He's actively trying to kill a slayer candidate, who has Lulsec, leader of FUG, and Ha Jinsung his mentor's, blessing. So he's setting up White and it will somehow allow him to further his own goals. But he'll need a strong ally like a White who's close to perfect when Garam, Yuri, Urek, or whoever else come to fight. 

Hell Joe - He's an interesting guy and shouldn't be overlooked even with so many monsters gathering. Especially if they have to fight on his turf. He controls the pipes which means he controls a lot of the shinsoo flow on this floor. I expect him to use that to his advantage. Also, he has an upside down 3 eye crest on his robe, basically an inverted Zahard symbol. There's also a split amongst Joe's commanders to trust or distrust Karaka.

Hwa Ryun - Still a huge mystery. I really want to know much more about the guides. I wonder if the red witches are from the 43rd floor, if they came after Enryu attacked, or if potentially they're Enryu's creations, thus the red hair like his. It could also be why Hwa Ryan considers Baam the only true God in FUG and doesn't consider Karaka one even though he's a full slayer. She's been hiding stuff the whole series, and Khun looks a bit uneasy upon meeting her again. I wonder if all Red Witches being associate with the intricate networks on the FoD navigate as well as Ryun or is she is top tier among them. The young guide - Maybe Yuto - obviously respects her a great deal. I'd like to see Baam go to the Red witch base, especially if they were there when Arlene was there.

Sidenotes: The patch on Garam's jacket appears to have 4 thorn fragments surrounding a big thorn. What if Baam just has thorn fragment and will actually get the big thorn piece on this floor.

Baam has choices to make. I'd like to see him take up the Grace mantle and go for what's his, but we'll see. I'd definitely like him get off this greedy power trip he has where he feels like he instantly needs to be super strong, and take his time to mature personally for a bit so he can make these tough decisions. He's also collecting allies in younger generations of the 10 families who could take over as the new family heads. For example Ewha can take over the Yeon family. AA Khun can take over the Koon family, and Yuri the Ha family if she lives. 

I still would like to see Repellista's role in this. Does she want Baam to fulfill the prophecy for some special reason or is it because she doesn't want to be part of the Princess hunger games.

I'd like to see the 13th months series weapons drive princess mad and their reactions to Baam. We know Black march works for Baam and not Yuri, probably to Yuri's benefit as they obviously change the user's personality through use or resonance. See Anak in season 1 when she has Green April vs Season 2 without. Also Manchenny Khun has 2 and it seems like she may be edging toward madness with wanting to kill Yuri for her weapons. 

Does Urek find out the truth about things like Baam when he comes to the FoD and propose an alliance between FUG and Winged Tree? 

Was Ha Jinsung so confident Baam would come to FUG of his own volition because he knew about Baam's background previously or because he knows Baam would see atrocities while climbing the tower that would make him question Zahard and the 10 families?

Tower of God has a lot of possibilities and depth right now. I hope more people start reading or discussing it.
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The first live action teaser trailer for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable just came out.

I can't wait to see people try to do the more extreme Jojo poses. :lol:
How is kabaneri something anime? Any good?

Also thinking about finally watching jojo :lol: how is the story? Cuz the anime looks weird as ****.

Also boku dake ga inai machi...any good?
How is kabaneri something anime? Any good?

Also thinking about finally watching jojo :lol: how is the story? Cuz the anime looks weird as ****.

Also boku dake ga inai machi...any good?
Kabaneri has great animation and an alright story. I recommend it.
I love the story of Jojo. And dont worry about the anime, just watch it. :lol:
Erased is good too.
The first live action teaser trailer for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable just came out.

I can't wait to see people try to do the more extreme Jojo poses.
I hope it turns out to be good.
I always see people saying that op manga is better than the anime.

I dont understand how that could be possible.

How could reading it be better than watching there more story or something?
I always see people saying that op manga is better than the anime.

I dont understand how that could be possible.

How could reading it be better than watching there more story or something?
It's the pacing mainly, which is less notable when marathoning, the lack of filler, additional content in cover stories (i linked them a couple pages back if you want to check those out), consistency of art quality. The anime's pacing is rough due to proximity to the manga, lack of filler arcs, and the quality can drop depending on who is directing and doing the art. Also the anime sometimes will make Luffy seem weaker in fights.

It's also a preference thing. I prefer reading the series than watching it.
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If you're not reading Tower of God you're doing yourself a disservice. Chapter this week was crazy. So much information and so many possibilities for the story. I'll be back with an analysis when I have a break or something at work and have time to put pieces together. I know some people on Reddit who have read the preview chapters put together longer analyses tho. I'll also copy and paste those. 

Finished writing about the chapter, for anyone interested. Hope we get some more ToG readers soon.
SIU has been meticulous in his planning, which is apparent if you follow his blog posts, but still FUG began as the remnants of followers of V and Arlene Grace who were started a war with Zahard and Baam was announced to the world officially as the newest Slayer for FUG are Arlene's Hand. Anyway, where to start - I'll just go over top of mind things, then post links to more in-depth analysis done by people or reddit, but there may be some overlap in ideas.
A redditor's super long analysis:

SIU needs to add clarity on what it means when people say outside the tower. I say this because it's unclear at times. We know Zahard and the other 12 family heads came from outside the tower. We know Phantanium came from outside the tower because Axes are from outside the tower. We know Urek is from outside the tower because he talks about it and the rumor is he came into the tower looking for Phantanium. Let's assume Enryu is from outside the tower as well. 

Rachel is an irregular, however she doesn't seem to be from outside the tower or else she would already know what the stars and sky look like right? She could easily be from the outer tower, which would mean the cave Baam was in was in the Outer Tower and they opened the gate to the inner tower. We know people from outside the tower are extremely powerful inside the tower, however Rachel isn't. What if it's not just the fact that the tower didn't chose her, but also that she's from the tower. While Baam, although born in the tower is the child of 2 irregulars from outside the tower. Remember, Enne Zahard was the strongest princess and strongers non-irregular in the tower along with Adori Zahard. What if both of them are also daughters of 2 of the original irregulars which is why they're so much stronger. Anyway getting back on track, it's confusing whether Arlene got out of the tower again or if she just got out to the outer tower. What if the only way to truly exit the tower is get to the true top and Zahard knew that so he stopped his climb and became king, because a big fish in a "small" pond was better than going back out. There's other theories that the tower is an axis training ground and you become one if you make it up, but I don't like that as much.

I ask this, because Rachel, 1 hasn't seen the stars, but is an irregular so it seems odd that if she's an irregular from outside the tower, she'd have seen them. 2. she kind of maid it seem like she knew Arlene. It could be she's just heard stories from FUG, as we know her information source is not 100% accurate, and seems to be manipulating her somewhat as we saw with the souls, where she and Yura thought they only needed to give 1 sound, not everyone in the groups soul. There's a theory that Rachel before entering the tower as a servant or maid and all she taught Baam about morals and being noble was how she saw noblemen acting or her perfect idea of a nobleman. What if she worked as Arlene's maid outside the tower and that's how she found the cave or was instructed to keep Baam company. There is a level of premeditation to all of this, with the prophecy and leaving the diary in the pocket behind. 

On the matter of V's suicide. When the family heads got immortality for passing the 100th floor test, Hendo Bloodmatter was excluding and now it seems so was V. Hendo got an inferior form of immortality, by making a deal that all his descendants will have shortened life and that extra lifespan goes to him. What is the reason V doesn't have immortality isn't because he rejected it, but wasn't offered it because Zahard knowing Arlene loved V, told the guardian not to give V immortality hoping it drove a wedge between the two.

This goes to my next point, it's obvious the guardians on floor 1-134 had at some point all sided with Zahard and allowed him to become king. Remember, Arlene was running from both Zahard and the guardians. However, we now see guardians like Headon rebelling against Zahard and is working with FUG. That could easily mean more are. What if Enryu killed the guardian on the 43rd floor as a punishment and to send a message to the other guardians for taking actions like that or what if the 43rd floor guardian was a willing sacrifice, regretting having supported Zahard, had Enryu kill him for the Thorn to give to Baam. 

Now about Baam being the baby that came back to life. Enryu is said to be strong enough to create life from Shinsoo, what about reviving life? But the question remains, how does he know about Arlene's wishes. What if Enryu was sent into the tower by an Axis and now the outside Axes are manipulating the tower. This is under the idea that the "God of the outside" are the Axes. What if Phantanium is that axes and came into the tower, where he killed a bunch of Zahard's men and revived Baam? See so many different options. So I just had a new thought about this. Enryu was the first Irregular after the families and Zahard to enter the tower. He played his role of killing the guardian and delivering the Thorn and is now inactive. Then came Phantanium, who got to Zahard's palace killed a bunch of the royal guard and faced Zahard, but decided to not fight him. Maybe he had a message to deliver and maybe he did all this after reviving Baam. Then he went inactive. What if these irregulars, Enryu and Phantanium, already played their role and potentially have even left the tower now. Now it's time for Baam the 3rd irregular to play his role. It's been mentioned that the Tower let's Irregulars in when it needs something. It let Zahard in to climb and along the way, maybe, he veered off the path the tower wanted and the guardians rebelled against the will of the tower when siding with Zahard. Now some guardians and the tower are trying to correct the mistake and fix the ecosystem per se, and Baam is the means to do so, as the true God of the tower. I'm hoping Enryu is still in the tower and will meet Baam. I suspect he will. As for Phantanium, I doubt we ever see him, and Axis is too OP and throws the story off. Does Baam now accept his fate and declare Grace the 11th family and accept the name? As for Urek and his role as an irregular, I think he just got in the tower through sheer force of will not because it needed him. If he really entered looking for Phantanium, it makes sense that he has no idea of prophecy or anything else like Arlene when he speaks with Garam and why she's so annoyed with him.

I'd like to see Baam go to the God of Guardians and ask him about Arlene and V because it'd be crazy if Zahard was also able to mess with the GoG memory when he cleansed the tower of records of V and Arlene.

Okay, so now Rachel. She's thirsty for any type of attention that she's delighted when Wangnan mentions she's good at folding clothes. The dream to see the stars isn't even her own, she's adopted it, because she thinks she can become a heroine or an important person or respected person if she can open up the 135th floor of the tower. She actually had that from Baam before entering the tower, but it wasn't enough to have it from him, so now in the tower she doesn't have it from anyone.  Even among regulars she's not respected and it's not because she's killed people. The regulars have a mutual understanding about killing as they climb and typically a mutual respect. Rachel's never received that. I honestly like White more than her by a mile because White even though he is pure evil, 1. lives up to it and 2. Knows who he is an embraces it. Essentially, he's true to himself, even if it's pure evil.

Rachel muddles around and wants to take the immoral route of being a heroine through the use of villainy and backstabbing, but doesn't want to be perceived that way even though she now admits she's bad. She wants to commit the actions without consequences of negative image. She says Baam is "nice". She created shaped him to be an ideal and he lives up to it, but to her, he's anything but nice, because he has everything she wants and she believes he doesn't deserve it like she does. He has the friends she wants, the power she wants, the respect she wants, the Thorn she wants, was chosen by the tower like she wanted, and most importantly the fate she wants. Yet, it's not enough she's only in the tower because of Baam. She actively wants to be above others. Even before the floor of tests, when she watched Baam take the ball test she realized she wasn't above Baam as she always thought she was and that envy and jealousy made her willing to betray Baam and deliver him to FUG. So yes, she's right when she says she's a twisted person. At one point I saw Rachel as the prototypical climber while White is the ideal climber. But Rachel as we find out, isn't really climbing for her own dream, rather she's backstabbing, cutting Dan's legs, and killing, just for a chance to satisfy an obsession for attention it seems like. But honestly, while Rachel is decently clever and can typically stay a step ahead, she's still most likely a willing puppet for someone. We know she doesn't know Baam's relation to Arlene, but she know about Arlene's goal and seemingly everything else. As I said she could have been a maid on the outside or Arlene or FUG is telling her part of the story, but she's going along not knowing or caring about the full picture, because she only cares about herself and he own wish. 

Wangnan - There's not a whole lot to really say, but the more time he spends with Rachel, whose ideal are opposite his, comes to understand her, and if he sees her successful, does he start becoming corrupted? Or is his resolve so strong that he's able to stay true to himself throughout. Also the rings he and Karaka had. I saw someone mention they could have been the engagement rings Zahard used to propose to Arlene. If she had married him, she probably would have gotten her wish to go to the 135th floor, but I feel like by that point the madness had already had a firm grip on him and she knew it. 

Karaka - He's obviously not the type to bow down or take orders. He's actively trying to kill a slayer candidate, who has Lulsec, leader of FUG, and Ha Jinsung his mentor's, blessing. So he's setting up White and it will somehow allow him to further his own goals. But he'll need a strong ally like a White who's close to perfect when Garam, Yuri, Urek, or whoever else come to fight. 

Hell Joe - He's an interesting guy and shouldn't be overlooked even with so many monsters gathering. Especially if they have to fight on his turf. He controls the pipes which means he controls a lot of the shinsoo flow on this floor. I expect him to use that to his advantage. Also, he has an upside down 3 eye crest on his robe, basically an inverted Zahard symbol. There's also a split amongst Joe's commanders to trust or distrust Karaka.

Hwa Ryun - Still a huge mystery. I really want to know much more about the guides. I wonder if the red witches are from the 43rd floor, if they came after Enryu attacked, or if potentially they're Enryu's creations, thus the red hair like his. It could also be why Hwa Ryan considers Baam the only true God in FUG and doesn't consider Karaka one even though he's a full slayer. She's been hiding stuff the whole series, and Khun looks a bit uneasy upon meeting her again. I wonder if all Red Witches being associate with the intricate networks on the FoD navigate as well as Ryun or is she is top tier among them. The young guide - Maybe Yuto - obviously respects her a great deal. I'd like to see Baam go to the Red witch base, especially if they were there when Arlene was there.

Sidenotes: The patch on Garam's jacket appears to have 4 thorn fragments surrounding a big thorn. What if Baam just has thorn fragment and will actually get the big thorn piece on this floor.

Baam has choices to make. I'd like to see him take up the Grace mantle and go for what's his, but we'll see. I'd definitely like him get off this greedy power trip he has where he feels like he instantly needs to be super strong, and take his time to mature personally for a bit so he can make these tough decisions. He's also collecting allies in younger generations of the 10 families who could take over as the new family heads. For example Ewha can take over the Yeon family. AA Khun can take over the Koon family, and Yuri the Ha family if she lives. 

I still would like to see Repellista's role in this. Does she want Baam to fulfill the prophecy for some special reason or is it because she doesn't want to be part of the Princess hunger games.

I'd like to see the 13th months series weapons drive princess mad and their reactions to Baam. We know Black march works for Baam and not Yuri, probably to Yuri's benefit as they obviously change the user's personality through use or resonance. See Anak in season 1 when she has Green April vs Season 2 without. Also Manchenny Khun has 2 and it seems like she may be edging toward madness with wanting to kill Yuri for her weapons. 

Does Urek find out the truth about things like Baam when he comes to the FoD and propose an alliance between FUG and Winged Tree? 

Was Ha Jinsung so confident Baam would come to FUG of his own volition because he knew about Baam's background previously or because he knows Baam would see atrocities while climbing the tower that would make him question Zahard and the 10 families?

Tower of God has a lot of possibilities and depth right now. I hope more people start reading or discussing it.
Great analysis as always but something occurred to me when you mentioned the God of Guardians and Zahard.

Could Zahard still have access to the rice pot? He has little reason to visit but if he found out about Baam could he possibly meet him in the rice pot?

Also did Urek ever enter the rice pot? I don't remember the god of guardians mentioning him. If not how does he choose which irregular gets access? 
Great analysis as always but something occurred to me when you mentioned the God of Guardians and Zahard.

Could Zahard still have access to the rice pot? He has little reason to visit but if he found out about Baam could he possibly meet him in the rice pot?

Also did Urek ever enter the rice pot? I don't remember the god of guardians mentioning him. If not how does he choose which irregular gets access? 
I guess Zahard could still access the Rice pot. Technically rankers aren't supposed to be on the train, but he's not beholden to the rules and there are obviously ways to get around this. Although he'd have to do it between now and the secret floor the train goes to, since the ride is almost over. But yeah he could get on the train go to the rice pot and meet Baam there since it's not like the GoG is strong enough to stop him. 

He met Urek. When he first meets Baam he says that Baam is the first irregular since Urek, but that Baam is weak, because Urek was already stronger than the GoG by the time he made met him. It seems like he'll train any Irregular and try to help them find their true selves if they come on the Hell Train. I wonder if he met Enryu and taught him the Shinsoo black hole sphere, since Garam mentioned she saw Enryu use a power like Baam's or if she means something else like the thorn.

Also @Based Jesus  do you think the light Baam saw on the FoD was his original soul from when he was killed as a baby and he has a chance to get it back now?
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I think I'm gonna get started on Tower of God

But the way yall ****** be posting, this better be some real Shakespearean ****
these right here.

these are everything
got damb its so great

the way they culminate everything into one profound damb.
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Bruh you are heading into the goat era of OP rn
At what chapter does it get "lit"?
I'm at the part where they're about the execute Ace. 
Y'all spoiled that for me years ago.
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