The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三


Maybe I misunderstood the original posts, but my analogies were to suppport the existence of alternate planes in the Naruto universe. One of them was pulling Karamo out of Naruto with his bare hands, it’s not far fetched that he could physically go to that realm is it?
Yes. The eye in the hand looks like the Rinnegan. To wherever the beast lives
The beast lives inside of Naruto. The whole 9 tails is in there and parts of the other 8 too after what happens in the war.
You can see inside of Naruto with the sharingan, Sasuke did it to meet the 9 tails, but you cant physically travel there to get Kurama.
You have to pull him out. You have to do it for all the tailed beasts inside of a jinchuuriki. If they're not inside then you can just find them in the real world.
Based Jesus Based Jesus

Thats just it, I don’t remember anyone encountering the beasts in a natural habit. If that was true the Akatsuki wouldn’t have needed to attack the Jinchuriki to create the ten tails. Sasuke meeting the nine tails implies that you need some type of Sharingan to get to their plane. In theory, Danzo could’ve done that too with the eyes on his arms if one was strong enough
The jinchuuriki arent a portal, they're a container.
You capture a beast and seal it inside, and that's where it lives, inside of its jinchuuriki.
That's why akatsuki needed to attack them, to pull the beasts out of their bodies.

If it's inside of no one it's literally just chilling in the woods or a lake or some ****.
The 3 tails was living in a lake when akatsuki captured it because it had no jinchuuriki at the time.
The 5 tails said it would go back to the woods after the war. 4 tails says it's gonna go back to living in a cave.
Wasn’t saying they were a portal. I was saying the beasts live intertwined in Chakra within the Jinchuriki. And it takes the Sharingan to get to the Chakra plane. Good point about the “free beasts”. Thanks for the reminder
Tower of God
I wanted to see a real high ranker fight, but I guess we won't see it with Maschenny and Ha Jinsung. Maybe we will with Yu Hansung and the RED member. I wonder what Maschenny is up to and why she's willing to betray Jahard. This dude is losing his grip a bit on his kingdom.

If Rachel embraced that she was a scumbag and actually put effort into climbing the tower I'd like her probably. But what makes her unlikeable isn't that she's evil or corrupt or whatever it's that she refuses to try to get stronger and improve and she has this crazy victim complex. She's allowed to take revenge against Khun, but now Baam wants revenge and it's a problem? Baam opens the tower doors for you so you can live your dream, but it's still an issue? She's insufferable because she's given so much she hasn't earned but doesn't put effort into anything or at least embrace who she has to be to climb.

There's not a ton to go over I don't think.

SIU's blog post for this chapter was interesting. (See it below)

"Anyway, this episode was about Baam who is better at showing anger than expected.. and the man in danger, Hansung..

Personally, I think Baam is a character who went through a lot of changes compared to the past

Depending on how you look at it, he might as well be one of the characters who goes through the most development? I think.

Previously he felt like he was defendant on Rachel, but now that is no longer the case

And it seems like he is finding a reason to fight, and a reason to climb the Tower.


In contrast to him, Rachel is more of a stagnant character.

Rather than trying to improve her strength, she was disheartened by her circumstances and tried to exploit her surroundings..

Also, somehow, she is currently more possessed by the obsession to climb the tower than by the reason why she climbs the tower..

I think those kind of things are widening the gap between Baam and her.

However, I do not think these are just Rachel’s problems,

I think if an ordinary person were to be placed in an extreme competition, anyone can surely act like Rachel.

Regardless of how the story progresses, the opposition, or the contrast between Baam and Rachel would be the core of Tower of God’s main story.

In my case, in a situation where the competition was fierce, I was the one who intentionally did not try my best, to comfort myself into thinking “I was just hiding my power.”

That’s right. I am actually hiding 50% of my power when doing manuscript..

...which would’ve been nice. I live a hard life doing as best as I can each day (bow bow)"
One Piece

You gotta love the comedic duo of Luffy and Zoro. And of course Zoro is gonna recognize a legendary sword right away. :lol:
Some came to mind after the chapter. Hawkins's tarot card power can't kill Kaido right? I mean, I guess he might have tried that but still.
One Piece
I guess Oda is setting up something big with this cover story since he's kept it going so long.

I hope now that they're done fighting Luffy let's Zoro check out the sword. Looks like Luffy was able to cut someone with it inadvertently. I hope for a bit longer it stay Luffy and Zoro.

I've alway really liked Hawkins powers. I doubt he's using his personal crew as dolls, so it's probably a mix of Kaido's men, possibly pleasures since they actually like pain, and the shogun's men. Looks like Hawkins leveled up his power some with the Scarecrow stand. Also looks like there may be a hint on how Luffy beats Kaido with Hawkins mentioning the card that lets people go past their limits. I wonder how the card aspect works

I don't think Hawkins is too loyal to Kaido. Seems like he's biding his time and waiting for an opportunity. I don't want to see all the Supernova's team up with Luffy permanently as I'd like some real rivals, especially as they move to this new era run by the worst generation, but temporary tag teams are cool. But we'll see, cause Hawkins is very serious and may not mesh well, but we'll see.

Glad the Tama sickness won't be dragged out too long. The arc is moving at a good pace for now.

I've been really enjoying Dr. Stone. It's fun. Souma feels like it's gonna continue to disappoint unfortunately, cause it's one of my favorites.
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One Piece
I guess Oda is setting up something big with this cover story since he's kept it going so long.

I hope now that they're done fighting Luffy let's Zoro check out the sword. Looks like Luffy was able to cut someone with it inadvertently. I hope for a bit longer it stay Luffy and Zoro.

I've alway really liked Hawkins powers. I doubt he's using his personal crew as dolls, so it's probably a mix of Kaido's men, possibly pleasures since they actually like pain, and the shogun's men. Looks like Hawkins leveled up his power some with the Scarecrow stand. Also looks like there may be a hint on how Luffy beats Kaido with Hawkins mentioning the card that lets people go past their limits. I wonder how the card aspect works

I don't think Hawkins is too loyal to Kaido. Seems like he's biding his time and waiting for an opportunity. I don't want to see all the Supernova's team up with Luffy permanently as I'd like some real rivals, especially as they move to this new era run by the worst generation, but temporary tag teams are cool. But we'll see, cause Hawkins is very serious and may not mesh well, but we'll see.

Glad the Tama sickness won't be dragged out too long. The arc is moving at a good pace for now.

I've been really enjoying Dr. Stone. It's fun. Souma feels like it's gonna continue to disappoint unfortunately, cause it's one of my favorites.
I love Dr. Stone.
Senku is a goddamn freak. :lol:
The whole cast is great in general.
To go from the iron age to making a tank is nuts though. :lol:

As for SnS, I'm holding out hope that it will bounce back. I was expecting a lull after the action packed Regiment de Cuisine, but all this unexpected plot is not really doin much for me. I appreciate the most recent Sorina developments though. :lol:
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