The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三

I turn on netflix and there’s a new fate series. I was kinda confused since they had a new one months ago. I still gotta finish it. The new series looks like it doesn’t have that trash shirou (one of the worst anime characters ever) so that’s good.

That was the one a few months ago. There’s a new series I saw put up today. fate extra lost encore, such a dumb title.
One Piece
Is this Minatomo's first appearance in the manga? I know Oda made him up way back in volume 5 to explain a mistake he made drawing.

What's Oda's plan for this cover story? Orlumbus' story has been twice the length of the other grand fleet members, which leads me to believe as the last one, it's supposed to be leading to something larger.

Doesn't look like Marco will join the wano group, unless there's some sudden change. The additional backstory on whitebeard was nice. It looks like this heavenly tribute and poor countries is going to be a big point moving forward as it's now been mentioned a few times. Twice in the past 10 chapters.

The shift to wano was unexpected. If we do in fact stay in wano going forward, it may mean Wano will take place over the course of 7 days, and will end with the end of the reverie or right before, allowing the post arc to go back to the reverie.

More mentions of piracy from 40 years ago. I wonder if Brook could shed some light eventually. I wonder if Whitebeard was in this Rox crew too or if he was in a separate crew. We know players from 40 years ago include, Whitebeard, Bakkin, LinLin, Kaido, Shakky. I guess all of this will converge sooner rather than later.

Wano off to a strong start, I wonder if Oda will be able to keep up this level of art throughout. I hope we get some great Robin moments, since it looks like she's trying to position herself to infiltrate the Shogun. We already know we're getting tons of great Zoro moments. It makes Sanji look awful honestly. I like how Oda has Wano open like it was the opening sequence of a Japanese play. We know Kaido is in a winter area of wano, probably north wano or in the mountains, while the straw hats appear to be in a spring region of wano. I wouldn't be surprise if Wano is an island broken into areas with 4 distinct season because for some reason some Japanese people used to and may still pride themselves on being a country with 4 seasons. It's weird.

Law appears to be absent or Oda didn't show him this chapter, but he wasn't there for Kinemon's education session. Maybe he's just handing on his submarine or is still on Zou. We knew Ryuma's sword was going to get Zoro in trouble, but it look like it's kicking off the trouble and will accelerate the meeting with Kaido, though it'd be interesting if he sent one of the calamities or X Drake to deal with things. We'll probably also see Caribou this arc now that I think about it.
Animation and action of Apocrypha was A1.

The story completely dropped the second half though. It was hard to get through it. I pretty much skipped till the last couple of episodes.
Tower of God:

That ending is crazy. The question is will rankers be able to come after Baam? I'd say no, because the guardians wouldn't allow it, but who knows if a Jahad decree changes that. Question is do all the people executing the order have to be in agreement or do they do their own thing until one's done. I wouldn't be surprised if executing one created a domino effect. For example, let's say you go to kill everyone on the hell train, which would appear to be the easiest option, you then piss off FUG for going after Karaka, Baam, and White if he still counts and potentially Rachel, but I doubt they care about her. You also have Gustang come in, who is the head of the Po Bidua family Jahad wants eliminated. They're all tied together.

SIU says that the bracelet is going to drive a lot of plot points. I really like Hockney as character. I hope he stays around. Baam will find out about Khun soon and hopefully prince and arkraptor. I wonder if he'll finally decide to kill Rachel.
Animation and action of Apocrypha was A1.

The story completely dropped the second half though. It was hard to get through it. I pretty much skipped till the last couple of episodes.

i agree the animation itself is great. but it always is for the FATE series. however.... the sound was a chore with that ultra distorted stuff they pulled. it was really offputting imo. story was complete poop tho. they tried something different i get it, but i feel like the story was just a big cluster****.

i definitely missed the zero and stay night stories compared to this. not to mention the incredibly lame heroes in this one like shakespeare.

but speaking of good animation, i would LOVE a new K-Project season, or a new sword art online season.
Yo akame ga kill is a dope anime. I’m only on episode 4 but it really has my attention.

One of my favorites. I remember people hated on it though because it wasn’t accurate to the manga or said the manga was way better.
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One of my favorites. I remember people hated on it though because it wasn’t accurate to the manga or said the manga was way better.
Really well that sucks. What do you like better the anime or the manga? Also what is there to watch after season 1 or is it only one season and then it’s over?
Really well that sucks. What do you like better the anime or the manga? Also what is there to watch after season 1 or is it only one season and then it’s over?

I never read the manga. I think there’s only one season. The story ends and leaves you wanting more.

General Esdeath cosplayers are appreciated.
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One of my favorites. I remember people hated on it though because it wasn’t accurate to the manga or said the manga was way better.

Really well that sucks. What do you like better the anime or the manga? Also what is there to watch after season 1 or is it only one season and then it’s over?
I thonk shogun, 2 sappy and I were the only ones riding for AGK

I read the manga. Theyre similar but deaths are in a different order and a bit more raw. Esdeath is by far my favorite female antagonist of all time
I need to re-watch it all, I don’t remember much. I read that there’s a spinoff of the manga, hopefully they’ll make an anime spinoff too.
I thonk shogun, 2 sappy and I were the only ones riding for AGK

I read the manga. Theyre similar but deaths are in a different order and a bit more raw. Esdeath is by far my favorite female antagonist of all time
The manga is far better IMO, and the series had a pretty bittersweet ending. And indeed Esdeath is one of my favorite antagonists ever. It's always been a personal thing of mine to see Esdeath go up against Armstrong's sister from FMAB. The two ice Queens going head to head. :lol: :pimp:
I want to start reading opm manga for the first time, but I'm just interested in starting from the chapter that picks up from where the end of season 1 anime left off. What chapter is that?

Never mind... Found it. Chapter 38!
I don't recognize you're part of this group until u read or watch one piece
Yo I started one piece and it is cool. It just seems to stretch out the fights a lot longer than what I’m used to. Would you say at what point does it get really good? Can I skip certain arcs/ fillers or is it best to watch the entire series? I am only on the episode where they just got their navigator the girl so I’m like legit just starting :smh: :lol: .

Also I gotta say Akame Ga Kill is a dope *** anime and I forgot who said to check it out but I thank you guys. I’m still halfway but it’s really good.
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