The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

Tower of God:
How are they gonna limit the spread of the news of the war? Looks like they might try to send people in to handle all 3 options. I was wondering if the administrators protections on regulars would still stand with Jahad's order. Looks like they will, plus they'd probably send in either some princesses still regulars to handle it or some stronger regulars they identified for "Red" underestimating the train situation. Plus they don't know about Yuri and Karaka are on the train.

Wangnan's sword looks to be the same material as the horns on the back of his head, the ones that came out the mirror and killed Yellow, and the ones Jahad used. The sword appears to have teleportation powers.

This dude Karaka has not come across as a real threat at all. Kinda hoping SIU either shows some other slayers or does something to boost Karaka as a threat. I know SIU said he's young and still rising in the tower ranks, but still.

Love seeing Rachel's plans fail. I feel like Baam will go after her for Khun, maybe then he'll get the bracelet too. Although if she's gonna stay in the story she'll need to stay relevant with a power up or items or something. And I just remembered she also has Wangnan's ring. Khun definitely isn't dead though.

Ha Jinsung vs. Manschenny should be good. 2 rankers in the top 100 and will be able to go all out. I'm looking forward to it.

Finally a chapter without Heki.
I wonder what Yotwana is having the old man do? Probably something that will turn around the situation like using the tunnels SSJ used earlier or something. While I don't want to spend too much time on Heki chapters he either needs to die or finally do something. Dude has been a negative the whole arc. I could see old man Enpo leading people to free the families to lessen the armies motivation. That'd probably allow the Feego king to join Yotwana's battle field. I'm interested to see how Hara progresses these battles.
The author of Food wars is doing a one shot called Shokugeki no Sanji for the One Piece 21st anniversary
The author of Food wars is doing a one shot called Shokugeki no Sanji for the One Piece 21st anniversary
Hmm, this begs an interesting question. Who would win in a shokugeki between Yukihira and Sanji? They would both be on equal grounds in terms of planning, prep, and ingredient access. Hell, if you want you can throw Toriko into the mix as well for a 3 way battle. :lol:
Hmm, this begs an interesting question. Who would win in a shokugeki between Yukihira and Sanji? They would both be on equal grounds in terms of planning, prep, and ingredient access. Hell, if you want you can throw Toriko into the mix as well for a 3 way battle. :lol:

It should be Sanji, no question. Sanji is a professional chef with years of experience on Soma and is also considered a genuou from how the series portrays his cooking. Soma is great, but he's still learning and developing his style. That's how I see it.
Jus got back from the theater premiering AOT Season 3 episode 1 and I gotta say....


They jump right into the Humans vs Humans arc but they keep it interesting so I’m curious how all this will play out.

But Kenny’s introduction.....MANNNNNN that dude is a savage!

Can’t wait for more
One Piece

That girl made mochi or something to take control of that baboon? That can be quite handy.
And dropping the A-bomb this late in the series always gets my attention. :lol:
One Piece
I like that Oda's decided to dive right in and not go for a slow build up. It makes sense since we know the big players of the arc already anyway. Also, Oda is good at writing girl kids and making them likeable characters Tama this chapter, Aisa in Skypeia, Chimney in Enies Lobby, Rika in Shells town, etc. but seems to suck at boy kids or maybe its only momonosuke.

The face Sunny makes when Luffy tells it he plans to abandon to escape is great. I wonder what the deal is with the octopus. I was thinking we'd get Momotaro with Momonosuke being Momotaro, Luffy being the Monkey, Marco being the pheasant, and Dogstorm being the dog. But it looks like we might get a different spin with actual animals now and Tama taking the momotaro role. She also seems to be loyal to Momo's clan, so things will probably collide there.

Do Tama's sweets only work on animals? She can't eat them herself or give them to Luffy?

Luffy with a nice display of his new observation haki. Before the gifter can even shoot Luffy is already whipping his arm at him from a great distance, then hits the lizard to make the other guy's gun explode. I actually really liked how Luffy acted this chapter all around.

Hopefully we see some strong kunoichi this arc. I also wonder what themes oda is going to dive into this arc? The issues of imperialism maybe or maybe something to do with the environment. I didn't expect Kaido to have his weapons factories on Wano. I figured he'd have them on other islands he controlled.

Ace probably learned how to make the bamboo hat he gave Oarz Jr. from Tama. It's crazy that Wano is so isolated they don't even get news of things like Ace's death, which means they also don't know Luffy is Ace's brother. I wonder how that conversation goes

My boy Hawkins back. Looks like an arc with at least 7 supernovas. I wonder how high up headliner is and if he was under Kaido before the Kidd thing or after Kaido fell from the sky. I feel like he used his fortune telling to predict the Strawhats arrival and is looking to find a beneficial situation, which is why he tells the gifters not to tell Kaido for that reason. Now that I think of it Sheepshead was a headliner as well. So we have Pleasures, Gifters, Headliners, and Calamities.

Only thing I hope is that Oda doesn't go too far off the rails, keeps the writing tight, and reunites the crew soon
Shoukegi no Soma chapter was trash. Author is trying to hard now. So many better ways the story could go based on established characters, plotlines, and things that make sense, but instead we go this direction. I wasn't a fan of the resolution to the end of the last arc, but could live with it cause it was interesting and lead to some nice possibilities and then we get this.
Shoukegi no Soma chapter was trash. Author is trying to hard now. So many better ways the story could go based on established characters, plotlines, and things that make sense, but instead we go this direction. I wasn't a fan of the resolution to the end of the last arc, but could live with it cause it was interesting and lead to some nice possibilities and then we get this.
The new chapter has me more curious than anything.
I'm less curious in the story now and more wondering why the author thought this was a good idea at all.
I don't think he actually has another son. I feel like it's a protoge that was like a son to him, but got in with a wrong crowd.
If it actually turns out to be his biological son, first of all :lol: , second of all, they better not stop at one if they are gonna go down this path. I want a whole bunch of kids he sired with other women before Yukihira's mom tamed Ashura. :lol:

The one thing that really has me bothered because of this chapter is now that Joichiro has lost to "Saiba", Yukihira is more than likely gonna a have to face him to get revenge for his father. If they do go head to head and Yukihira wins, won't that mean he's better than his father? Won't that render Yukihira's whole reason for becoming a better chef into a moot point? IDK, that's the only major gripe I have right now.
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