The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Yeah, Titan is good I love the subtle twist they throw in from time to time. Naw I don't even try and watch Boruto, not getting invested in that world again.

I will certainly take the job, however, I will make sure the necessary work gets done by hiring competent people to do things when I'm away. The goal is to work yourself out of being the central point of failure.
I think your second point is something that I don't like about the manga industry and don't get at all. Why aren't there teams of 20-30 artists for every mangaka that work like a well oiled machine and put stuff out. i watched a live action drama show called Juhhan shottai that's basically about the manga industry and it's incredibly inefficient.

Heck hunterxhunter or berserk could be finished by now if they adopted a more efficient production schedule. It doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing that Togashi draws everything for HXH but goes on long hiatuses due to his health.
Fair enough. But let's say you worked at your job for 15-20 years and during this time you were consistently the top performer. Your company wants you to be able to continue performing consistently for another 10 years or so. They offer you more time off in order to do so, it's a benefit to them and you. Are you gonna turn it down?
Performance has typically afforded employees certain luxuries and benefits. In this case, doing something great does allow these authors to take certain liberties.

I really don't mind any of these creators taking more time off if they can, especially if it helps prevent extended breaks, the series going unfinished, or just having an irregular schedule. We joke about Togashi, but his health issues are well known. Idk why Miura takes so many breaks. I know Hara who writes Kingdom takes a lot of breaks, Inoue has had a super irregular schedule for Vagabond and Slam! and seems to have abandoned Vagabond after starting the last arc. So with situations like that, more people are willing to forgive Oda and give him passes, since he is still putting out chapters consistently.

No need to go back and forth on this unless you want to, it's just my perspective.

^^this, listen we all love our fav manga. but dude been consistently working on this for 20 years....eats, sleeps, breathes one piece.
As someone who has been working for a little under 20 years himself. I certainly get more days off and dont grind half as hard as I use 10-15 years ago.
mental health days are well needed. vacations are well needed. Its kind of why it's a different ball game for these Manga dudes. it's not like they're celebrity actors who work ona film for like 4 months and then have break, and only thing they have to do is stay off the streets to not get mobbed. These dudes are asked to put out something every week all year round.
it's the same with GRRM and this damn ASOIAF book. first game of thrones came out 21 years ago. we still dont have a 6th and 7th book.
So i don't put the blame on these dudes for not having this stuff. consistently.

as far as the team goes. It may just be a pride thing. we know other artist can draw just as well as the authors themselves, but maybe that's not what they want. and I respect that.. This is their baby. . it may be a crap show in the industry. but hey it is what it is
SMH I'm hurt. Can this arc just end???
oda needs to never do this whole split the crew up stuff ever again. WE WANT WANO x ZORO
Supposedly Wano will be lit according to Oda

Also he said he wants to introduce a ****load of new characters during that arc

But the problem is he already said he's not going to be drawing fights like he used to

Notice how we've only gotten Luffy Vs. Cracker as a fight this entire arc and even that was rather dissatisfying on some level.
Yeah the fights are the only thing OP is lacking right now. We need some good old fashion brawls.

Also I was watching YouTube videos and I was thinking about this. Naruto has spinoffs, IMAGINE a one piece spin off...there will be SO MANY you could of zoro after they find the one piece, any of the admirals upbringing, adventures of shanks, mihawk, etc...there's just so much cool **** they could expand upon
Yeah the fights are the only thing OP is lacking right now. We need some good old fashion brawls.

Also I was watching YouTube videos and I was thinking about this. Naruto has spinoffs, IMAGINE a one piece spin off...there will be SO MANY you could of zoro after they find the one piece, any of the admirals upbringing, adventures of shanks, mihawk, etc...there's just so much cool **** they could expand upon
I don't think Oda would let anyone take over his baby so then we have Oda trying to draw everything. Although I would be interested in a Gaiden on some of the admirals.

Chapter was certainly better than I thought from the spoilers. Katakuri MVP of the BM pirates, I wonder if Smoothie is going after Brook since BM is right behind Luffy.
One Piece
I still don't really trust Pudding but if she is really making an effort to save Sanji & co. then I commend her. Maybe she wasn't jealous after all. :lol:
And I love how Nami is trying to steal away BM's avatars. I hope she's able to pull it off. They'll be some great power ups for her.
I'm wondering how Katakuri got to the ship before the straw hats and what he's gonna do when the crew reaches the boat...
I think your second point is something that I don't like about the manga industry and don't get at all. Why aren't there teams of 20-30 artists for every mangaka that work like a well oiled machine and put stuff out. i watched a live action drama show called Juhhan shottai that's basically about the manga industry and it's incredibly inefficient.

Heck hunterxhunter or berserk could be finished by now if they adopted a more efficient production schedule. It doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy inside knowing that Togashi draws everything for HXH but goes on long hiatuses due to his health.

They could get bigger teams. I believe it's up to the mangaka, since I think they pay the assistants (not 100% sure if they do or the magazine does). Oda has assistants, but he likes to draw anything in a panel that moves, because he feels it ruins the consistency of the art if he doesn't. So his assistants mainly do the backgrounds and shading. Idk if he's changed that in recent years. I know Oda has said the drawing while it's the most taxing is the part he enjoys the most and finds it hard to actually write the plot lines and dialogue, which may be why more artists don't get big teams of assistants, because it'd be less of what they enjoy. Also, it may depend on how much of the arcs are planned in advance. If the author has to think up the storyboard and doesn't finish until mid-week the assistants may not get to draw until then. I'm sure there's ways to improve it, but these guys are artists who want to have their own creative process for their art.

I wouldn't be surprised if more series go the route of Shokugeki no Soma or Death Note and have a dedicated artists and a dedicated author then a few assistants to alleviate some of the stress of the production process.
Damn she was bad

New chapter of Attack on Titan is out.

So that's what happened before the first wall came down. It was either get eaten on the island, get eaten/executed for failing, or get something to make the mission a success. That's rough. :smh:
Honestly, I still see Reinier & Co. as the "bad guys" but they are doing a good job blurring the lines between right and wrong. It seems like all sides have a reason for fighting. It also seems like they might have the same reason to fight (Save humanity) but both sides are going about it in different ways that are totally opposed to each other. :emoji_thinking:
New chapter of Attack on Titan is out.

So that's what happened before the first wall came down. It was either get eaten on the island, get eaten/executed for failing, or get something to make the mission a success. That's rough. :smh:
Honestly, I still see Reinier & Co. as the "bad guys" but they are doing a good job blurring the lines between right and wrong. It seems like all sides have a reason for fighting. It also seems like they might have the same reason to fight (Save humanity) but both sides are going about it in different ways that are totally opposed to each other. :emoji_thinking:

Yep straight fire
Need to figure out where I left off at with Daurara

I was maybe on episode 5. **** it I'm about to start watching now

I was early into the second series and decided to take a break. Ended up being a really long break and now I gotta start from the beginning of the season again since I forgot so much.
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