The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I am happy I started reading hunter x hunter, I’m caught up and I see why people really rock w it. If only the anime would return.
Yea just drop One Piece, I can't remember the last time you actually even liked a chapter

I think this Arc is great.
yea Germa got washed before, they were tricked and didn't have their suits, they're strong without the suits but not enough to take on an army by themselves. this evens the playing field.
Big mom crew also aint soft. It seems like most the head family members got good skills.
yea sanjis plan was to sky walk, he didn't know he isn't the only one who can do it.
It’s been TWO YEARS since a good fight...2 YEARS

I’m late but,

I’m sorry but cracker vs luffy did not do it for me at all. Luffy vs katakuri was very meh. Ending was very trash. Oda didn’t even make it clear what happened at the end. Luffy been getting his *** beat 17 chapters and he beats katakuri in like 6 hits. Makes no sense.

Now we have the trash germa showing up to do what? They were fodderized at the wedding now they are supposed to be saviors? You’re right about one thing there probably won’t be any 1 on 1s. Because if it didn’t happen at the wedding it’s not gonna happen now.

King of lightning gives a better review than rogersbase for sure. Sawyer is cool too.

Also like you said the second half of the arc is where I have the problem, I haven’t been impressed at all. There was a couple things here and there but overall it’s been a miss for me.

All the things that are supposed to be “hype” haven’t felt hype at all. This recent chapter was just so uncreative like really dude they just run outta the mirror? Pekoms is garbage can’t even last 10 seconds before he gets fodderized. What happened to sanjis “plan” :lol: was it just to run away? Idk bro. If this arc isn’t over by 900 I’m dropping one piece for a while.

This arc is definitely bottom 5 in all of one piece for me. So much potential but falls flat. And is just flat out boring for a lot of it.

I could see Luffy vs Cracker not doing it for people. It's very meh to me. Luffy vs Katakuri though was solid. If you re-read it, it's not as one sided as you think. But the end Katakuri had jumped towards to attack Luffy, then got hit in the abdomen by the giant fist from King Cobra, probably in the same spot he stabbed himself and got pushed back pretty far, so Katakuri extended his arm and hit Luffy in the head with the diced mochi, which didn't let Luffy get him with the fully brunt of the attack.

Germa didn't do anything at the wedding because they were idiots and came unprepared, not because they were incapable.

Yeah, Rogersbase's reviews are getting weaker. I've just finding a lot of the reviewers perspectives uninteresting or base the quality of a chapter on their expectations or what they want to happen versus what's actually written. Also, they all rush to be first, so they skim over stuff.

I think this chapter showed that there are some capable people in the Big Mom pirates in the sea of incompetent ones. Maybe the good genes come from Katakuri, Oven, and Daifuku's father. I like that Pekoms couldn't hop out the mirror and run through them or Sanji just couldn't sky walk away, still...

I am disappointed that Sanji didn't get to really do anything this chapter. I'm not interested with him just going back to the ship with Luffy now that Germa cleared a path, he still needs to actually do something. Especially with his brothers doing something now. Wish he could get serious. I don't think it makes sense for him to get a raid suit from Germa, but he's gotta have some showing before the next arc.

I do like that the giant Stansen on the cover page is the one from Saboady.

Here’s a good video of even some of the wack things about whole cake I forgot lol. There’s too many to count
That’s interesting, this has probably been my favorite arc since the time skip, and I’m excited to watch these fights get animated.
LOL millions read one piece across the world. Your small sample size of angry you tubers isn't convincing the masses aren't feeling this arc

1. I never said the “the masses”
2. I said it was DIVISIVE, it’s hate it or love it
3. Any forum or community you go to where people are discussing one piece, there will be a high portion of it upset at this arc. That’s a fact not my opinion. High doesn’t have to mean majority, or even half. It’s just a lot compared to other arcs and it’s enough for those sentiments to have a voice.
4. The lack of fights, big mom and her crews competence, sanji mistreatment, lack of characterization on the vinsmokes, luffy vs katakuri BS ending, there’s SOOOOO MUCH people aren’t happy with bro. You’re lying to yourself if you think different.
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How is it fact, when you and maybe one other person in This forum aren't fans of this arc and the rest are. You're the only one really champion-ing that this arc is trash.
High and majority is synonymous that's why your claims to me are false. When you go out seeking the negatives that's what you find. I consider reddit being one of the most diverse American boards and they feeling it on there. So where else is your high statistic of people who hate it?

You are literally the only person that had a problem with the katakuri ending that I've seen. It was a respectable ending from one of the best fights we've seen. There really was no winner just the one whose stamina didn't go out.
2 out what 6 ppl that discuss one piece? :lol:

That’s almost half...

High and majority are not synonymous idk where you getting that from.

Dude I’m literally giving you avenues to observe people not feeling the arc lmfao. You just don’t want to take those sources as credible for whatever reason. Look in the Facebook groups about one piece. Look on YouTube, look on the forum I just linked...those are all high populated areas of one piece fans. From all over the world. I was LITERALLY just reading threads the other day about why people don’t like this arc ON REDDIT the other day. Some were even a year + old. So ppl BEEN not liking this arc.

Literally in the link I just posted a big one piece forum, everyone is distraught at the spoilers of the thought of yet again another week of Sanji Ls. People including myself and even leb13 leb13 dont like how he’s been handled this arc... if you don’t want to call it trash that’s fine I will.

Also w the luffy vs katakuri thing, I don’t think the whole fight is necessarily trash. I just wasn’t a fan of the ending. Literally don’t know who hit who or what happened, plus katakuri corny dialogue at the end was terrible. Saying this is the best fight is a joke :lol: luffy got like 6 hits in. Ppl as just fanboying over katakuri so they want to praise anything he’s involved in. I don’t know if this fight even cracks top 5 for me.

I’m sure the anime will do a better job of detailing and explaining while making it look cool though. They’ve been carrying the hell outta this arc so far
And also it’s funny you mention luffy vs katakuri because there’s like 6 other things I named that other ppl ain’t rocking w/ :lol:
Leb did say that yes., he also disagreed with you about this arc being trash and asked you why you thought so.
You've never truly liked one piece. Other Than the big war and a few fights you been in here trashing Op. Youre on record in here for saying you only really like shonen and fighting genres. That's your lane... Cool. No disrespect for what You like...
But every time one piece has shown more depth than just fighting gets a story, even if some drags you show your discontent with it.
The same way you're digging for the negatives I could show you the exact opposite.
You use other people's hate to hate me on this.. . It took you months to even start one piece I was one of the original posters in here to put you on. Again you never felt it tho.
But I'm not about to put time and energy finding every avenue of people who love this arc to prove you wrong.
I'll keep the same energy and say Mha I hate. But I'm not under the delusion that everyone else hates it with me.. I know it's widely popular. But when I say my hate about it they'rey own personal reasons and I don't go blog after blog or forum after forum to prove its trash and find people who hate it with me. I say I'm not feeling it., clown it a bit. Then I drop the manga for 4 months. One piece not for you... That's cool.. Hasn't stopped being the number 1 manga in the world though So they doing something right whether you like it or not

High and majority are absolutely synonymous. A high amount of people in here like attack on titan.
A majority of people in here like attack on titan.
Dude what are you talking about :lol:

One piece is still my favorite anime of all time
Y’all convinced me to get into it and I’m thankful for that. The marine ford war? :emoji_grey_question: HUH that’s not even my favorite arc lol. Hell I kinda thought that one was overrated at first because nobody really got to fight outside of akainu and favorite arcs are water 7/enies lobby dressrosa and saboady. No idea what you’re talking about.

I love one piece but there are things I might not like about it. For instance the (sometimes really good) corny comedic relief. The okama crap etc.

I think you either have me confused for someone else or are misreading my posts or something. I’ve loved every one piece arc pretty much until now. I did skip the Davy back stuff though.

I’ve MAYBE MAAAAAAAYYYYBEE been trashing one piece for the past couple months or so... probably since the wedding cake fell and the party was crashed etc. up until then I was semi enjoying the arc
2 out what 6 ppl that discuss one piece? :lol:

That’s almost half...

High and majority are not synonymous idk where you getting that from.

Dude I’m literally giving you avenues to observe people not feeling the arc lmfao. You just don’t want to take those sources as credible for whatever reason. Look in the Facebook groups about one piece. Look on YouTube, look on the forum I just linked...those are all high populated areas of one piece fans. From all over the world. I was LITERALLY just reading threads the other day about why people don’t like this arc ON REDDIT the other day. Some were even a year + old. So ppl BEEN not liking this arc.

Literally in the link I just posted a big one piece forum, everyone is distraught at the spoilers of the thought of yet again another week of Sanji Ls. People including myself and even leb13 leb13 dont like how he’s been handled this arc... if you don’t want to call it trash that’s fine I will.

Also w the luffy vs katakuri thing, I don’t think the whole fight is necessarily trash. I just wasn’t a fan of the ending. Literally don’t know who hit who or what happened, plus katakuri corny dialogue at the end was terrible. Saying this is the best fight is a joke :lol: luffy got like 6 hits in. Ppl as just fanboying over katakuri so they want to praise anything he’s involved in. I don’t know if this fight even cracks top 5 for me.

I’m sure the anime will do a better job of detailing and explaining while making it look cool though. They’ve been carrying the hell outta this arc so far

I've heard the anime is giving this arc love. Honestly, that usually means the anime team is enjoying the arc.
I don't mind an arc being divisive it usually means that at least the arc isn't boring. But I've come to realize what people like in One Piece can vary greatly from reader to reader and forum to forum because some forums/readers care about fights, some care about world building and seeing certain resolutions, some care about character moments, some about the politics, and some about finding the tiny details. I think part of the issue is half the crew being in each arc, so people's favorites characters aren't around which doesn't help people's enjoyment. For example over at Arlong Park forums, people are generally pretty happy with his arc, Reddit most people like every arc, but there's always people who don't like an arc. Sometime when I read day of reactions it seems like theyjust looked at the pictures or read as fast as possible. Then sometimes it seems like people base their opinions off of what their favorite Youtubers think it determines their enjoyment. Not saying you do this, it's just an observation of what I've seen in different forums. I certainly don't catch everything like I didn't know you could get in and out the mirror world whenever if you go through Brulee's house cause she set it up in-between both worlds, but someone on Arlong park pointed it out, so the forums definitely can make the experience better or worse.

I'm re-reading whole cake right now, just read through Zou last week, tried to re-read Dressrosa prior, but had some trouble. Here's the thing, especially with these longer arcs, Oda starts really strong, the the middles tend to lack a bit, then the end comes back strong. Dressrosa, I don't think the writing was that tight. I've been saying for a while Jump should only give Oda senior editors, these young editors let him write whatever he wants and don't curate or make him reduce to his best idea at times it seems like. I know Oda doesn't want too much inference like editors giving him ideas, but they should be helping him keep things tight and help avoid bloat. Oda's writing of short arcs has been great, flashbacks are focused and typically great, when he breaks the arc into focused stories like W/Enies Lobby or Impel down to Marine ford you get strong writing. I think Oda may not be rushing to the end, but who knows. It's like he wanted to preview a bunch of things, but not show everything or conclude everything for some reason.

Leb did say that yes., he also disagreed with you about this arc being trash and asked you why you thought so.
You've never truly liked one piece. Other Than the big war and a few fights you been in here trashing Op. Youre on record in here for saying you only really like shonen and fighting genres. That's your lane... Cool. No disrespect for what You like...
But every time one piece has shown more depth than just fighting gets a story, even if some drags you show your discontent with it.
The same way you're digging for the negatives I could show you the exact opposite.
You use other people's hate to hate me on this.. . It took you months to even start one piece I was one of the original posters in here to put you on. Again you never felt it tho.

I thought One Piece was MrWavez favorite shounen? I remember him championing the series quite often. I was actually surprised when he said he'd drop the series. I don't think him saying weak Sanji characterization and lack of Vinsmoke depth are invalid criticisms. Both have been low points for the arc. Fight criticisms are so common now, in Dressrosa it was that we only saw the conclusions or the fights were skipped, but then if the full fight is shown and the story doesn't move we get pacing complaints. It has become more common in the fan base now I think with more people following it for that reason that before. I think calling it trash with just a few examples is the issue, when you could argue that there's been just as much if not more good stuff in this arc.
Tower of God
I forgot all about Rak's sworn enemy being that giant monster. I also like Khun's sworn enemy being so pragmatic. I don't know how I feel about each person fighting their friend's sworn enemy rather than their own. Usually beating your own enemy leads to some type of personal growth, but I'm interested to see where this goes. Either way it seems Khun is growing. SIU mentioned that this training is supposed to help Khun and Rak move up a bit to be closer to Androssi, Baam, and Sachi's level. Khun mentions that he wanted a power that was more "me" but while he's so confident it seems like he's discovering more of who he actually is. At the same time I think he'll eventually be able to make the ice spear or ice powers in general more him. It'll be interesting to see him fuse light bearing and spear bearing. Same with Rak if he can figure out how to fuse defending and spear bearing, but that seems like a simple task, but his pride might make it difficult.

Looking forward to seeing more personal growth from the characters, but I think SIU will focus on the battle more. I feel like SIU has focused more on fights than character growth and interactions due to a need to keep his ranking up. I say this because of how the story dynamics have changed over time, with a lot of the specialties of battle due to team positions seeming to have fallen away for bigger battles and powers.
Just saw the last episode of A Place Further Than The Universe. Holy crap, I was not prepared for that ending. I knew it wasn't going to be a happy one, but dayum. I shed a tear with her. I cannot inagine how that must feel. :frown:
Anyone been keeping up with Boruto? How is it? I've stopped once they went to the water village. I like taking long breaks so I can watch a lot at once.
Just saw the last episode of A Place Further Than The Universe. Holy crap, I was not prepared for that ending. I knew it wasn't going to be a happy one, but dayum. I shed a tear with her. I cannot inagine how that must feel. :frown:
Yeah I wasn’t ready for that ending either.
But there’s still chance for a happy ending right ? :frown: There’s one more episode left.
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