The Official Anime & Manga Thread Vol: 三


I can’t wait till October bruhs :pimp:
Mutafukaz (MFKZ) In-state in October.

I've never heard of this or read the comic. The focus on "gang culture" in the US gives me slight pause given the creator is a middle-aged Caucasian French guy. The story could still be good but it always gives me pause when a film that will obviously show a lot of "us" doesn't have one of us in a lead creative role.
I know most people in here don't watch Lupin III but this season has been one of my favorite pieces of Lupin media to date. The most recent episode and the one before (22-23) are fantastic imo.
seeing Lupin and Goemon fight right before they were captured was great. Inspector Zenigata saying that all he ever wanted was for Lupin to serve his time so he can have a drink with him and be friends when he got out got to me more than I thought it would. :lol:

And my favorite part, after Jigen straight up murdered an entire police convoy to save them and the heart to heart they trio shared afterwards, was that Lupin and the gang went into hiding at Castle Cagliostro, where their journey first began so many years ago. It was so cool seeing that nod to Studio Ghibli and showing that the movies and the shows are connected. :pimp: one thing that has me a bit nervous though is the title of the last episode of the season, Lupin forever. The title feels very finite, like the series is done after it. :lol:
I've never heard of this or read the comic. The focus on "gang culture" in the US gives me slight pause given the creator is a middle-aged Caucasian French guy. The story could still be good but it always gives me pause when a film that will obviously show a lot of "us" doesn't have one of us in a lead creative role.

Yeah, I had it rated R from the get go. Interperetation is an important factor.
New One Piece is out

Luffy handling business like he do. :pimp:
And Speed looks like she's gonna live up to her name trying to get that food back. :lol:
Is law gonna try to recruit Hawkins to their side? Cuz that would be cool.
One Piece

Ok first and foremost the chapter is ok.

I’m getting tired of this luffy wank every chapter...pre Timeskip it felt like every crew member got dope feats and ****** are just chilling while luffy fodderizes everyone. Not feeling that

Second, why hype up holdem like that just to make him a bum? I don’t understand...this is supposed to be wano? The ruthless country that the marines won’t even go to? Oda is failing to substantiate all this hype he put into this arc.

Why did speed just let zoro take the food ??? I’m loving her design but it seems she will be just another weak character.

The whole law and Hawkins panel doesn’t even hype me at all. Because we know Oda not showing ****. Hawkins won’t be defeated by law so what’s the point??? Why make it seem like they will fight? Watch they will either see luffy and them or end up talking it out or some ****.

Starting to get annoying that after 20 years he’s still doing the same hype tricks. Earlier in the story they are ok because you feel like you’ll actually get payoff later but now the **** just isn’t panning out.
One Piece

Ok first and foremost the chapter is ok.

I’m getting tired of this luffy wank every chapter...pre Timeskip it felt like every crew member got dope feats and *****s are just chilling while luffy fodderizes everyone. Not feeling that

Second, why hype up holdem like that just to make him a bum? I don’t understand...this is supposed to be wano? The ruthless country that the marines won’t even go to? Oda is failing to substantiate all this hype he put into this arc.

Why did speed just let zoro take the food ??? I’m loving her design but it seems she will be just another weak character.

The whole law and Hawkins panel doesn’t even hype me at all. Because we know Oda not showing ****. Hawkins won’t be defeated by law so what’s the point??? Why make it seem like they will fight? Watch they will either see luffy and them or end up talking it out or some ****.

Starting to get annoying that after 20 years he’s still doing the same hype tricks. Earlier in the story they are ok because you feel like you’ll actually get payoff later but now the **** just isn’t panning out.

I like how Luffy is being portrayed. He needs to be able to easily take out these "hyped" characters in order to gear up the calamities and/or Kaido and make it seem realistic. That's why Holdem gets hyped to show that even in Wano, a powerful country, Luffy and Zoro are still in the top tiers of the world and a normal threat isn't a threat to them. With Luffy it's just showing how much he's progressed from the Katakuri fight, with Zoro it should be showing he can take out Jack or Queen or King or whoever.

I do want Oda to balance it out more with Zoro, Sanji, and the other members. He did show Zoro being extremely fast this chapter and basically showed earlier Zoro can go toe to toe with Hawkins, but yeah Oda needs to spread the love, but we all know he loves Zoro. Speed didn't just let Zoro take the food. Zoro and Luffy both moved at the same time and it was so quickly Holdem and Speed couldn't see them. Zoro got to the food and sliced Speed's men. Speed didn't realize it happened until it was done. Now Speed will probably chase Zoro and Zoro will probably easily take her out if Kiku doesn't do it first.

Do people expect Law and Hawkins to get into a real fight 8 chapters into the arc? I think they may clash a bit, but both aren't working with the full picture of what's going on, so I think it can lead to interesting developments even without a full fight. Hawkins behavior has been odd the entire time he's been shown, where he is trying to stop the spread of info about Luffy from getting back to Kaido as well. He's calling people telling them not to fight Luffy, he told people not to report the strawhat ship, etc. I think he's looking for some opportunity.

Glad that it's been settled that Jack is back in Wano. He also is probably the lowest of the calamities if I had to guess. Also, it looks like Wano is broken into regions, so what if Jack is really the weakest of the calamities, similar to Cracker vs Smoothie and Katakuri. Since Jack is over Kuri, would that make Kuri the weakest region as well? Just some things to consider.

Best yeah the arc has been more fun rather than hype or intense which you may expect from Wano, but it seems like Oda has a clear direction on where he want to take things, so I feel less worried about him delivering for now at least. Hopefully he doesn't go on a tangent somewhere by trying to introduce a bunch of Wano locals, when we should have most of the major players just coming from other arcs.

New One Piece is out

Luffy handling business like he do. :pimp:
And Speed looks like she's gonna live up to her name trying to get that food back. :lol:
Is law gonna try to recruit Hawkins to their side? Cuz that would be cool.

Really like how Luffy is being portrayed against these headliners. Just need Oda to extend it to Zoro and Sanji as well. I'm interested in the Law / Hawkins stuff. I'm back and forth on the team ups, if the only standout headliners are gonna be the supernovas on Kaido's side.
I like how Luffy is being portrayed. He needs to be able to easily take out these "hyped" characters in order to gear up the calamities and/or Kaido and make it seem realistic. That's why Holdem gets hyped to show that even in Wano, a powerful country, Luffy and Zoro are still in the top tiers of the world and a normal threat isn't a threat to them. With Luffy it's just showing how much he's progressed from the Katakuri fight, with Zoro it should be showing he can take out Jack or Queen or King or whoever.

I do want Oda to balance it out more with Zoro, Sanji, and the other members. He did show Zoro being extremely fast this chapter and basically showed earlier Zoro can go toe to toe with Hawkins, but yeah Oda needs to spread the love, but we all know he loves Zoro. Speed didn't just let Zoro take the food. Zoro and Luffy both moved at the same time and it was so quickly Holdem and Speed couldn't see them. Zoro got to the food and sliced Speed's men. Speed didn't realize it happened until it was done. Now Speed will probably chase Zoro and Zoro will probably easily take her out if Kiku doesn't do it first.

Do people expect Law and Hawkins to get into a real fight 8 chapters into the arc? I think they may clash a bit, but both aren't working with the full picture of what's going on, so I think it can lead to interesting developments even without a full fight. Hawkins behavior has been odd the entire time he's been shown, where he is trying to stop the spread of info about Luffy from getting back to Kaido as well. He's calling people telling them not to fight Luffy, he told people not to report the strawhat ship, etc. I think he's looking for some opportunity.

Glad that it's been settled that Jack is back in Wano. He also is probably the lowest of the calamities if I had to guess. Also, it looks like Wano is broken into regions, so what if Jack is really the weakest of the calamities, similar to Cracker vs Smoothie and Katakuri. Since Jack is over Kuri, would that make Kuri the weakest region as well? Just some things to consider.

Best yeah the arc has been more fun rather than hype or intense which you may expect from Wano, but it seems like Oda has a clear direction on where he want to take things, so I feel less worried about him delivering for now at least. Hopefully he doesn't go on a tangent somewhere by trying to introduce a bunch of Wano locals, when we should have most of the major players just coming from other arcs.

Really like how Luffy is being portrayed against these headliners. Just need Oda to extend it to Zoro and Sanji as well. I'm interested in the Law / Hawkins stuff. I'm back and forth on the team ups, if the only standout headliners are gonna be the supernovas on Kaido's side.
I like how Luffy is being portrayed. He needs to be able to easily take out these "hyped" characters in order to gear up the calamities and/or Kaido and make it seem realistic. That's why Holdem gets hyped to show that even in Wano, a powerful country, Luffy and Zoro are still in the top tiers of the world and a normal threat isn't a threat to them. With Luffy it's just showing how much he's progressed from the Katakuri fight, with Zoro it should be showing he can take out Jack or Queen or King or whoever.

I see what you’re saying. But we didn’t even get a chance to see holdem’s power at all. It’s just a little disappointing that Wano is being ran by dysfunctional characters. It seems this will be a repeat of big moms territory where most of the characters are dumb and there is one (or 3) big bad strong guys who hold it all together. (ie Katakuri). I’m hoping it won’t though. Even now I’m doubtful on the zoro x calamity fight we rightfully deserve :lol: I’m thinking the shogun won’t even be strong, and Oda will try to switch things up as usual to keep people guessing instead of just giving us what we all want. Probably won’t even have zoro fight a calamity. Who knows. Hope I’m wrong.

I do want Oda to balance it out more with Zoro, Sanji, and the other members. He did show Zoro being extremely fast this chapter and basically showed earlier Zoro can go toe to toe with Hawkins, but yeah Oda needs to spread the love, but we all know he loves Zoro. Speed didn't just let Zoro take the food. Zoro and Luffy both moved at the same time and it was so quickly Holdem and Speed couldn't see them. Zoro got to the food and sliced Speed's men. Speed didn't realize it happened until it was done. Now Speed will probably chase Zoro and Zoro will probably easily take her out if Kiku doesn't do it first.

I agree. The Hawkins vs zoro chapters were dope but I feel zoro was kinda handicapped riding on the back of that dog + shielding luffy and tama from the nails. Why have luffy and zoro run from Hawkins (to “avoid” confrontations) only to have them rush into town and make a bigger confrontation lol. I just don’t get it. He could have had zoro stay back and luffy go on ahead, after seeing how weak everyone is in bakura town luffy coulda did all that by himself.

Also what is going on with kiku? Is she strong or not? I’m not understanding where he’s going with that. Like when tama was taken she grabbed her sword and was like **** it I’m ready to throw down..(KNOWING guys like holdem will be there)...then she cuts off urashima top knot (KNOWING it was cause commotion and possibly bring guys like holdem out) but then when holdem gets there she seems scared?? :lol: I just don’t get it. She’s a super cool character already and I hope he does her justice, seriously.

Do people expect Law and Hawkins to get into a real fight 8 chapters into the arc? I think they may clash a bit, but both aren't working with the full picture of what's going on, so I think it can lead to interesting developments even without a full fight. Hawkins behavior has been odd the entire time he's been shown, where he is trying to stop the spread of info about Luffy from getting back to Kaido as well. He's calling people telling them not to fight Luffy, he told people not to report the strawhat ship, etc. I think he's looking for some opportunity.

I mean you’re right I don’t expect it. So why go out of your way to write it to where Law says “man I gotta take this guy out” LOL we all know damn well that ain’t happening. Even if he was capable, we know Oda not showing that.

I agree on Hawkins behavior being weird. Dude wasn’t worried at all when he was in front of luffy and zoro and now all of a sudden he’s swearing bullets lol

Glad that it's been settled that Jack is back in Wano. He also is probably the lowest of the calamities if I had to guess. Also, it looks like Wano is broken into regions, so what if Jack is really the weakest of the calamities, similar to Cracker vs Smoothie and Katakuri. Since Jack is over Kuri, would that make Kuri the weakest region as well? Just some things to consider.

This is definitely possible. Whole thing is still a mystery. Jack is ******* fierce though lol that would be crazy hype if he was only the third or fourth. strongest

Best yeah the arc has been more fun rather than hype or intense which you may expect from Wano, but it seems like Oda has a clear direction on where he want to take things, so I feel less worried about him delivering for now at least. Hopefully he doesn't go on a tangent somewhere by trying to introduce a bunch of Wano locals, when we should have most of the major players just coming from other arcs.

It looks like for sure we’re gonna get some of that wano local stuff with this “shutenmaru” guy. Could be really cool or end up an ugly character like raizo lol. I just gotta trust in Oda. It’s hard after whole cake though :ohwell:
I like how Luffy is being portrayed. He needs to be able to easily take out these "hyped" characters in order to gear up the calamities and/or Kaido and make it seem realistic. That's why Holdem gets hyped to show that even in Wano, a powerful country, Luffy and Zoro are still in the top tiers of the world and a normal threat isn't a threat to them. With Luffy it's just showing how much he's progressed from the Katakuri fight, with Zoro it should be showing he can take out Jack or Queen or King or whoever.

I see what you’re saying. But we didn’t even get a chance to see holdem’s power at all. It’s just a little disappointing that Wano is being ran by dysfunctional characters. It seems this will be a repeat of big moms territory where most of the characters are dumb and there is one (or 3) big bad strong guys who hold it all together. (ie Katakuri). I’m hoping it won’t though. Even now I’m doubtful on the zoro x calamity fight we rightfully deserve :lol: I’m thinking the shogun won’t even be strong, and Oda will try to switch things up as usual to keep people guessing instead of just giving us what we all want. Probably won’t even have zoro fight a calamity. Who knows. Hope I’m wrong.

I do want Oda to balance it out more with Zoro, Sanji, and the other members. He did show Zoro being extremely fast this chapter and basically showed earlier Zoro can go toe to toe with Hawkins, but yeah Oda needs to spread the love, but we all know he loves Zoro. Speed didn't just let Zoro take the food. Zoro and Luffy both moved at the same time and it was so quickly Holdem and Speed couldn't see them. Zoro got to the food and sliced Speed's men. Speed didn't realize it happened until it was done. Now Speed will probably chase Zoro and Zoro will probably easily take her out if Kiku doesn't do it first.

I agree. The Hawkins vs zoro chapters were dope but I feel zoro was kinda handicapped riding on the back of that dog + shielding luffy and tama from the nails. Why have luffy and zoro run from Hawkins (to “avoid” confrontations) only to have them rush into town and make a bigger confrontation lol. I just don’t get it. He could have had zoro stay back and luffy go on ahead, after seeing how weak everyone is in bakura town luffy coulda did all that by himself.

Also what is going on with kiku? Is she strong or not? I’m not understanding where he’s going with that. Like when tama was taken she grabbed her sword and was like **** it I’m ready to throw down..(KNOWING guys like holdem will be there)...then she cuts off urashima top knot (KNOWING it was cause commotion and possibly bring guys like holdem out) but then when holdem gets there she seems scared?? :lol: I just don’t get it. She’s a super cool character already and I hope he does her justice, seriously.

Do people expect Law and Hawkins to get into a real fight 8 chapters into the arc? I think they may clash a bit, but both aren't working with the full picture of what's going on, so I think it can lead to interesting developments even without a full fight. Hawkins behavior has been odd the entire time he's been shown, where he is trying to stop the spread of info about Luffy from getting back to Kaido as well. He's calling people telling them not to fight Luffy, he told people not to report the strawhat ship, etc. I think he's looking for some opportunity.

I mean you’re right I don’t expect it. So why go out of your way to write it to where Law says “man I gotta take this guy out” LOL we all know damn well that ain’t happening. Even if he was capable, we know Oda not showing that.

I agree on Hawkins behavior being weird. Dude wasn’t worried at all when he was in front of luffy and zoro and now all of a sudden he’s swearing bullets lol

Glad that it's been settled that Jack is back in Wano. He also is probably the lowest of the calamities if I had to guess. Also, it looks like Wano is broken into regions, so what if Jack is really the weakest of the calamities, similar to Cracker vs Smoothie and Katakuri. Since Jack is over Kuri, would that make Kuri the weakest region as well? Just some things to consider.

This is definitely possible. Whole thing is still a mystery. Jack is ****ing fierce though lol that would be crazy hype if he was only the third or fourth. strongest

Best yeah the arc has been more fun rather than hype or intense which you may expect from Wano, but it seems like Oda has a clear direction on where he want to take things, so I feel less worried about him delivering for now at least. Hopefully he doesn't go on a tangent somewhere by trying to introduce a bunch of Wano locals, when we should have most of the major players just coming from other arcs.

It looks like for sure we’re gonna get some of that wano local stuff with this “shutenmaru” guy. Could be really cool or end up an ugly character like raizo lol. I just gotta trust in Oda. It’s hard after whole cake though :ohwell:

Interesting that you didn't like whole cake. I thought Oda rebounded really well with Whole Cake after Dressrosa, which I felt like had great components, but failed to come together as a whole.

I think Oda has always struggled making menacing mooks and guys that aren't top tier in a crew, just having them fall back on their bosses reputation if they're not going to be a main fight for someone in the arc. I can't see Oda not giving us a big Zoro fight, the question is will it be a fight that pushes Zoro to the edge like we've been waiting for and will it be a calamity or the shogun. I have no idea what Oda will even do with Sanji anymore though.

For the Hawkins vs Zoro and Luffy chapter the dog actually grabbed them and started prodding them to get moving right, cause Tama was getting worse?

Kiku is actually strong which Luffy and Zoro know and why they refuse to help her. In the last chapter in the official translation Zoro tells her "Stop playing coy, you don't need my help" or something to that effect. She's just trying to stay low key since it appears she may be connected to this Shutenmaru that I think they said is captured maybe, but is failing at that and doesn't realize she can't go back now. But yeah really hoping Oda doesn't fumble her character like he does with other women.

The Hawkins / Law stuff is just Oda relying on a trick he's used his whole career. If they do battle it out, that'd be exciting. But I won't get my hopes up. Law is just saying he needs to take out Hawkins, so Hawkins can't report to Kaido about him and Luffy since he thinks Hawkins is loyal to Kaido is my guess. But yeah Hawkins has been sweating ever since Luffy hit Bakura town, probably cause of a fortune reading or because some plan he had is getting ruined by Luffy.

Since the Beast pirates seem to be all named after cards or card games it'd make sense that Jack might be lower than the other calamities, but we'll see.
Really happy that Shinso is being given this opportunity and that Eraserhead is developing a relationship with him similar to All Might's and Deku's. It fits well given his initial comments on Shinso's quirk during the Sports Festival, how the UA entrance exams aren't necessarily the best benchmarks to judge someone's ability to be a hero. It didn't occur to me then, but Eraserhead would have failed that initial exam 100% when he was a student, and I think it's obvious to all of us that that would have been a huge mistake. Hopefully Shinso joins Class 1-A so we can see a bit more of him.

Also, Kendo's perspective on being boxed together with Yaoyorozu was interesting. Not the deepest emotional motivation or anything but it's cool that the classes are developing a closeness that has both friendliness and rivalry. Similar to Kirishima and Tetsu Tetsu. I'm glad Horikoshi doesn't try to make these interactions as intense as Bakugou x Midoriya all the time - I'd love to see more a Kakashi vs. Gai dynamic happening even more consistently. On another note, kinda sad how many "natural enemies" Tokoyami has.
Yoooo that movie was so dope!!!!

Rukia at the end got me all in my feels

They gotta be makin a trilogy at least right??
my hero this

if they can keep this up :smh: :smh:

the character

Yeah. Deku and Bakugou let it all out and are now officially rivals. :lol: :pimp:
Bakugou beating himself up and blaming himself for All Might's retirement made me really feel for the guy. That must have been a terrible feeling to have bottled up.

Next episode is gonna set up the next season perfectly. We're gonna get introduced to the best boy and to the best villain. I dislike using this phrase, but next season is gonna be lit. :lol:
Yeah. Deku and Bakugou let it all out and are now officially rivals. :lol: :pimp:
Bakugou beating himself up and blaming himself for All Might's retirement made me really feel for the guy. That must have been a terrible feeling to have bottled up.

Next episode is gonna set up the next season perfectly. We're gonna get introduced to the best boy and to the best villain. I dislike using this phrase, but next season is gonna be lit. :lol:

I watched the last episode and I couldn’t hold back. I had to read like 20 chapters of the manga :lol::lol:
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