The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I'm kinda surprised not more people watch it since it has been up on netflix. I gotta finish it and Your Lie In April eventually.
You'd be suprised at how little anime anime fans actually watch. A lot of people just watch one show etc. like they'll tune in for Naruto or One piece and that's it(nothing wrong with that). But you'd need to visit a more avid anime board to find people who watch tons of different stuff past and present
Pssh how can they be real anime fans if they don't have at least 20 titles that aren't on Netflix

Durarara was alright just had to much talking in the second season
Finished it off the strength of the series with more questions than answers
Just like Occultic 9
Rachel continues to get without ever giving. This stingray thing is dumb powerful. I hate Rachel so much. Baam, who could sense Kaiser's invisible inventory couldn't even sense the stingray at all when talking to Rachel. It looks like it responds to her jealousy and anger, but she can't control it. Best case scenario, it kills her.

I don't even really like Androssi that much, but Rachel acts like Androssi was gifted her spot in the tower. Androssi, born an orphan, beat all her competition to become a princess. Rachel wants that handed to her. She complains and complains but never admits how lucky she is that one she's special to Baam so FUG helps her and 2 she's gotten higher than she deserved without even trying to improve her skills. Or trying at all really. That's the biggest issue really. She wanted to go into the tower more than anything, but when she gets in she isn't prepared and never even really tries and just says everything is unfair. But somehow it looks like she's going to almost kill Androssi. Maybe that will push Baam away from her or I hope he learns that she killed Arkraptor.

Baam's logic is so dumb. We're enemies, so I need to give you a fair chance to get the thorn? If this helps him finally cut ties with her cool, otherwise it's just ridiculous.

No Hwa Ryun on the floor of death? Maybe she's getting off the train to trade the ladel for another thorn for Baam.

SIU Blog Post:
This week... Is a continuation of last week in that it establishes the relationships between Rachel, Baam, and Andorthy more. Personally I thought it was something I had to go over, but it doesn't really fall under any trendy tropes or patterns in the webtoon world ^^;; I'm not saying if you guys are going to like it right away, but it's the direction I think it's correct. Of choose, since I'm doing this for moment I need to worry about my survival hahaha. But on what kind of a power Rachel received, and what arises from such, I hope you find it interesting ^^ I think all sorts of things can happen in a long distance event such as this. And the power given to Rachel is not something to be scoffed at. I mean, a Ten Family head, one of the most OP individuals in the Tower, gave it to her.

On the house floor... Since many works delved into virtual worlds it's not an especially novel concept, but I hope that it would be interesting in the context of the world of the Tower of God. I also hope to deal with content I wanted to get out during the Floor of Death but didn't here. Regardless, it's an arc I'm preparing diligently for.

In short terms I hope you are awaiting it with interest! Yeah... hehe
Finally started reading Berserk after all these years....what the hell man I wasnt ready for any of this
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Finally started reading Berserk after all these years....what the hell man I wasnt ready for any of this

Is that good or bad? I still need to finish up the anime episodes. Took a break because not much was happening.
Is that good or bad? I still need to finish up the anime episodes. Took a break because not much was happening.

Manga is great from everyone I know that follows Berserk they told me to just read the manga and dont worry about the anime.
Just got through volume 13 of that **** was rough don't think i've ever felt so disgusted reading a manga before (not a quality thing its a great read im just talking about the events that take place)
Griffith is he most irredeemable character ive ever read watched in any media holy **** in this volume he removes any doubts that he was just a broken person whose circumstances pressured him to doing what he did during the eclipse nah lookin back on things he always had the potential to sacrifice anyone for his goal and never truly cared about the band of the hawk imo. That evil was always in him he just waited for the opportunities
Just got through volume 13 of that **** was rough don't think i've ever felt so disgusted reading a manga before (not a quality thing its a great read im just talking about the events that take place)
Griffith is he most irredeemable character ive ever read watched in any media holy **** in this volume he removes any doubts that he was just a broken person whose circumstances pressured him to doing what he did during the eclipse nah lookin back on things he always had the potential to sacrifice anyone for his goal and never truly cared about the band of the hawk imo. That evil was always in him he just waited for the opportunities
Thank you! These are my thoughts exactly. :lol:

I am so tired of all the Griffith apologists out there. They know the truth and are still backing this monster. Makes me sick. :lol:
So i'm gonna guess there's a lot of demon rape and probably worse stuff in the manga. Sounds like good lunchtime reading.
Kind of out of left field but felt like watching the Rock Lee vs Gaara fight. Damn that fight was so amazing, I have the subbed not listening to that horrible dub version.

When he opened those gates even Kakashi was impressed.
You telling me it falls off? :frown::

He just didn't like it that much and feels compelled to let it be known whenever applicable :lol:

Which is fine by itself, but when your opinion is in the minority; I don't think it's fair to detract people interested from giving it a shot and forming their own.

There are multiple members in here that read the manga and rock with it, and it's hugely popular in general, so I'd recommend going ahead with it if you've already liked what you've seen in the anime. I'll probably do the same once this season ends unless they announce that the 3rd will start in the fall/winter.
Tower of God:

Kind of sucks that Androssi didn't get to try and fight whatever Gustang gave Rachel. Yuri stepping in probably saved her, but I would have liked to see how it would affect Baam. It seems like Hockney can see or almost see Rachel's guardian.

Hwa Ryun is always up to something. The fact that she doesn't want to go to the hidden floor seems ominous, since she's never had an issue running into dangerous situations before, especially if Baam is going. Also, it's super hard to read her intentions. She's still connected to the FUG elders, but also Baam. I wonder when she'll have to get to a real crossroads between Baam and FUG.

Baam needs to stop worrying about Rachel. If she can't even make it to the entrance of the hidden floor she doesn't deserve the chance to compete for the thorn. Luckily she has that stingray. It's perfect for her. Feeds off her jealously, anger, and resentment and operates without her having to do anything. But I could see it backfiring easily enough. Also, is the stingray getting bigger as it kills or as it feeds off her emotions?

It's nice that Khun and Androssi got a bit of spotlight. Hopefully it continues. Seems like Androssi will be continuing to learn Yuri's street fighter style moves.

Finally Wangnan notices Karaka's ring. Now he just need to get his back from Rachel. Wonder if we'll get to see the conversation, but probably not.

SIU Blog Post:
This week is.. a continuation of the "calm before the storm", while interrupted with battles within the Train. Rachel's new power will have a lot of uses in the Hidden Floor, so if you just wait a bit longer, you'll see what the power truly signifies ^^ I hope. Baam, Rachel, and the Regulars of the team: their growth is going incredibly slowly, but like other manhwa the main characters grow a tad faster and a tad more specially. That's a trope I'm using. Of course, I want to keep things balanced.

The battle progressing on the train, I haven't drawn actual battles in the train that often, haven't I? I guess I'll always feel like I could have done better when it comes to expressing the world built. Like the battle with Hoaqin, or this search of the hidden room... Thanks to these bold stories important to the narrative, I miss out on being able to talk more about the train itself... this is the biggest wall and difficulty in the fantasy genre. And in order to alleviate that feeling, to alleviate the sense of falling short, I decided to put in bits and bits of combat in the Train.

This genre called fantasy... when it comes to building a world and drawing it out, it's got a unique charm compared to modern-day genres, where you can use photos as reference... It's artisan in a sense... hehe I hope you guys enjoy those aspects a bit more. I always feel a tad short, but developing through doing various different experiments is a good thing, I believe.

And the scene where Wangnan sees Karaka's ring... I wondered whether putting it here was a good idea. Reason being that thsi is a very important but a very drawn out theme... It's a narrative clue I've dragged out, thinking I'll talk about it one day. There's both correct and incorrect aspects to what many of you are predicting, but regardless, the possibility is that Wangnan's climb in the Tower will be a big axis of the story. Whether Wangnan will go to the Hidden floor, that's also a possibility hehe. The story of the Ring, along with the story of the Thirteen Months will be a story that I'll be drawing out for a long, long time ^^; I hope you're excited for it.
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