The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I don't know If you guys heard, or if this was already talked about but I forgot, but a new Ruroni Kenshin arc is coming to WSJ in the spring. :pimp:

battousai701 battousai701 , thoughts?

thanks for the post!

I've heard about a new manga arc coming up a few weeks ago. I'm glad Watsuki is back.

I'm extremely excited for this new Hokkaido Arc. He is probably gonna focus more on the new generation characters like Kenji and Yahiko mentoring him. Hopefully we get to see more of Hiko Seijuro and Soujiro Seta.

I would have been glad with an animated version of the Enishi Arc. However, that is a lot more difficult to do than writing a new manga arc.

I havent posted here in a long while but those of you here that are long time posters know how much I love Rurouni Kenshin.
Finally catching up on one piece on 840. Yo why they doing my man sanji so dirty.
And they ain't have to beat up that cook like that. **** got me legit heated right now

Btw. Commander biscuit I think is one of the of the coolest bad guys ODa has created. I also like his powers.

edit caught up:

Legit in my feels. this arc is great, truly great, i havent read one piece in almost 5 months. and how dare i forget about the massiveness of this world and ODAs ability to create characters my goodness

849 who made that jump cover with the different variations of the strawhat crew?

btw i was thinking of getting a tat, but getting a tat as one of Whitebeards crew members, which would actually mean a lot to me considering he representeed what my father represented which was being pops to everyone who needed a home.
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I caught Naruto here and there but never followed it closely, I started it over since it was on netflix. I then skipped to shippuden and saw that its around 400 episodes :x I get discouraged from long running manga/anime since I'm so far behind :lol:
I caught Naruto here and there but never followed it closely, I started it over since it was on netflix. I then skipped to shippuden and saw that its around 400 episodes :x I get discouraged from long running manga/anime since I'm so far behind :lol:

Skip the filler, some very good moments you have to see
The Promised Neverland
Emma's look at the end has me excited for chapters to come. :pimp:
Samurai Jack tonight 
While on the subject of Jack

I see the story with a massive expansion compared from the previous ark

You have the Daughters of Aku especially that one that tried to escape.

Samurai Jack not having his sword/ Mental stability

I like it more now than I did as a kid. 

It's darker, But still a nice cartoon with storyline.

Even had people getting stabbed in the eye.

Same with Digimon Adventures Tri

The story just seems more fitted for the people that grew up watching the show

It expands on the trails the group faced growing up as well as revisits their childhood.

I can see why they didn't just release the episodes in regular seasonal format,

Give the story time to build and digest 
If it's the only good arc doesn't that make it the best arc by default?

While on the subject of Jack
I see the story with a massive expansion compared from the previous ark

You have the Daughters of Aku especially that one that tried to escape.
Samurai Jack not having his sword/ Mental stability

I like it more now than I did as a kid. 

It's darker, But still a nice cartoon with storyline.

Even had people getting stabbed in the eye.

Same with Digimon Adventures Tri
The story just seems more fitted for the people that grew up watching the show
It expands on the trails the group faced growing up as well as revisits their childhood.

I can see why they didn't just release the episodes in regular seasonal format,
Give the story time to build and digest 

Agreed on both counts, which is why I appreciate both projects so much. The creative team has clearly taken into account that the people who originally made the show(s) so successful are older now and therefore able to handle a different style.

Episode 2 of Samurai Jack was straight flames by the way, easily one of the best in the series (Which I personally consider to be high praise, since the original series had a consistent level of high quality episodes).
Tower of God
So magic/spells are different from Shinsoo and Zahard probably made it taboo after Arlene left. Although we know Arie Hon had a spell book in his home that Haoquin found to use to become white. It'd be interesting if that is the secret to true Arie swordsmanship, magic and that's why only selected ones in the family learn it.  Also, the 13MS he had made uses very strong magic. I wonder if magic is available both inside and outside the tower? It could be magic was the original power in the tower then its use faded after Zahard. 
Back to the 13MS weapons. We get to see the beings inside them again. We know now that they do not truly feel the presence of the others until they ignite. Also they are fully aware of the curse. It's interesting they mention Yuram, who was killed by Garam apparently because she went crazy from igniting 2 weapons at once. Yuri is a complete idiot, but what was interesting is the very distinct personalities of the weapons, with Green April reluctant to let Yuri go crazy and Black March all for it. Manschenny is the other princess with 2 weapons and is planning something, including her big bet with Yuri, maybe she's already been touched with madness. 

The real question is who is the chosen one to collect the 13MS? 

I saw a theory that maybe Hell Joe and friends are getting their power from drinking guardian blood. That would be pretty interesting. I wonder how he'll react when one of his own dies. also it seems Sachi and co have an additional plan as well. 

Back to Yuri, there's a lot of death flags, but I don't think that will happen at this point, but there needs to be some consequences for her recklessness. Maybe Garam is forced to intervene if she really goes crazy. Otherwise Karaka, Hell Joe by manipulating the pipes, or White could be real threats. 

I wonder what Garam left out of that giant info dump she gave Baam and what her true goal is besides just seeing the end of the slaughter of her sisters.

The pace of this arc is extremely fast and it seems we have plenty left to learn in the coming chapters and Urek is still making his way to the floor. 
Kind of disappointed it's not a tv series. 

Hopefully netflix starts adapting some anime.

Netflix's output so far has been 

Monster x Netflix
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It hasn't touched Marineford level goodness since Marineford :lol:

Marineford was the culmination of 10 years worth of work. Some real Lord of the Rings- end of the world type stuff man. I still think Oda can top it depending on how these next few arcs go.

Kingdom Coalition Army and this current Zhao arc though :pimp:
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Just bought Ghost in the Shell OG and Innocence as well. Gonna try to watch the entire series since the Live Action movie got me interested in the anime again
Marineford was the culmination of 10 years worth of work. Some real Lord of the Rings- end of the world type stuff man. I still think Oda can top it depending on how these next few arcs go.

Kingdom Coalition Army and this current Zhao arc though :pimp:
This current arc is about to get real and I can't wait. :lol: :pimp:
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